~Part six~

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Ouma's pov

I sat next to the frail boy on my bathroom floor. I was just admiring his pale, yet darkly defined features. I felt up and down his skinny chest for what seemed like a few hours. So soft. Smooth like a babies butt. Out of no where, his phone started ringing. Before he could do anything, I grabbed it and ran. This causes a hugeeeeee panic on his behalf as I answered the caller.
"Heeeeeeeello? Who's this?~" I smirk. The other person seems a little shocked.
"Who are you, where's Shuichi?" A man spat in a not to desirable tone.
"Jeeeez hun, calm down. My precious SaiChan is ok. Is there something I should tell him for you~" I could tell he got even more shocked and pissed.
"Who are you to call him that?!" I laugh sweetly. Then I decided to get a little more demonic.
"And who are you to call my precious SaiChan when we're having a moment? I'll answer any question you'd like if you can tell me that, hot shot" I heard a groan on his end.
"I'm Kaito Momota, his best friend and roommate. And I'm calling because for some reason he didn't come home last night. So I'm worried! Now who the fuck are you!" I laugh again, upsetting him.
"I'm the one he left to see. Clearly he didn't want you to know if he didn't tell. He's a shy one~ anyways, I'll tell him your worried for him, byeeee!" He screams wait a few times before I hang up. I smile to myself. I want to meet this man now. And I know how to make it worth my fucking time!

Saihara's POV

After failing to find him, and getting lost in the huge mansion, I crawl into a corner and hold in my tears. Who was calling, and what did he say to them...where am I and where is he...is he watching me...is he watching me cry...I don't like this. If he wants a fucking relationship, whatever it may be, he better learn to treat me like a fucking person! Hot tears fell down my cheeks. I could taste the salt in my mouth. I again was weeping about my terrible life decisions. Why would I follow this stranger home, let alone let him do things to me. If I had to admit, I don't dislike what happened between us, I just feel so dirty. I wanted my first time to be special, but it turned out to be sinful and dangerous. My first time was with a stranger I met for a few minutes at a gay strip club who offered big bucks if I let his dominate me. Let him do as he pleases with me. Like I'm some kind of object.
I was so upset, I almost didn't acknowledge the warm arms that wrapped around me. And once I did, I noticed they definitely didn't belong to him. These were the hands of yet another stranger. Pushing away, I see a young lady, seemingly a maid due to her clothes. She had slicked green hair and a motherly aura.
"W-who are you?" I asked, starting to feel more comfortable around her.
"Kirumi Tojo, call me what you like. I work as a maid for master Ouma. It's my duty to make sure his special guests are ok. So, do you want to talk about why you're crying? Or would you rather me bring him here?" I smile at her kindness. I didn't want to say no, but I also didn't want to explain my sadness to another stranger, so I asked for her to get him. I made my way back to his bed room, promising to meet the two there.
I made it a little before they got here, taking this time to lay down on the queen sized bed. It had red sheets, laced with gold and a royal purple. It definitely looked like it belonged to a king. But no, it was only his...Kirumi called him master Ouma, so I'm guessing that's his last name.
"I brought him for you sir." I hear her say from the doorway. Just then, I feel his body slam into mine, knocking us both on the floor in a hug.
"Tojo San told me you were crying! What's wrong Sai Chan?" He seemed genuinely concerned, but also whining with a childish tone. I look down, I'm still dazed and morally upset. And knowing the type of person I am, I get extremely venerable when in a bad mental state. He could make me do crazy things that I knew I'd regret. And I believe he knows this as well.
"...if you were wondering, some dude, said his name was something dumb like Kuto-"
"Uh yeah, anyways. Apparently he's worried about you. But I don't trust him~ so I have a plan" oh goodness. I don't like this. "So I was thinking, you could introduce us, since I clearly want to be a part of your miserable life. But it might be awkward. You know, him feeling like a third wheel when we get to third base-"
"Sh-Shut up!" I cried. "Also, if I don't have a choice...we can invite my other roommate..." wait, hold on a second! Why am I so willing?!
"That's awesome SaiChan! Do it right now! I want it as sooooon as possible!" Without really having a say, the phone was raised to my ear as I heard it ring.
"Hello, Kaito Momota speaking." I smile softly.
"Hey Momota San" I heard a gasp on his end.
"Omg, Shuichi, are you okay? We were so worried." This causes me to laugh.
"We literally talked earlier" after saying that, this supposed Ouma kid jabs me in the side. "Oh um, I have a question." I could practically hear his smile.
"Ask away!"
"I heard you spoke to another boy on my end earlier? Well, I wanted to know if you and Maki would want to hang out with us." I spoke with a chill, happy demeanor, but I could sense his uneasiness.
"Shuichi, who is that. How do you know him? You've been awfully secretive lately."
"Well,I guess you'll find out later. How about we meet at the Starbucks that recently went into business. I heard it's this really good cafe place that just opened."
He told me yes and I hung up with a smile. After getting off the phone, he hugs me. It was oddly soothing. A warm sensation, like the golden, fluffy clouds of heaven. Like if he let go, I'd fall down to the raging depths of hell. So I held on too. This caused him to relax as well. I wouldn't say I have feelings for him, but I think he's good in the heart. If I stick around, maybe I can change him into a better person. And as the one he supposedly loves, I find it as my duty.

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