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Hoseok looks as the fans smile and give their members gifts and letters

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Hoseok looks as the fans smile and give their members gifts and letters.He just wants to go home and cry himself to sleep as usual."Hoseok-ah"A voice says and he looks up to see a girl with pink hair smiling at him to widely to which he sadly smiles back, unable to be joyful.

"Here"She says handing him five plushies and a purple letter with hearts on it."Thank you"He mumbles and the girl sits down on the seat and takes his hand in hers.

"I know how you feel Hobi"She says pointing at his wrists making his eyes widen."I just want you to be happy"She says showing her own faded scars.

"You're a fighter Hobi, you can do it"She mumbles and smiles at him with fondness."I know you can"She says and looks at at the now slmsot crying Hoseok.

"Please don't do it...you're the reason I stopped...and I want me to be the reason you stopped"She says putting a flower crown on him and he cracks a little smile again.

"Atleast try...for us"She says smiling and Hoseok nods trying hard not to break down at there."I will"He says wiping his eyes and the girl squeezes his hand before shifting onto Taehyung who smiles giving her a high five.

"I will try"He mumbles opening the letter and reads it.

Dear Sunshine Baby ❤,
I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and soul, you're the reason I stopped hurting myself and I want to be there reaeon you stop, you're every thing to me and my sister Hobi, you're the prettiest and most strongest person I know, so don't hurt yourself Sunshine ❤
Love, Army 💋

Hoseok smiles at the letter and quickly frowns knowing he won't be able to last long without cutting, he wants to stop...but he knows he can't..

Hoseok sighs closing the letter and snuggles the plushies she gave him and smiles knowing some Armies still care about him...



oseok sighs as they enter their dorms and every one praises the girl, for being so confident and supportive at her first fan meeting."Great Job, Hyunjae"Taehyung says hugging the girl making her giggle and Hoseok sighs entering his room.

Suddenly there's a knock on his door making him look at it."Great"He mumbles opening the door and notices its the new girl...Hyunjae he guesses.

"Hey"She says smiling widely at him and he sighs saying a 'hi' back to her."Can I come in?"She asks already entering the room without permission and Hoseok shrugs shaking his head.

"Nice room"She says and sits on the confy bed confusing Hoseok even more."Why are you here?"He asks not in the mood to deal with her shit.

"Aww, don't be so grumpy"She cokes and pulls him forward by his wrist making making him fall on the bed with her."What th—"He gets cut off when rough lips are against his own and his eyea widen when the girl kisses him making him pull away wiping his lips with his cuff.

"What the hell!?"He shrieks and the girl smirks looking up and down at him."Yourr really pretty Hoseok"She giggles looking at his face and Hoseok gaps at her.

"Get out!"He yells at her and her eyew tear up at that."You're so mean"She says crying like a child as the other members join in.

"What the hell!?"Yoongi exclaims looking at the crying girl and glares at Hoseok."What did he do, Hyunjae?"Taehyung asks glaring at Hoseok who whimpers trying to hide.

"He took me to h-his room and kisses me!"She sails out while crying into Taehyung's chest who gasps grabbing Hoseok's collar and makes him look at him."Never knew you we're such a slut Hoseok!"He yells out shoving Hoseok back roughly as he stumbles knocking over a glass making it shatter to pieces.

"W-What no she's lying!"Hoseok says tears forming in his crystal eyes and Jin rolls his eyes at him."Quit lying you bitch!"Jin growls at him as Jungkook takes the crying girl outside the room.

He feels tears fall down his cheeks as Jin stares at him."I don't know how you're mom deals with you"Jin scoffs and Hoseok chuckles looking at him.

"She doesn't"Hoseok mumbles and every one stares at him shocked."Not anymore....


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