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Its been days since Hoseok stopped eating, talking and

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Its been days since Hoseok stopped eating, talking and...even smiling.Not even once has he smiled at something or laughed at a small joke like he used to.

He just ignores everyone's calls and keeps to himself, just stays in his room and cries himself to sleep.Namjoon and every single one of them has been trying to talk to him but he just blankly stares at them.

"What's there to smile?"

Everyone was crying a river ever since Hoseok said that, they wanted their sunshine back who used to smile and be happy and make everyone happy.

The girl was kicked out of the band by the new manager and they all found out what was the real cause of all this.
"Get out"

That's what Hoseok says when they come in his room."Guys"Namjoon says as all of them turn towards him with sad faces and sour thoughts.

"We need to do something"Namjoon says sighing loudly as Jin chuckles dryly."There's nothing to do Namjoon, we broke him"He says as others look at him shocked and tears fill their eyes.

"No, we will f-fix him...its all my fault..ALL MY FAULT!"Jimin sobs and Jungkook sighs."We've all been assholes to him"Jungkook says and Namjoon gets up.

"That's it.."He says walking to Hoseok's room and knocks on it two times while hesitation in him.

"Hobi?"He asks and hears nothing from inside and knocks again."Hoseok!?"He calls and opens the door revealing a painful sight.

Hoseok was in the floor, his body wrecking with loud sobs as bliis trickles down his elbow.

"Hoseok!"Namjoon exclaims and comes by his side in a second."Hobi, babe look at me"Namjoon says as Hoseok cries even more.

"J-Joon"He sobs looking at him with red eyes."I-I killed h-h-her"He hiccups as others look at him with teary eyes.

"Killed who?"Namjoon asks and soothes a hand down on his back.

"E-Eomma...I-I killed her"He sobs and Namjoon sighs shaking his head."Hobi, you did not kill her"He says as tears fall down his own eyes.

"I-I did"Hoseok says and Namjoon puts his shirt on his bleeding wound and gestures to Jungkook to bring the aid box.

"S-She's proud of you Hobi, she's still with you"Namjoon says picking Hoseok and gently places him on the bed.

"Eomma"Hoseok hiccups as tears fall non-stop."Hobi, E-Eomma is still with you..she's proud of her little Hobi being all grown up"Namjoon says through tears as Jungkook comes back with the aid.

"S-She needed me..a-and I never cared!"Hoseok says and sobs making Namjoon sigh.

"Hoseok, Eomma is right h-here with you..in there"Namjoon says and points to his chest.

"Huh"Hoseok mumbles wiping his tears and smiles through them as Namjoon says that.

"She is"Hoseok mumbles and wipes his wet eyes as Namjoon treats his cuts."Joon"He mumbles staring at the six boys crying no sobbing out their eyes.

"Its okay Hobi"Namjoon says patching the wounds carefully."Thank you"Hoseok mumbles smiling, breaking a real smile after a while.

"For what?"Namjoon ask confused as Hoseok hugs him.

"For caring about a worthless  thing like me...


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