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Hoseok's pov:

I did it again..I cut again..
I let it win again..
Thinking I was stronger..I let myself lose against my mind...
It's beautiful isn't it?..blood dripping on the white floor..
It's better than hearing those painful words sting my heart again and again..
Wish I never woke up in the first place...knowing they'll hurt me again..make me hate myself been more..

Look, it stopped dripping... there's just a puddle of blood near my feet, bye drop of blood makes the pain go away..for some time..before the pain comes back..and then never goes away.."Hoseok?"...making me hate myself will only result in losing a life."Hoseok are you in there?"...it would be better if all of it stopped..

"Hoseok open the door!"...everyday the pain in my chest increases, making my lungs beg for air..but they only get pain.I don't even deserve death.."HOSEOK!?"..huh?..J-Jimin?..He came?..for m-me?."Open the door Hobi!"...Hobi..that name reminds me of my mum.."Hobi open the door..NOW!"...does he really care?..should I open it?..

I snap out of my thoughts and wipe my tears."J-Just.a sec!"I stutter and quickly wash my wash my wrists hissing st the stinging feeling.I quickly out my long sleeved shirt and open the door with a blank face."What took you so long!?"He asks, his eyes red..probably from crying."What do you want from a slut?"I whisper and tears fall from my eyes.

"I-Im sorry Hoseok"He sobs and engulfs me in a tight hug making smile a little and hug back...what am I thinking?..I have a family to love..,"I'm sorry to Chim"I sob and notice my shoulder is wet from tears and snot."Sorry about you're shirt babe"He says sniffling and kissing my lips making me smile finally.

"I love you so Much"He says hugging been tighter than before."I love you too"....

?? Pov:

Sweety pie, how cute of you to think you can do that?...don't worry..I'll have my hands on you're innocent little body soon...

Next chapter is jihope smut..and fluff..

And you probably know the unknown  pervert is...

Take care

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