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Hoseok cries silently on the bed as he hears laughter from outside...they're so happy without him..Hoseok just  wants to go and die in a hole nobody came to check on him, did they realky forget him?.

He gasps for breath as he feels his chest tightens resulting him to find it difficult to breath. He tries to calm down or so but nothing was helping."H-Help"He whimpers loudly and hears no footsteps or so...they did forget him.

Hoseok after calming down gets off the bed and wipes his tears and rubs his nose.He weakly walks outside, lowering his sleeves down a bit and groans at the bright lights.

He squints his eyes and looks at the boys in front of him, eating and enjoying without even caring about his existence in the house.Hoseok smiles at them and walks away from them towards the practice room.

"Ah..Hoseok practice is not today"A man says rolling his eyes and Hoseok shrugs it off and begins to practice..


After three hours of just dancing without taking a break,  Hoseok falls to the ground in pain.

You disgust me...
You disgust me..
You should die...
I can't believe you could do this to you're own band member!...

Hoseok gets up and feels his body burn in pain, everyone'e right..he's just a mistake.Hoseok feels tears roll down his cheeks as he looks at his tired form in the mirror.

So fat...
So ugly..
So disgusting..
Maybe stop eating to lose weight whore!..

Hoseok silently gets uo without another word and be guns to dance again but fails due to the pain in his ankle.

"You're weak, boy!"
Just a weak ugly bitch..

Hoseok grunts getting up and releases a shaky breath before using the wall for support."Fuck"He mumbles looking at his swollen feet and legs, he danced too long without a single break.

He limps back and grunt every time he takes a step ahead."He's just a attention seeker"Hoseok hears Jimin's voice say."Just a slut, you don't deserve him Chin..neither do we"Taehyung says and Hoseok watches as they talk about him and how much of a bitch he is.

"Maybe we should get another member"Jin suggests as Namjoon looks at him with saddened eyes, if he told them..they would just think its a lie."Yeah, better than that slut"Taehyung rolls his eyes and looks at Jimun who nods slowly.

"I'll inform the manager so that can start the auditions"Jin says and Namjoon sighs sadly and mumbles things.

Hoseok silently watches as Jin gets his phone out and puts it to his ear, maybe its good for them to have another member who can atleast be useful to them, unlike him who's just there for hurting them.

Hoseok walks back to his room and sobs out his heart crying silent tears and his whole figure shakes."They don't care about you"...they don't really."That's right, I'm you're only friend who really cares about you"...maybe you are my only friend..

"See, if they bring a new member to thr band..you're gonna be ignored...forgotten"...its not like they still remember me..I'm a no one to them now."Hoseok, you need to hurt yourself more..so that you cwb punish yourself for hurting them"....right, I should cut more deeper..more intense..

"Do you remember where you were when you're mother was in pain?"...where was I?.. Performing w-without c-caring about her.."See, you're a pain they want to lose soon"..you're right they want me to be away....gone.

"So do it...cut".... I will..."Deep..so that you can feel their pain.."...so deep..


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