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Hoseok blinks his eyes open and looks around the room with a unsteady vision

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Hoseok blinks his eyes open and looks around the room with a unsteady vision.He groans softly and his vision finally steadies making him look around the room....no one is there.

He smiles sadly at that and gets up from the bed and sighs noticing he feels like throwing up at the moment."Shit"He mumbles and rushes to the bathroom quickly before sitting down and throws all over the toilet making him feel sick.

He keeps throwing up and whimpers loudly when he feels pain in his chest.He coughs before washing his mouth by gargling some water in it and splashes some water on his pale face.

He sighs yet again and rubs his face tiredly.He does rememeber what happened and tears brim his eyes...no one cares about him.

"See, they don't care"....they really don't..."I told you so"....Hoseok opens the door of the warm room and walks outside with a blank face. He walks outside and looks at the sight before him making his broken heart shatter unto pieces.

Jimin was kissing the girl on her cheek as the others help her get up from the ground, they never did that to him...why do that to her?.

Jimin turns and looks at Hoseok with a glare and turns around and focuses on the 'hurt' girl."I thought you loved me..."Hoseok turns away from them and walks towards the practice room and notices its empty with no one in there.

The manager suddenly comes out of nowhere and smiles at them."So boys, and girl..I have some news, there is a fan meeting today at seven so be ready"He says and looks at Hoseok."And please dont look dead"He says making Hoseok nod...


At the fan meeting, Hoseok sits there with a blank face as fans come and talk to him. He sighs and looks up  when a fan arrives at his place with a smile on her face.

"Oh hello"He says trying to smile but fails as the girl shoves something in his face and moves on to Taehyung with a cheerful face. Hoseok blinks and looks at the card she just have him and open the colorful card.

His heart breaks at the card and he feels tears come out..

Dear Jung Hoseok,
I just want to tell you that Bts will be perfect without you in it, plus you're ugly as hell and you look even uglier standing next to them, please leave Bts because they don't need you, they have a new member who's prettier and nicer than you, you never we're a member of Bts and never will be.
Nobody cares if you leave Bts or something, they never cared about you and never will.
You're just an attention seeker, and don't try to hurt any of my members or Army will kill you.
Hope you die soon.
P.S:You're ugly

"I know"Hoseok whispers and wipes the tears before any one can see them.Taehyung glances at him and frowns a little looking at him wiping his eyes, he rolls his eyes thinking he's just wanting attention from the fans.

Hoeeok on the other hand just wants to die in a hole, the fans also hate him...what left for him not to die?


Thanks for reading ❤

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