~part ten~

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          Nothing interesting was occurring. A lot of high business men were chatting while sipping red whine from their silver glasses. Thick, short men with mustaches; younger, tall men with slicked back hair; thin woman in mermaid tail dresses and the occasional child, no younger then 14. The point of that was there is a wide variety of people here. Like a gala or something. I sighed. It was boring and loud...all I did the whole time was sit next to him and retrieve all kinds of weird snacks because he didn't feel like going to the refreshment table himself. As we sat in silence among the noise, I curled my hair between my gloved fingertips.

         "Hey, SaiChan," he started "can you get me a slice of cake?" He laughed when I looked at him shocked. "What? A guy can't have a thirteenth slice?" His giggle was undeniably cute...still doesn't mean he isn't a shitty person with a high metabolism.

        "Sure thing...be right back sir." I internally groaned every time I had to call him that. He was hardly a sir, someone like him doesn't deserve to be talked highly of...while I approached the large alignment of confectionaries, I heard a woman scoff. Looking over at the loud noise was a woman (clearly). Her appearance wasn't all that great, so I ignored her.

         "Ugh, rude! You don't just check out a girl then walk away. Anyone ever teach you any manners?" I laughed a little.

          "I could say the same to you, miss. That wasn't very professional. Now if you'd please excuse m-"

          "No! You low life. You don't get to turn me down. You should be happy I'm trying so much on you. A beautiful girl genius like me doesn't have time for emo bitches! Now dance with me or I'll pull that septum right outta your nostril!" Charming...

          "Sorry miss, I'd *really* love to, but my master requested I get him something, so I'm gonna go." Before she could say anything, I ran off. Ugh, stupid bitch! Now he's going to punish me for taking to long. Probably pierce my dick again.

          I rushed into the crowd at the end of the table, grabbed a big ass slice hoping THIS was it, then started my way back to the area he decided to take his seat at. Before turning the corner I heard him talking to someone.

          "Haha, you filthy cum dumpster, of course he dumped your ass. You look like the Walmart version of Junko Enoshima. Which is really bad because no one likes her skank ass anyways." He chuckled after that. I turn the corner.

          "Shut the hell up, you lying little abortio- hey! You, asshole. Fuck you think you're doing over here after so rudely embarrassing me!" Ugh, not her! I placed the cake down then sat in my previous seat. She got seemingly more upset when Ouma wrapped himself around me.

          "Nyeheeee, well isn't this fun? The boy who fucked you over on the dance floor was none other then my beauuuuuuutifal boooyfriend! Haven't I taught you well~" I smile in return. Hopefully, if I play along, he won't pierce my dick for being a failure. This night might not be so bad after all! "Anyways, I'd like you to meet my *dearest* friend, Miu Iruma. She's the ceo of some manufacturing company, blah blah blah, you know the drill. But she's almost as fucked up as I am, so she's good fun. Isn't that right, slut?"

          "Fuck yeah it is! I'm the fuckin' bomb! I'll forgive your virgin ass for being a huge dick this once. But if I catch you hoeing around one more time, I'll crucify your tight ass! I'm off, I need to find someone who'll actually feel great full about getting the opportunity to fuck my juicy kitty." After slapping my ass, she was off. And he groaned louder then a fucking steam boat.

          "That whore just got divorced for the third time a few days ago. I can only wonder why. So unfaithful."

          "Heh, I didn't think you were one for morals." He takes a bite.

          "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, SaiChan." He stands up. "Now please don't pull what you did with her earlier and actually accept my invitation." I looked up at him confused for a moment as he held his hand out.

          "Are you...asking me to dance?" He only nodded while on the verge of a death glare, so I quickly took his hand in my own. Following him slowly to the dance floor, I wondered what it would be like if we had met under different circumstances. Would we actually come to like each other as people, or of just shrugged each other off as strangers an left it there? What would it be like if our relationship was different...if I wasn't only his sex servant and he treated me as a human...if we were actually in lo-

          "What're you thinkin' about? Definitely not on the dance floor. We're already here." I look up.

          "Oh...sorry." He said it was fine as he put a hand to my corseted waist. Putting mine on his shoulder and holding each other's hands close, we started to sway. He was obviously the leader in this dance as I followed his movements. Everything felt so heated, my legs shook slightly and my face swam hot. I hid myself into the temporary comfort of his neck, even though he was slightly shorter then me. We spent god knows how long clinging to each other on the dance floor. It's simple moments like these where I have to ask myself why I fucking hate him. Then it's brought back to my attention that he's a cock sucking asshole. And I knew this comfort wouldn't last too long...which is why I braced myself for what was to come when we got back. And the love I feel would soon become one hell of a fucking train wreck.

((Hey, it's Aaron. I'm here to say that if you want (which you 99% won't) you can comment suggestions here for what you'd like to see next chapter or in future chapters. I'm all ears to fucked up story lines, smut ideas, or just common fluff. So yeah. No one will, but I'll most likely do anything. So if you wanna see it, say it!))

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