~Part three~

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((There's a LLTTOLTLOTLTO of smut, so bye pussies 👋))

Saihara's POV

I breathe heavily at his last statement. W-was he being serious?!
"W-what..?" I ask, scared. He straddles me with his anorexic fucking thighs. Our dicks touching through only mere layers of clothes. He moves around a little.
"Did you not fucking hear me?! I told you to fucking beg! I want you to beg me!" He pins my arms down. I cry out in pleasure and fear. "Beg for money like the cheese smelling skank you are!" This absolutely terrified me.
"P-ple AH! Please give me money!" I moaned. I couldn't hold it in. The feeling of a mans cock was nothing I'd even been through before. I knew I liked boys, I just didn't want anyone to know. This didn't matter how. I was crying out the name of a stranger in his house in the middle of fucking no where! I was snapped back into reality.
"Call me your master! Back down for me! And you'll be rewarded." I shake as he knees my stomach. This action weirdly enough caused a shot of precum. He laughs.
"Wow, you really are a whore. It's been what, two minutes? And you're already dick over ass for me!" I'm guessing he meant head over heels..."but don't worry my love, I'll make sure you feel good. I'll make sure you're not a fucking slut anymore. You'll be all mine. My private dancer. I'll pay you more than Amami ever could, you don't need him. *I* am your everything Saihara Chan. Sell yourself, to me~" he cries out. It was so full of passion that in the heat of the moment I gave myself to him. He pulls off my shirt. "Please! I need you. Right here, right now!" My tears told him his answer as I don't resist. We violently make out for what seems like hours. Then he pulls away, a huge string of bloody saliva ran down to my nipple. He bit my tongue...and was now licking it off. He starts doing the thing where he moves his ass again, sending me into cloud fucking nine! He uses his foot to pull my pants off and play with my balls.
"Oh Saihara Chan, how much I love your beautiful moans. Would you mind being a tad bit louder?" He coos. "I mean, I am gonna fuck you senseless you know~" I start shaking just by the idea. He smirks. "Your my filthy slut Saihara Chan." He then pulls his stripped boxers off to reveal his surprisingly massive cock. His monster dong.
"Suck my dick! Suck it right now! Like a god damn lollipop!" He yells as I push him to the floor. His loud thump caused me to ejaculate all over the both of us.
"S-sorry...I promise I still have some in me" he smirks.
"of course you do, slut-" I then give him the blow job of his life. Right there on the third story of his mansion. I bob up and down, swirl around, suck his balls. All the above. And he is rolling in pleasure. I feel rather accomplished. Though I guess I wasn't doing good enough because after a little while, he grabs my head and thrusts himself into me. I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as I get face fucked by a solid 6 inch. After let's just say ten minutes, I taste a hot, salty liquid in my mouth. I realize what it is a swallow, though a bit drips from my glossed lips. I breathe heavily, catching my breathe. He can sense I'm getting tired, so he stands me up.
"Oh no you fucking don't. I still have to fuck you senseless, remember?" I nod, dazed. I then get pushed up against the window. I feel my bare ass on the glass. I hide my face, hoping no one sees. I then feel a few of his fingers slip in. He giggles. "Sorry, I don't have lube, but I hope Panta works too, since it's also a cold, sticky liquid." I feel it sizzling up my tiny asshole and cringe. After a while, I feel his sticky and painfully stingy dick penetrate my ass. I can't remember how long, heck I can't even remember my own name! Oh nah nah, what's my name? After the long, longgggg night, I remember falling asleep. I woke up in bed next to the man with the crazy eyes. I immediately start crying, though he wasn't up yet. I shake and cry, running to the bathroom. I look at myself.
"Who...who am I...?"

((Sorry for the WEIRDDDDD sex scene, I wanted to be humorous haha. I hope it worked, my friend and I have been laughing for hours!))

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