~Part four~

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Saihara's POV

I continued to cry silently, watching myself in the mirror. The feelings going through my head were just...confusing. My face red, and full of tears. A grand sensation took me back to my meaning of despair. A slight vibration, reminding me of the night before. I reach into my pants to pull out my cell phone.
"H-Hello?" I prayed that the boy from last night wouldn't hear me speaking. He...terrified me. While I worried about that though, the one on the other end was in a fuck cluster.
"Saihara! Where are you! Kaito and I are worried fucking sick!" I smile and laugh.
"Are my whereabouts that important to you guys?" I joked, even though I knew this was definitely not the time for that.
"Where are you?" I hear Momota San ask through the speaker. "You left for work last night and never returned or even said anything. It's three fucking fifty nine in the afternoon! I know for a fact you didn't work that long." I shook at his tone.
"Hey, the only thing that matters is that I'm okay, right? I know this area is known for violence, especially against weaker people, but I can handle myself on my own. Where I am is rather personal. But I'll try and update you next time. I apologize." I said, not a single lie in my words. I truly meant what I said. Momota seemed to be satisfyed...but...
"You're hiding something and I don't fucking like it. And I *will* figure it out." Then she hung up...uhh ok then.
After my ugly faggot ass stopped leaking my salty tears, I remember I had to take my routinely morning shit. After I opened the lid, what I saw....surprised me.

Fvcked Love (Oumasai / saiouma) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now