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(I'm sorry to make y'all sad, its my job 🙏)

Days passed since all that happened, and since then and empty feeling in everyone's heart has been eating the whole, they knew they we're missing the loud laughs and smiles Hoseok gave them, the weird noises he made to make everyone happy and him?

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Days passed since all that happened, and since then and empty feeling in everyone's heart has been eating the whole, they knew they we're missing the loud laughs and smiles Hoseok gave them, the weird noises he made to make everyone happy and him?...he go his own heart broken instead.

"I don't want to be here"

Every one misses him...they knew they were foolish and selfish, thinking that an angel like Hoseok woukd do such a thing...he could never.

Hoseok, whenever they are close to him...he keeps himself away from them like he isn't even there.When they laugh together he cries himself to sleep when they eat he starves himself.

"I hate myself"

That's sentences broke their hearts, the sunshine hated himself and they we're too busy to even spare a look at their broken sunshine, now turned into a gloomy looking darkness.

"Hoseok"Jin calks out the boy and swallows the lump in his throat as he hears a faint 'come in' and opens the door to see Hoeeok lying on the bed with his hands covering his face.

"Hey"Jin says with a smile as Hoseok  sits up without any other word."Did you eat?"Jin asks him and he just blankly stares at Jin."Here, I brought you some chips you like"Jin says handing him the packet and Hoseok sighs taking it.

"Thanks"He mumbles and looks at Jin witha pale and tires face.Jin sighs looking at him and takes in a deep breath."Hoseok"He says and smiles at the boy."Huh?"Hoseok mumbles and Jin clears his throat.

"What do you call a sad cup of coffee?"Jin asks holding in his laugh as Hoseok smiles, a small one but its enough

"What?"Hoseok asks in a small voiceand Jin giggles answering."Depresso"Jin answers laughing on the bed as Hoseok chuckles smiling widely now as Jin laughs, his wind shield laugh making him smile widely.

Soon laughs fill the room and the other frown hearing the voices."I-Is that Hoseok?"Taehyung asks stuttering as they quickly walk towards the room and smile at the sight.

Hoseok was on the verge of tears as Jin kept cracking his jokes, finally their sunshine laughed...


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