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Hoseok gets up and gets Namjoon with him and drags him with him outside where all of then are standing as well, looking angry as hell for some reason. "Hoseok!"Jin screams taking Namjoon in his arms and Hoseok looks at him confused.

"Jin, I have to tell you something!"Hoseok says and looks at the smirking Manager beside Namjoon and Jin."First of all, I can't believe you're such a slut!"Jin screeches taking Namjoon's face in his hands and kisses him."What?"Namjoon sniffs and looks at Jin.

"How could you do thus to you're own band member Hoseok!?"Jin asks loudly as the manger smiles looking at the shocked Hoseok who shakes his head."What did I do!?"Hoseoks asks tears coming out of his eyes making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Don't okay innocent with us, you harassed the manager and now Namjoon!?"Jimin asks with teary eyes as Taehyung looks at him disgusted."W-What no!"Namjoon says but the manager pinches his side making him whimper and cuddle Jin more as he cant do anything.

"Shh, its okay Joon"Jin says conforting him and rubs his back."I didn't do anything!..don't you see what he's doing!?"Hoseok asks wiping his tears and the manager gasps looking at Hoseok."Don't put you're blame on me!"He says faking innocence and makes a face at them.

"He's right Hoseok, you're the one who wanted attention!"Jimin says shoving him back and Jungkook pulls his back comforting him."You disgust me Hoseok..you should die "Taehyung spits and they all leave the room while Namjoon looks back at the blank Hoseok and sighs...its not like they're gonna believe him.


Hoseok stumbles back to his own room and shuts the door sitting down on the bed mumbling how worthless he is.

You disgust me
You disgust me
You disgust me Hoseok..
You're a slut..
Attention seeker...

"They don't want you to be near them, you're the cause they're hurt"...you're right..I am the cause of they're pain.. "See, they never cared about you, never loved you because if you're disgusting self"...I don't wanna be here any more..

"That's an easy task, but you don't deserve death do you?"... Yeah, I dont.. I obky deserve more pain..constant pain."Then do it, cut yourself"....I will..

Hoseok gets up the bed and looks down the bed and finds a blue colored box, he never used since the last fight between them.

You should die..
You should die..
You should die..
You disgust me..
Disgust me...
Go die..

Hoseok sobs opening the box and takes the blade out."I'm sorry"He mumbles and puts the box down and closes his eyes before smiling.

One cut..for being here..
Second cut...for not being there for them...
Third cut...for being disgusting..
Fifth cut...for being ugly..
Sixth cut....for hurting them..
Seventh cut...for being fat...
Eighth cut...for making them cry... 
Ninth cut...for murdering you're mother...
Tenth cut...for being alive...

Hoseok looks at his nose bloody arm and smiles at thr pain."This is what I deserve"He sighs sitting back down on the floor while the blood flows out..

Sad shit is back again

I'm Sorry || Hoseok x BtsWhere stories live. Discover now