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Hoseok's pov:

I sigh as the movie ends and all of the pack is sleeping peacefully on top of one another.I carefully get up and walk to my bathroom."Should I tell them?"I ask myself as I look in my reflection."I should"I say licking my lips...No..then the band will have no manager...our schedules will be misplaced."J-Just..keep it to yourself  Hoseok..it's not like he's gonna rape you..right"I say and wash my face snapping back into my senses.

"Just..don't Let him get close to you"I say to myself and smile at nothing before walking outside to the sleeping boys.My ears twitch as I hear voices from outside the dorm room."Hobi?..what's the time?"Namjoon asks getting up and rubs his eyes."It's..10 Joon"I sneers and his eyes snap open."Oh shit"He says putting his shoes and ruffles his hair before running outside.

"Idiot"I murmur and sit down and out on a kdrama channel...

In the morning...

I sigh shaking, as we practice In front of our manger who's remaining calm at the moments but suddenly smirks at me making me very uncomfortable at the look."Good job boys"He says getting up and gets closer to me, but I quickly walk away drinking water from my bottle."You improved Namjoon"He says smiling at Joon who uncomfortably smiles and frowns at the sudden touch on his lower back.

"As for Hoseok...he's the shining boy right now"He answers smiling at me and I dont return it."Well then boys, enjoy the practice"He says licking his lips at me making me cringe at him and turn away quickly."Hobi!"Jimin screams as he looks at me in worry."What?"I ask drinking water again."What don't you return Hyung's smile?"He asks getting angry a little."Because I don't feel like it"I simply say and hear him sigh.

"Dont be rude to him Hoseok"Jin says looking at the hurt Jimin infront of me."I wasn't  being rude..it's not my fault he's too creepy"I say and close my water bottle and looks at the angry pack infront of me."This is why nobody likes you"Jimin answers tuning away from me."I don't like you either"I say getting angry.

"I never said I like YOU!"He this home screams making me flinch a little."I don't like you TOO!!"I yell and he scoffs."Sluts love everyone"He says and I look at h shocked."What did you just say!?"I ask getting angry at him."I said you're a fucking ugly slut who just wants attention!"He screams and I look at him hurt."You're right..I'm a slut.."I say tuning away from all of them who comfort him instead of me.

I quickly run to my bathroom, with tears in my eyes."You're just a ugly slut!"..his voice echoes in my mind as I sob into my arms."who wants attention...nobody likes you!"...You're right...I am a slut.."Cut.."

Oke..that was sudden...

Anyways have a nice day or night

Take care

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