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Hoseok stares at the group picture they took years ago and smiles

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Hoseok stares at the group picture they took years ago and smiles."I love you all"He mumbles kissing the picture while tears roll down his cheeks and he stares at the blade in his hands.

He gulps and tears begin to fall down again as his frame shakes and trembles.

They don't need me....

He wipes his eyes and smiles once again and slides the blade against his wrist and falls unconscious on the floor with a loud tgyd alerting Jin from outside the who quickly comes into the room and opens the door.

"Hoseok?"He mumbles and trembles at the sight if his band mate on the floor with a bloody wrist..


Jin gasps waking up and swallows thickly at the horrible dream he just had.

"Hoseok"He mumbles and stares at the sleeping boy on his bed and sighs in relief."Thank God"He mumbles kissing Hoseok's forehead lightly and smiles looking at the warmth that spreads in his chest.

He sighs lying back on his bed and stares at his ceiling."Just sleep Jin, its gonna be okay ..


The next day, Hoseok wakes up to Jin stroking his hair gently while he smiles at the touch."Oh you're awake"Jin mumbles and Hoseok nods slowly being sleepy still.

"How did you sleep?"Hoseok asks worried if he didn't sleep because if his fault or so."I slept really good, sunshine"Jin chuckles softly and Hoseok's breath hitches when Jin closes the gap between them and their lips are ghosting over each other.

"Jin"Hoseok mumbles as Jin puts his hand around his waist and locks their lips together making Hoseok grab Jin's face as Jin pulls Hoseok on top of him, their lips moving in synch.

Jin smirks into the kiss when Hoseok gasps feeling hands squeezing his hips tightly."J-Jin"Hoseok whimpers as Jin keeps kissing him and flips them over so that Hoseok is beneath of him.

"Yes, sunshine?"Jin mumbles nipping at his neck as they go back to kissing and Hoseok sighs into the kiss wrapping his arms around Jin's neck.

"You have morning breath"Hoseok smiles shoving Jin away making Jin giggle slightly as they get up from the bed....


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