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Hoseok feels like crying at the moments, whenever he's about to tell someone the manger comes in a takes them away, he knows Namjoon will understand, but he can't even talk him properly, like a few moments ago, he made an attempt to tell Jimin but the manger just called them in for a 'meeting'.Hoseok sighs and sits down on his bed, he rolls his sleeve up and looks at the almost faded scars.

He feels a tear roll down his cheek remembering his mom..."I love you"He whispers and sees a tear glide on his arm and he doesn't bother to wipe it and keeps sobbing out."It's all my fault"He sobs out and wipes his tears now, he smiles though tears e
remembering his mother's smile and moments with her, and all the good things they did.

"I'm sorry mom"He says and wipes his eyes while sniffling."Hoseok?"He hears a knock on his door, he clears his throat and says a loud come in."Hey"Namjoon says as he enters the room with a sad smile on his face, this is his chance..He has to tell Namjoon."Hey"Hoseok answers with a bright smile on his face.

"Hey oh...Hobi I need to tell you something"Namjoon says sitting down on the bed with him and takes his hand in his own."W-What?"Hoseok asks getting closer to Namjoon and hears him sigh."I n-need you're help"He says and wipes his eyes and looks at Hoseok who frowns."What is it?"Hoseok asks smiling warmly, convincing him to tell.

"I-I.."Namjoon tears up and sobs suddenly making Hosoeo engulf Jim in a warm hug."What wrong Joon?"He asks stroking his hair as the boy sobs into his chest."I-I g-got raped Hobi!"He sobs out and curls into a ball making Hoseok gasp and hug him closer, whispering sweet things in his ear calming the boy down.

"Who was it Joon?"Hoseok asks grabbing the boy's face and kisses his cheek."T-The M-M-Manager"Joon sobs out and clings onto his shoulders, at that moment Hosoek feels like killing someone, he wasn't the only one...his Joon also was harassed by that bitch.

"Does Jin know?"Hoseok asks licking his lips and Namjoon shakes his head, and sniffles."It's okay Joon..we'll get that son of a bitch...


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