~Part fourtneen~

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*i know I don't normally do this since this entire thing is a trigger warning, but I really feel the need to say that this part contains mental abuse. So yeah, read with caution*

"...I'm sorry..what?" I ask him, maybe I just heard him wrong. He was more stern now, there were no traces of the light hearted tone he was just using.

         "Where were you last night Saihara." My last name?! He's being formal, oh god...oh fuck...He notices my silence and knows that I am freaking out. He caught me.

         "Maki Roll is an assassin, as you know, and last night she was asked by an unknown women willing to pay a fortune just to have a certain man killed. Actually, he's barely a man, I think she said he was 16? Anyways, she was hesitant to kill a child at first. But after hearing what the women had to say about the boy, she changed her mind. He never directly murdered anyone, but he has manipulated so many people into suicide. He's forced people to do horrible things with him, stolen and fucked people over so many times to the point of bankruptcy. And all at the age of fucking 16. But what really sent her over the edge was the fact that he had a sex slave that the women claimed was given to him by a friend."

          "Holy shit..." his silence signified that he was surprised I swore. I never really noticed how much Ouma had changed me over the past months.

          "Yeah...anyways. Last night was the night she was going to kill him. He was at some party for rich people or whatever the fuck..." she suddenly came onto the phone and spoke.

          "I was in position, but right before I shot the trigger, someone walked in front of him. Do you have any idea who Kokichi Ouma is. You clearly do, since you were all over him last night." She says with spite. I started to hyper ventilate. Oh shit of fuck, they found out. I'm so fucking stupid! How could I be so blind to not notice that Maki fucking Harukawa was stalking me the whole night from the window! She watched me get drunk, high, and probably even saw us feeling each other up and our little fight. I began to shake.

          "Shuichi..." Momota asked concerned. "What is your relationship with that boy." I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, so I hung up. I didn't want them to know, this is the worst case scenario. I could feel my phone vibrating as I curled up in a ball of regret and sadness.

//The two were worried out of their fucking minds, spamming to make sure he was ok. Their fears heightened when he didn't respond. This would be the last time the group spoke for a while.\\

(I feel like switching to third person, so deal with it I guess)

As Saihara sat on the balcony trying not to scream his lungs out in anger and distress, the alter re-enters the scene. He smiles as he wraps his arms around the other, making sure to keep his superiority.

"What's wrong, Shuichi darling?" He whispers, his words lined with manipulation. Ouma has a way with words, changing his tone into one that makes him seem untouchable to Saihara. The way he speaks so angelically soothed him. The way his words were wrapped with the false security of love made him seem special. And the touch of another human comforted him until he was level headed again. Ouma playing the pieces just right in Saihara's state of vulnerability gave him a godly position in Saihara's mind. A boy so broken through the pain he feels daily finding a twisted sort of light gave him hope.

Now what could Ouma do with this? Or rather, what will he do.

Fvcked Love (Oumasai / saiouma) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now