Im so so sorry

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Hello everyone who will read this. It's me, the author of this "story" and I just wanna say an important announcement that may upset some people. I've expressed conflict with writing this before and since y'all seemed to like it, I continued. It just sort of haunts me to know that I wrote this, even if it was intended to be, and y'all find it to be funny. Sorry for once again writing one of these annoying rant type things. Anyways, I still find some parts funny. I love how I wrote Ouma coming out of the toilet for example. Other parts are seriously fucked and it edges me the wrong way to have found it funny. There's no excuse. I see what I wrote is bad. Of course there is nothing wrong with sex work. I am speaking on the abusive shit I wrote. (On a small note, I also don't like smut and it makes me uncomfortable. It it 100% ok if you do tho, I am not here to bash anyone but myself). I thought it was funny to write the characters the way I did, but it's wrong, even if fiction. I am not trying to be rude to anyone who read and thought it was funny. That's good cause that's what I intended. I am upset with myself for writing it in the first place. Bottom line is, I want to make the 12k people who unfortunately read this happy. That's why I kept writing. The last chapter I did was a means to fix the abusive shit I added, but that's not just something that goes away. If I was in Saihara's shoes, I wouldn't forgive him. And I couldn't write this well enough to be accurate you know? I am babbling. Long story short, I am upset with myself and the fact that I wrote this. I don't particularly know if I regret it tho. It's a super cool experience to get 12k reads on the first thing I ever wrote, but at what cost? I am not passionate about this "story" and I like to believe I am good at writing (I took creative writing, honors English all my life and am currently taking AP Lang). I didn't write this good. I could have done so so much better. But I didn't. So I don't like what I wrote about and the lazy way I wrote it. It feels unreal to me to of earned 12k reads for something I am in proud of and didn't try on. I am just saying that I do not plan to write this anymore. It makes me feel better to say this closure so that I can at least explain why I'm stopping. I get it can be annoying to being reading something and it not continue. I understand that and I don't wanna let anyone down. This is just something I gotta do for myself. I thank everyone who reads this in through or leaves a comment or even just voting on my previous chapters. I thank you all for supporting me and I'm so so sorry to end it like this. But I cannot continue. I'm sorry.

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