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Hoseok's pov:
I sigh and wipe my tears before opening the door with a sniff.

"Y-Yeah?"I ask the person and hear a  'tsk' No use making me look up suddenly."See, he's faking it!"Taehyung says pulling his eyes and I feel a strong ache in my chest."If you're where to hurt him, please go outside"Joon says and everyone leaves all of a sudden and I bury my face in my hands.

"Why Hobi?"He asks tears falling down his cheeks as he looks at me with with teary eyes."Huh?"I exclaim as he hugs me suddenly and sobs into my shoulder making my tears flow out as well."I-I love you so much"Je sobs and I just oat his back as I hug him back lovingly."I-I l-love you too"I say and he finally calms down and wipes his eyes."Don't act like you're okay"He says slapping lightly and I chuckle dryly.

"I cry silent tears Joon..no one ever hears me when I cry my pain out"I say and he sighs sniffling a little."Come on...you haven't eaten yet.."He says and pulls me with jim but I stop him."Y-You go..I have to go to the bathroom"I lie and he nods and leaves the room..

"You made him cry, he hates you now"...no he-he loves me.."Nobody loves you, yOu're just a mistake and nobody loves mistakes"...right..you're a mistake goo..a mistake in my mind.."I'm you're only friend..you're one and only.."...maybe you are.

"Do as I tell you...cut you're veins...die a painful death"...
"Thers no need of you.."
"Kill yourself"
"Do it Hoseok"
"Do it.."

Killing myself will it being pain to others..I hate for what I am..hate for what I have become..hate for loving...the scars on my arm show the reality of my mind...the cuts in my arms show the pain I have everyday..the blank expression shows how happy I am..the pale skin shows how much you care..Will you care when no heartbeat is there?..

I hurt myself every day to show myself how worthless I am..
I starve myself to be pretty...
I don't smile so I can show how sad I am..
I don't love to be rejected..
Everyone I love dies...
Will someone help me?
And with that I cut my wrist open...goodbye..

Taehyung's pov:

"Hey Tae"Jungkook says sitting down on the dining table."hey"I whisper and remember what Hobi once said to me.

"Keep smiling Tae"

Why don't you smile Hobi?..I miss his smile..what am I doing?..he's my Hobi..my first crush..love.

"Where's Hobi?...

Sad shit always gets me...

Anyways remember to keep smiling loves..

Take care

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