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Namjoon sighs sadly sitting on the couch, he looks at Jimin who's laughing at with a blushing girl."Jin"He calls to his lover who turns his head to him smiling.

"Yes babe?"Jin asks grabbing his waist making him sigh."Believe me okay"Namjoon says making Jin frown and nod curiously."You do remember the incident, yesterday right?"Namjoon asks and gulps looking at his lover.

"If you just believe me, the manager harrased me not Hoseok"Namjoon says making Jin flare his nostrils and looks at him with a glare."Did he blackmail you to say this?"Jin asks grabbing Namjoon's face in his hands making all others look at them.

"No,  I swear he didn't say anything...the manager is the cause of all this Jin!"Namjoon says and all of them scoff rolling their eyes."Stop lying Namjoon, tell me did Hoseok hurt you!?"Jin asks worries making Namjoon sigh shaking his head.

"Why don't you believe me!?"He asks getting up and throws a pillow to Jin's face making him groan and glare at Namjoon."Why do you care about that attention seeker so much?!?"Jin asks slamming the pillow in Namjoon's face but he dodges it.

"Because he's my friend"Namjoon spits at him and looks at them."Why would Hoseok do such a thing to me!?"Namjoon asks yelling at them and the girl looks at then shocked and wonders who the hell is this 'friend'.

"He's just a slut Namjoon!"Taehyung seethes out and everyone agrees with him while nodding."He's a really good friend unlike you all, who obky care about themselves!"Namjoon says and tears fall down his cheeks shocking Jin and them.

"Joonie"Jin whispers at him and he only sits on the couch ignoring all of them and when he got up to get to Hoseok, everyone stops him."You're bot going to that liar Joon!"Jin says shoving Namjoon back on the couch making him get up again but he knows they won't let him get to Hoseok...


Hoseok stands up on wobbly feet and sighs washing the dried blood from his wrists and forgets to cover them and wears a long sleeve shirt whwhile getting on the bed on his phone and opens his social media.First he goes on Instagram, the last picture he posted was of their practice together.

daboy122: Heard Bts got a new member in theur band!.. I also heard that its a girl! 😍

ashleyrobert01: OMG!!!.. Armies Bts got a new member and I heard she's so much prettier than Hoseok.
Animerocksballs: Have you guys seen Hoseok, he's getting pretty fat plus he's uglier than all of them 😑

TrueArmy55: I hope the new member doesn't resemble a horse 😂

idontkikeu: @TrueArmy55 lmao 😂

Melikesbts:Guys you shouldn't really insult Hoseok like that, its not his fault he's fat and ugly 😊

Iamsodonewithu: Ewww, Hoseok is so ugly 😨

Robertdelacasa: I hate Hoseok so much, I mean who even let him in the band!?


Hoseok shuts his phone and blinks his tears away..he really is ugly..


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