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Hoseok walks around and sits on a wet bench and hangs his head by pulling his knees to his chest as he sobs into them.

He feels the now cold drops on his arms and his whole body wrecks with strong sobs and he wipes them quickly when he realizes he's outside and the members and all will be angry if he's late, he wipes his face getting up and walks back to the dorms

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He feels the now cold drops on his arms and his whole body wrecks with strong sobs and he wipes them quickly when he realizes he's outside and the members and all will be angry if he's late, he wipes his face getting up and walks back to the dorms...


He sighs standing infront of the front door and opens it getting inside and regrets it as his members are infrint of him eating happily and Namjoon snaps to him."Oh god Hoseok!"He says getting a towel and the others look at him with slight concern as Namjoon dries his hair and he sighs taking off his wet shoes.

"Are you hungry?"He asks hanging the now wet towel on Hoseok's sgkukders, as much as he would love to eat he need to be thinner and prettier so he answers with a small no and turns away from them.

Every one watches as Hoseok's wet figure in the black thin shirt looks so..so small and thin.Namjoon sighs running a hand through his hair and looks at the now closed door of Hoeeok's room.

"Hoseok"He  mumbles and sighs glaring at them and turns away from them..


Hoseok sits on his bed as his clothes are now dried and he's dried himself.

He swallows thinking about how much of a jerk he is, hurting his family

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He swallows thinking about how much of a jerk he is, hurting his family..his own members.He sighs shakily and looks at his red wrists and smiles, he deserves all this, he  deserves all the pain he's getting.

He wipes his eyes and sighs taking his phone and decides to go through his social. He wants to feel the pain when he looks at the hateful messages which are completely true about him.

He was about open his social media when the door slams open to reveal Taehyung."Are you seriously gonna spend pathetically crying like a bitch or are you gonna come for rehearsals?"He asks and Hoseok sighs setting his phone aside and follwis Taehyung out.

He gulps and blinks back the tears that we're forming when he enters the practice room."Alright boys...and girl we're gonna practice today's dance moves sk get you're bodies ready, give them a stretch"The choreographer says smiling at them and they all begin dancing.

"Hoseok!"He call the poor boy who trembles looking at him."Get yourself together!"He screams at his face and grabs Hoseok's arm roughly and makes him look into his eyes."I said get yourself together!"He says and sighs in annoyance as Hoseok nods slowly.

"Okay now, begun please"He says clapping his hands together and sighs once again in annoyance when Hoseok falls feeling immense pain in his ankle."Hoseok up!"He screams making his other members look at him in annoyance as well.

"You are so lazy..what happened to you!?"He screams out and Hoseok grabs his own head in pain as he feels dizzy and collapses on the ground and  everything turn black..


I'm Sorry || Hoseok x BtsWhere stories live. Discover now