~Part two~

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(Ok so I'm confused why people actually read this haha, you dirty sluts)

Saihara's POV

Who knew faking a certain amount of confidence could make someone feel better about such a situation. While internally screaming, I observe the crowd. I didn't image there to be so much older men. Like, I did expect it, but I was more into seeing younger people. Like my age. It's actually very creepy to get hollered at by men in their 40s.  By the way, I'm kind of seventeen, though my boss doesn't know. I hate lying, but this was seriously the only way to get the most money quickly. As I finish up dancing like a thot to some Britany Spears song, I smile sweetly while collecting the money. I feel bad taking it, but it was their faults for emptying their wallets, I guess. Before I stepped off though, the eyes of a certain boy smashed into me like spears. How can a persons eyes be purple, no, how were they glowing? Trying not to look scared, I walk off.
"Out of my way, shit head. It's mommy's time to shine!" I blink, intimidated.
"U-uh...sorry Komaeda..." ...I have no thoughts...just, huh?
"Haha, you don't look like the kind of person who'd work here, but I don't really care. I have better things to deal with~" and with that, he left. Seriously, what is wrong with him? A soon as he left though, that boy with the eyes returned back into my mind, causing me to shake. I knew there would be creepy ass people, but...hnnn, he was unsettling.

Ouma's POV

"Who's the newbie, Amami San?~" I snicker which causes him to sigh.
"Shuichi Saihara. He's in a bit of a money struggle. Maybe if you pay him enough, he'll fuck you." He says sarcastically, though I really do like this idea~. He notices my look. "Ouma, don't you dare!"
"Neshishishi! Toooooooooo late, I'm already gone~" this clearly pisses him off. Now, time to find this so called "Shuichi Saihara". I like Saihara Chan! His name is very attractive. I hope he's even more attractive naked. I laugh out loud. I walk into the "employees only" room, you know, cause I can. I look around for said boy. Maybe I can catch him before he changes back into something more suited for this weather. Just before I decide to give up, I see him swiftly walk in the direction of a changing stall. Neshishi, this is my chance. A huge smirk appears on my face, I'm soooooo ready haha!
"Hey hey hey! You're lookin pretty cute~" I smile to him. His reaction amuses me. A nervous blush. He seems almost terrified. Perfect. "Hahaha! You didn't seem like the kind of person to get so nervous. Especially in front of so many geezers. Haha!" He shrinks into himself.
"I'm sorry, are you drunk? You're not allowed to be back here." He says sternly.
"Oooooo, harsh. No, I'm not. But I do get a pass." He holds a laminated card up. "I *am* technically allowed back here. Orders of my dear friend Rantaro Amami. I'm sure you know him~" he realizes and only nods.
"I'm sorry sir...continue with what you were up to." He starts to walk away.
"Oh no no no you don't! I actually came here for you, Shuichi Saihara" I smirk seductively. "A certain friend of mine, who you've already met, said you were in a bit of a money struggle, am I right?" His face says it all. "So I am correct? Good. I want to make a deal, my beloved." That nickname seemed to bother him. I'm sure he knows where I'm going with this. He sighs.
"Fine...how much?" I burst out in laughter.
"Oh my fucking god! What kind of slut are you? Haha!" He looks away, ashamed I assume.
"But my answer is however much you want." This shocks him. He might actually fucking DIE from all the heart strain.
"A-as much as I want..? How much money do you have?" I smile.
"Well, let's just say I'm the leader of a very big organization. I can get you as much money as I want. As long as you become mine. And only mine~" he sinks into himself. "Is it a deal, my sweet sweet Saihara Chan??" I say in a baby tone. It takes a while, but he eventually agreed. "Perfect!" I coo. "I'd like to begin now if that's ok~ neshishi!" He blushes.
"L-like, right now? A-ahh" He was a blushing mess as I aggressively pulled him to my limousine. Yes, we riding fáncy!

Time skip. Saihara's POV

(NOTE: if you keep reading it'll say they're underage. Later on in this 'story' I made an author's note that you'll see if you continue reading stating that I'm changing their ages to be older. I'm just uncomfortable knowing that I made them young. Even though I'm the same age as them and I've done stuff, I just don't wanna make underage shit. So uh yeah, sorry for taking up your precious time. Ouma is 19 and Saihara is 20. I just don't wanna change what's next to show what it originally was so my future authors note will make more sense as to why I wrote it, thanks loves <3 )

I played with my fingers as we pulled up to a huge ass fucking mansion. I hope his dick is this big too. You know, since we gotta fuck and all...he sees how nervous I am.
"Awww, Saihara Chan, calm your pussy, k love?" I smile a little.
"I-uh, thank you..?" He flushes up, though it wasn't that noticeable. A few people escort us to a bedroom. On the way, we just have small talk.
"So, how old are you?" He smirks. "Don't worry if your underage, I won't tell~" I look down.
"...seventeen...I'm seventeen." He laughs.
"I'm fourteen" I gasp.
"W-wait what? Hbvhvbbvhvbvbvhbvhvhv" He starts laughing. I seriously can't do it...with a tucking child...
"It's ok, it's ok..." his eyes change from childish to 'I'm gonna fuck you so hard on my cold basement floor. "I'm eleven....sorry for lying again. To be totally serious, I'm sixteen. Just ask your boss. We're close." He crosses his fingers. I don't know how, but I didn't notice we were in a dark bedroom. He immediately pushes me down onto the bed.
"Beg for your life, you filthy fucking bottom!" He yells. I try not to cry for my life...
Holy fucking shit....

((Have fun with a cliff hanger. Be back in ten years))

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