Chapter 1

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Yes I made a new story I hope you guys enjoy! ٩( 'ω' )و

Todoroki's POV

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I slam on the button to stop it as I roll out of bed.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower,then fixed and brushed my hair along with brushing my teeth before putting on my school uniform. I then put on my shoes and grabbed my school bag before walking out of my dorm room, then locked it.

I went into the elevator and waited till I hit the lobby. I walked out of the doors and started walking to UA.As I was walking I heard running behind me. I turned only to get knocked into the ground. I groan in slight pain. I open my eyes to see a fluffy green hair boy on Top of me. We make eye contact for a second before he freaks out. "Oh my..I'm so sorry todoroki! I didn't mean to! I'm really sorry I didn't see you-" before he could finish I put my hand over his mouth. This caused his face to grew a brighter hew of red.

"Shh it's alright midoriya, it was a accident." I whispered to him. He Makes a cute squeak noise as I scoop him up, bridal style. He gasps and quickly wraps his arms around my neck not wanting to fall. He's surprisingly light for such a muscular guy. I mean he is small tho so I guess it would make since. "T-todoroki?" I hear midoriya ask. I hum In response and look down at him. He's covering his face with his hands and I can see the tips of his ears are red. "Y-you can put me down ya know.." I then realize that I'm still carrying him. I internally face palm then put him down.

"Sorry midoriya I didn't realize..your just really light." I say as I feel my own face heat up. "Ya know, I'm not that light.." midoriya puffed his face out like a mad toddler. It was kinda..cute. We argued back and forth as we started walking to UA.

We finally made it to class 1-A. I opened the door for midoriya and we walked in. We heard the usual yelling of Bakugou and side conversation from other students. "Hah fuckin' Deku nerd!" I turn to see Bakugou walking to midoriya with his hand out. He seemed like he was gonna punch him or something. I was probably just gonna let it happen but something told me not to. Like it was my destiny to protect the little floof ball next to me.

Bakugou went to punch him but I caught his wrist just centimetres from his face and froze his hand pushing midoriya behind me so if anything were to happen I could catch it. I felt a small but muscular hand grab the back of my shirt. I knew who it was.

Before anything else could happen kirishima and other students came rushing to help. Kirishima of course stopped Bakugou as I unfroze his wrist and hand. The tight grip on my shirt was gone. I turned to see midoriya stuck in a crowd of fellow students. I heard 'are you okays' and such. I sighed in disappointment and slowly walk back to my seat. For some reason I really wanted to know if he was okay as well. I sit down and start to stare at him.

Uraraka had her arm wrapped around his and Iida had his hand around his shoulder. Along with other people touching him asking him questions. I really couldn't help but feel a bit of anger boil instead me. Midoriya was getting touched by other people. And he didn't even seem phased! He actually looked..happy. He wasn't like that around me, just nervous mostly. I gripped the desk in slight frustration.

"Todoroki ya know if you just sit there in jealousy nothings gonna happen." I heard a female voice besides me. It was Momo. "What? I'm not jealous. And I don't even like midoriya." I said back. "Are you sure? Because it seems-" before Momo could even finish Mr.Aizawa came in.

"Alright class. Let's get started.." Mr. Aizawa said pulling out a book. Surprisingly we are actually going to be learning something.

I heard something tap on my desk. It was a folded up piece of paper. I opened it and it read 'todoroki let's talk during lunch. Jirou will be there so it won't be awkward! We can finish up our conversation then.'
I looked over at her and gave her a slight glare. But she only gave me a smug look in response. I rolled my eyes and wrote 'fine' then passed it back.

I looked back up at the board and focused back on class. But my head still wanted to wander other to the green floof ball.

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