~Part five~

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Saihara's pov

After I opened the lid, what I saw surprised me...
"Damnnnnn, I can smell your cum dumpster of a pussy from here, my little slut fuck!" I jumped back, screaming.
"I went through the kitchen sink and wiggled through the pipes, duh" I look at him, disgusted
"Are you some kind of fucking rat?" He smirks which made me want to punch him.
"You know, you look really hot when you cry~" he giggled as I shook in fear. What the fuck is wrong with him? "I will pay you so much money to cry for me. To feel pain for me!" He looks absolutely insane. I don't feel safe near him, even if I'm getting paid. He then suddenly jumped out, pushing me down. The impact of my head hitting the side of the bathtub made me scream in relentless pain. I rolled up in a ball, tears threatening to fall. Climbing on me, I see something in his hand. While in unimaginable pain, I managed to speak.
"W-what is that..?" He smiles soothingly.
"You'll see~" I shiver at the soft touch of his hands. He frowned a little "I know we just met, but I'm in love with you, Shuichi Saihara." I flushed up. I didn't feel the same way, but I was most certainly flattered.
"I-I don't even know your name..." I smile, my face still a light pink. He then started laughing. He looked happy when he did it.
"How about we play a game. Ask me what my name is when I make you fall in love with me" I blushed more.
"C-Can't I just know? This is so stupid." He had that weird smirk on his face again.
"You can be so easy to read, yet so hard." I give a questioning look. "I can't tell if you like me or not. Last night you looked so happy to be holding me, then you wake up and cry. You're very confusing." I glare.
"Maybe it's because I had sex with a fucking stranger?" I replied. This caused him to smirk even wider.
"Oh, but you seemed to love it, you were crying out for me!" He laughs as I groan.
"I don't even know your name." He strokes my naked torso. I guess I forgot to put my clothes back on, through I wasn't really wearing much in the first place. His smile was still a little creepy.
"You probably don't like me that way. Maybe it's because we didn't get off to a good start, correct? So how about this? Quit your job. Come here instead. He could never pay you as much as I could." His eyes were terrifying. Like he'd kill me if I said no. So I nodded. And I never knew the shit hole I had gotten myself into...

(Bro, do y'all think I'm a boy or girl by how I write? Also, 500 words)

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