Episode 1 (part 1)

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Saihara's point of view

"Yeah, bye guys!" I say as I walk towards the wooden doorway.
"Why are you suddenly working so late?" Maki asked with a questioning tone. "It's just...weird." She glared into my soul.
"It's ok, really. I just have a night shift job. It's all I could get" I was feeling bad for not being able to tell them about what I was really going to do. I smile and walk out the door. Glad I'm out of that near nerve racking situation. I let out a loud sigh.

"Ugh...this sucks..." I manage to say out loud. It was warm, but with a chilly breeze. Nice weather for 8pm I do say. I start walking down the street, it wasn't to far away. And I hope I would never see anyone I know there. That would be...life ruining. As I walk, I continue to think to myself. The tricks and all actually weren't hard to learn, surprising as it is. They were easy to analyze. Tonight is technically my first night, though I do know all the ropes. I hope I'm at least able to get some money...bills are coming up and we haven't really eaten much.  As I loose track of time, I arrive.

"Ahh! Saihara, good thing you're here" my boss says. He has slick, green hair. He reminds me of a more soft, father like figure, not the kind of person you'd think would own a place like this. But that doesn't really matter to me. "Put this on and get ready" he smiles gently. "You're on next". Unlike other places, we were treated fairly well. I sigh as I put on the provocative outfit. I smile to myself, mainly to hide my fear. "I'm such a dirty slut, huh.." I was up in about 30 seconds, so I put on my best face of confidence and got into position.

Ouma's POV

I walk up to my ~favorite~ avocado friend, a huge smirk on my face. "Amami-Sannnn, I hope you have someone new, I've been so bored lately with...what's his name?...who gives a fuck!" He looks a little shocked.
"Ouma, calm down...Jesus. I could just kick you out whenever I want. You ARE underage."
"Haha! Pleeaaaaaaase don't" I smile, rather worried.
"Haha, don't worry. And yes, I have someone new. He seems to be just your type honestly. But don't you dare make another one of my workers quit and file a restraining order!" I chuckle
"Nehehe~ we'll see. Anyways, I wanna see him!" I jump up and down like the small child I am. All of a sudden, the curtains opened up, revealing a tall, pale boy. He had the face of a seductive angle and he moved closer to the audience. His dark hair glowed with vibrant colors of the lights, his movements were so...so graceful and arousing...and I don't seem to be the only one who thinks that. Many men in the crowd were ALL over him. Money flying on stage from every direction. But this boy, he's definitely something else. Nothing I've ever seen before. I don't think I could ever get bored of him. I want him, I reallly want him. All to myself, to no one else. I will NOT fail this time. I'm Kokichi fucking Ouma, and I will do whatever it takes to have him ALL to myself~ I'll see you after the show, my dear Shi Shi, nehe~.

((AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE? END MY LIFE! Also, if you actually read this, thank you! 💙❤️! I know it sucks, but I thank you. Bye to the non existent readers))

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