Episode 3 (part fifteen)

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(Omg I cant believe y'all bullied me into writing this again, so mean so mean. Just kidding, I'm so sorry you actually like this hell hole "story"....uh anyways I'll just start writing and stop being an awkward goose)

          Recap~ After his friends found out what he was really up to all these months, Saihara falls into a state of panic to which Ouma then uses his vulnerability to gain more control over the boy. He truly is the horrible person that his friends were speaking of, huh? Anyways, for the sake of a good ol time skip, I feel like just explaining what happened during it, sooo:
          It's been three months since the last chapter I've posted (in this universe). Kirumi figured out what Ouma was doing to Saihara and intervented. Since Ouma was only 19, Kirumi (20) was his legal guardian and had him sent off to a mental institution. According to her, Ouma was abused as a kid by his 'father' which caused him to deflect that abuse onto Saihara. She gave Saihara the choice to stay at the mansion or leave. He chose to stay and work along side her. He learned to do many things. Like how to clean the dust off of a chandelier all the way on the ceiling, or how to shoot a gun with spine chilling accuracy. According to Kirumi, it was all in a days work for her to know how to. Back to current day, Ouma is scheduled to return home, but like with an in home nurse to control his mental health. A young girl named Mikan Tsumiki. Now that you know what happened, please continue to read, I'm sorry this is so long.

Saihara's POV

Today is the day. He's coming back. Kirumi and I are outside the front doors of his mansion waiting for him. I don't know how to feel about seeing him again. I know he's getting help...but the memories...can I really face him? She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Shuichi, it's going to be ok, I promise" she gives me a reassuring smile and I look back up. His limo is pulling up. She presses the button to open the gates. This is all moving too fast, oh god. The driver pulls up to the door and halts.

"Let's go Shuichi" she reassures me with a kind smile.

"Yeah" I smile back and we walk down the the car door. I open it for him. Seeing him again fills me with an unknown feeling. I just wish I knew what. He turns away from me. He looks surprised to seem me tho, I guess. I hold out my hand.

"Do you need help up, sir?" He takes it and awkwardly smiles.

"Um...Kokichi is fine." As soon as he gets up, I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I scream. I knew what had happened.

"Fuck!" Kirumi yelled and pulled out her gun, pointing it towards the direction I was hit from. She warned me about this. And assassination attempt. A lot of people hold grudges towards...um, Kokichi? I honestly don't blame them. That doesn't matter tho. All I need to do now is make sure him and the nurse girl make it inside alive. I pull out my gun.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" The nurse girl yells out to me.

"Hurry up, we have to go!" I pull them out of the limo and run them in. The door was not too far. We were all huffing by the time we got there. The nurse girl pulled out a med-kit and held it up to me.

"Here, let me help you!" He struggles to get her stuff out frantically. I stop her.

"You two get away from any windows. I have to go out and help my partner." As I turn around to run back out, he speaks to me.

"I'm sorry." Is the last thing I heard before I ran back out. My shoulder hurt like hell, but that didn't compare to the pain I felt after he said that. That doesn't matter now tho, I have to help her! I run over to her.

"What's going on?" We were hiding behind a tree as someone shot at us.

"An assassination attempt. A women. Long, dark hair. She has a sniper and is on top of the building across the street. We need to get closer. We'll have no chance from here." I nod.

"You stay here and distract her. I'll be back, I promise" she looks concerned

"But your arm.." I smile to her.

"I can handle myself" she smiles back and nods. I run off, trying my best to make sure the women Kirumi spoke of wouldn't see me. It took me around 5ish minutes to make it over and onto the roof. I pointed my gun at her and shot. She dodged it and pulled out a smaller gun, shooting me in the leg. I stumbled over in a daze. It was really her, huh? Maki...she doesn't seem to recognize me and runs over. As much as it hurt to do, I had to fight her. Before she could put her hands on me, I hit her on a pressure point. She falls to the ground, shocked. She struggles frantically, probably thinks I'm going to kill her. I stand over her.

"I'm sorry." I say before I knock her out. I pull of my disguise and carry her back bridal style. When I make it back into the gates, Kirumi runs over and takes her from me. The nurse girl come over too and helps me back over.

"This looks s-serious...you're gonna need stitches...it'll hurt..." I smile and cough.

"I'm Shuichi Saihara...call me whichever you like" I try to sound as nice as I can while holding my pain in. Every step gets worse and worse.

"I-I'm Mikan Tsumiki...Mikan is fine with me" we get back inside and she immediately tends to my wounds, I screamed the whole time. It hurt so fucking much that I started crying. It wasn't until she was done when I noticed Kokichi was holding my hand. He lets go when he figured I noticed.

"Let's head to the kitchen" Kirumi says. Mikan and Kokichi walk up ahead while she helps me limp in. We all sit down around the circle table. A few other workers I knew were there as well. It was two boys named Nagito and Gonta. They were also assigned as personal body guards to Kokichi. There was also Tenko, but she was guarding Maki at the moment. I didn't want to kill her, so we just took her in for questioning. Kirumi smiles and looks at Kokichi.

"Hey...how're you feeling? I missed you" she hugs him and he starts crying. It was weird seeing him in such a way. I looked over at them. Kirumi lets go of him and motions for the others to leave the room. I'm guessing she wanted us to make up? Mikan stayed, she wasn't allowed to let Kokichi out of her sight which makes sense. Him and I just sat in an awkward semi silent way as he cried. He looked over to me for the first time today.

"Do you hate me?" His tears died down. I looked up at the ceiling.

"I don't know. Welcome back tho. It was....quiet without you"

"Less shitty too I'd guess, huh?" I nod

"That's one way to put it." He sighs.

"I get it...you have every right to not want to talk to me, just listen" I nodded back and looked down at him. "I'm, uh, sorry for what I did. Tho saying sorry won't really do anything..." He smiles awkwardly "I still don't know how to feel about you. I still feel that hatred and desire to hurt you...but I won't." Well that's fucking unsettling..., "There's an even stronger feeling I have. I still remember the night we met and what we, um...did." I flinch and looked away.

"I...remember it as well. I unfortunately remember almost everything about it..." he looks away too.

"Uh...yeah, sorry." He stops talking. We sit in silence for a second.

"Please, continue" I ask. He gets up and hits the table. Mikan runs over to get him.

"I'm in love with the boy I met that night!" He yells. I'm taken aback. She pulls him out of the room, seeing as he got violent. I was alone now. Was this....him trying to manipulate me or...no, it can't be, can it? Did he really mean it? I decide to go to my room and avoid it for now. I don't want to think. I don't want to breathe. Today has been so stressful and I just want to sleep off the pain. The pain in my arm. The pain in my leg. The pain in my heart.

(Hey...I hope this is a good enough comeback. I'm so sorry if it isn't good. Hopefully Ouma will be more healthy from now on tho? Eh, give feed back so I know if I'm doing this shit right. Uh yeah, see y'all in like 10 months. Love Aaron)

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