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Uhhhhh hey, it's me again. It's been a while. I just got a question if anyone is still gonna see this after I put out the last part (an announcement stating I wouldn't be continuing). Would you want me to continue this? My main issue with not wanting to continue was because I was writing weird sexual and abusive shit and I just don't vibe with that shit. I found it weird. You can like whatever you want tho as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I just thought it was funny or some shit? I dunno haha. Guess I just wanted to say, would y'all rather me just not continue, or I do, but I cut down on that shit and slowly work Saihara and Ouma's relationship to a more healthy one. Also, I'd be upping their ages. Saihara would be 21 and Ouma 20 I dunno, it's up to you cause I don't really care what I do, I just don't want to let anyone down, ya know? Gosh, I'm gonna stop writing now cause this getting long. Maybe I'll get back to you -love Aaron ;3

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