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Hoseok stands in front of the bathroom with blood running down his wrist and his skin pale as snow.He brings a shaking hand to his face and a tear slips his eye.

He watches as the tear falls down the sink, he heard the newcomer's voice, its a girl apparently and the others think she's really nice and useful

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He watches as the tear falls down the sink, he heard the newcomer's voice, its a girl apparently and the others think she's really nice and useful.She had tan skin with brown eyes plus long luscious hair with pink lips that make her look like a doll.

Hoseok felt the pain when the forgot about him and neglected him and gave all of their attention to the girl. He wants to die, but worthless person like him doesn't deserve death either.

"Hoseok baby you're looking great!"He remberw his mother says whenever he used to dress up for a concert and he breaks a sad smike out when he remembers the moments he had with his mother.

"Do your chores you brat!"His mother used to playfully pokes his sides to make him laugh, he remembers the last moment with her...the day before her passing away.

"Eomma loves you, Hobi"A tear slides down his cheek at the last sentence she spoke to him."Eomma loves you"He feels like breaking any second right now."Eomma"He sobs out as blood stops flowing from his wrist and he slides down the wall and hugs his knees.

"Eomma loves you"
"Say goodbye one last time my baby"
"Eomma will always be with you, darling"

He sobs even more at the last moments with her, she's not here anymore..not there to embrace him."E-Eomma"He hiccups as tears flow down his cheek like a waterfall.

"Have you eaten, Hobi?"
"Have you bathed, Hobi?".

He shakes feeling the pain overcome him and the guilt swallows him entirely, he doesn't deserve all this."Y-You are m-my sunshine.. "He hums brokenly and sobs finishing the next lyric.

"..my only s-sunshine.. "He says and remembers how his mother used to sing it to him.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

" You make me happy when skies are gray..

" You'll never know, dear, how much I love you...

" Please don't take my sunshine away...
"I've always loved you and made you happy..

" And nothing else could come between..

" But now you've left me to love another..

" You have shattered all of my dreams..

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..

" You make me happy when skies are gray..

" You'll never know, dear, how much I love you..

"Please don't take my sunshine away..

Hoseok hums the song sadly humming along as tears fall down, "Please don't take my sunshine a-away.. "He mumbles as he begins sobbing again and again but still nobody comes..


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