~Part Thirteen~

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Saihara's POV

     "Aw fuck..." was the first thing I thought or said when I woke up the next morning. I run my fingers through my greasy hair trying to alleviate the pounding pain in my head.
     "Hangover, Huh?" Wow, I cant believe that first thing he's said to me for hours was that. Not even a sorry for getting mad that I didn't want to fuck you? Mature.

     "Guess so." He didn't seem too happy with my blunt answer. We were still in his bed, but it was big enough to have some distance. How long was he waiting to say that? Looks like he's been up for quite some time. How much anticipation did he have to hold in just so he could piss me off with the remark? I may just be mad, maybe I'm just being dramatic.

     "Haha! Are you always sober or something?" Clearly someone has a strong immune system. I can't be near this fucker anymore. As I push the covers off, he grabs my wrist.

     "Why don't you just lay back down, Kay?" He said with this cheerful tone that was clearly laced with some other emotion. Kind of like when the popular girl pretends she likes you. "Want me to get you water or anything, my *precious* SaiChan?" Eww. What's with the emphasis on 'precious'? Even though I was uncomfortable, water would so nice, even if there's a chance he could lace the drink.

     "Sure." Then he skipped off like a little bitch. Wow, I really am mad. I've been like this for a while. While getting deeper into my thoughts, I started to realize that I haven't been myself lately...

     I look down at my phone to get my mind off of things. Guess I got a message from Momota...it's been a while.

            Hey! It's been a while Shuichi!

                                                                                       I guess it has been, huh? Sorry.
             Don't apologize! Actually, Maki Roll
             and I have been pretty worried
             about you. Everything alright? You
             don't usually go m.i.a.

                                                                                       Sorry, I just haven't had time,
                                                                                       especially with this new job.
                                                                                       It has been some time, do you
                                                                                       want to call or something?
             Sure! Anything for my good 'ol
             side kick!

      I felt the phone ring in my pocket. I quickly go onto the balcony and lock the door so Ouma can't interrupt us.

     "Hey Shuichi!" He said. His tone was enough to make anyone smile, even me.

     "Hey Momota...how've things been?" I didn't know what else to say, I was anxious. It's been months since we've last talked. I was panicking.

     "It's been good. Ever since you've been sending money, everything's been covered for bills. Though you don't have to send so much. You really got a good job. Sorry for taking all that money" his voice was laced with guilt.

     "No no...it's fine. I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to. I don't feel forced, I promise. Uh, how's Harukawa?" He suddenly perked up.

     "You mean Maki Roll? We started dating!" He was excited to tell, which made me feel warm inside.

     "That's sweet, how long?"

     "About 2 months. Anniversary comes up in 4 days. We're really going strong haha!" I chuckled along with him. "So, what's up with you?" His tone was still light hearted, but unnervingly serious.

     "Oh uh, just been busy with this new job and all...it's confidential." I hoped he wouldn't go any further with questions.

     "That's fine, if you can't say, you don't have to. But can you answer something for me?" I felt relieved.

     "Yeah, what is it?"

     "Where were you last night?"

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