~Part twelve~

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Ok so catch this, what if I did the exact same thing and just didn't update? Haha, That'd be funny!

Saihara's POV
     Do you know that feeling when you're so shit faced that you forget your own name? Literally me at the moment. After the formal party we had gone to, Ouma took me and his fat ass friend Iruma or whatever to a side party with some of the younger people (such as us) who showed up. And there we just got high af. I don't usually drink or do drugs or smoke or literally anything, but I have just been so fed up with this purple little fucker. So I was desperate to clear my head, don't judge.

     But there was an even bigger bitch on my nerves right now. I had just rolled a blunt, and this slutty bitch took it! Like, her body type looks like a literal Robloxian, who gave you the right? I decided to lay low for a while and just smoke some good old weed to chill out.

     After a while or so, I was chill as fuck. I feel on top of the world. The fumes in the air were fucking intoxicating! I have no idea where Ouma was at this time, so I was just hanging out with some kids when some random girl started grinding against me. She looked like your typical popular, rich girl, blonde, pink clothes, smooth white skin. (Guess who). She has practically all the requirements. But why the hell is she getting down and dirty? Go home and do your homework or something.

     "Girl," I heard a slurred voice say "he clearly doesn't want your flat ass, fuck off!" She scoffed at this person and just walked off with her drink. Thank goodness, I just might have to thank the mysterious voice.

     "Wow SaiChan, it's been like 30 minutes and you're already straight! Hahaaaaa" his laugh was infested with this groggy tone. Ouma was more wasted then me it seemed. "How 'bout I use my beautiful body to turn you gay again?" Without any more words, we started to violently make out on the island in the middle of the kitchen, my back pressed against it. He was getting deep into my mouth, searching every square inch of me with his tongue.

     "Wanna take this upstairs, bitch boy?" He asked, so I agreed in the heat of the moment. Once we had finally found an empty room, he locked the door and started to kiss my neck. He was being really fucking rough and unbuttoning my shirt. At this point I was coming closer and closer to regaining some part of common sense and I was getting tired. I pushed him away.

    "Can we continue this some other time, I'm fucking tired." This really ticked him off and I quickly prepared myself to either get thrown to the ground and beat up, or thrown on the bed and fucked merciless...but neither happened...huh? I looked at him and he just walked off.

     "Fine...let's go then." He was clearly pissed, but at least he listened. We made our way through the crowd to the front yard. He was getting impatient having to wait in the front for his driver to pull up, so we started walking down the long driveway. It was silent, and kind of cold out. The sound of blaring music getting further into the distance. The silence was so unbelievably awkward.
     "Um...I'm sorry about stopping you....uh, yeah..." why the fuck did you say that? I'm so dumb. Of course his petty ass didn't answer, which made me groan. The ride back to his place held the same atmosphere. Was he seriously that mad at me that he wouldn't even crack one of his dumb jokes? I must have really fucked up, huh? I thought this as I started to dose off.

Ouma's POV
      God I'm so fucking tired. I was really in the mood, everything was perfect! The setting and the atmosphere were top tier. But he didn't want to continue even though we've done it before. Is it cause I'm ugly or something? Hard to believe, I know, but it's the only thing I can think of.

     As I sit in silence listening to my own thoughts, I feel something, or rather someone, on my shoulder. I glance over to see SaiChan passed out with his head leaning on me. Maybe he was just too tired to continue? Wait. Who cares anyways, it's not like I care or anything, god! I'm still mad at him! But for some reason, in that moment, I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. Seriously, what's wrong with me? He's worthless, just a filthy slut, so why am I starting to care? He doesn't deserve it, especially from someone like me.

     Since we were finally back and he hasn't seemed to wake up and mommy Tojo wasn't responding to my calls, I had to carry this fucker all the way inside to my room. I hate him, I seriously do, but why do I also feel like he's everything to me? I'm just drunk, everything will go back to normal tomorrow, so I better just go to bed. And with that, we were both out for the count.

This is so gross, eww, I can't write. You better enjoy cause it's 2am and I'm tired.

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