- twenty six -

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7 AM. I got dressed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair. You know, the usual morning routine. I did everything quietly, as to not wake up Cody. He needed the rest just as much as I did. I looked at him once before leaving and smiled. He was so cute when he was sleeping. 

I took Cody's car keys and left the house, making my way down to the parking garage.  I unlocked his car and got in. I wasn't really used to driving Çody's car. I plugged in the address to the doctor's office and made my way there. I even played "Wait A Minute!" by Willow and sang along. 

"Hold on, wait a minute. Feel my heart's intention," I sang. 

A couple songs later, I pulled into the parking lot. I parked, grabbed everything I needed, and got out. 

I went inside and went straight to the counter. There was a woman at the counter, maybe 30 years old. She had brown hair and a kind face. "Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Ronan at 7:30." 

"Of course. Name?" 

"Aubrey Mendes." 

"Oh, yes. Okay, just sign in here and I'll call you in in a bit." 

I signed wherever she needed me to and handed the paper back to her. She smiled and I went to go find a chair to sit in. 

I flipped through a magazine that was sitting on the table in front of me. It wasn't very interesting so I set it down. I looked through Instagram and Twitter instead. 

"Aubrey Mendes?" 

I looked up. It was one of the nurses. I stood up and made my way over to her. 

She led me to an examination room, where she told me to wait for the doctor. I sat in the examination chair. Weirdly, my heart was racing. I don't know why I was so nervous. Maybe I just don't like being in doctor's offices. My feet were dangling off the chair and I looked around the room. 

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, then the door opened. 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Ronan. You're Aubrey Mendes?" 

"Yes," I smiled. 

"Nice to meet you. What're you here for today?" the doctor asked. 

"So, I've been feeling nauseous lately. Couple headaches here and there. I threw up once. I just wanted to see if I'm sick or something." 

"Okay. Before we get started, I just need some of your information since it looks like it's your first time here." 

We spent some time talking about my health. Weight. Height. Previous health problems. Stuff like that. 

"When was your last period?" 

I thought about it for a second. Oh shit. I haven't had my period since I've moved to LA. 

"More than a month ago. I've moved here, I think, a little more than a month ago and I haven't gotten my period since." 

Dr. Ronan wrote something down in my file. 

"Okay. And you said you've been nauseous, even throwing up?" 


He wrote something down. 

"And headaches, correct?" 


He wrote something down. 

"Have you been feeling fatigued more recently? Like you have less energy than usual?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I guess. Like I definitely feel the need to take a nap." 

"And have you noticed any mood swings? Food cravings?" 

"Uh, yeah, for sure. Not really sure about the mood swings, but I have been craving like some weird foods that I never used to. You know, pickles and chocolate." 

"Okay," he said as he wrote something down. "So, what I want to do now is for you to take a urine sample so we can see what is actually going on. I'm gonna give you this and you're just gonna go to the bathroom down the hall, and you know the rest." 

I got up from the chair and took the cup the doctor gave me. I exited the room and made my way down to the bathroom. I felt like I already knew what was going on. 

After I finished my business, I handed off the cup to a nurse who said she'd take it down for testing right away. Another nurse led me to a different room. The ultrasound room. 

"So, I'm just gonna have you lay here. And could you lift your shirt up for me a little bit?" 

I lifted my shirt up, just enough so that my stomach was showing. The nurse put a cold gel on my stomach area. She showed me a screen that showed what was happening in my uterus. She moved the camera around for a little bit, trying to find something. It felt like a lifetime. 

"Are you sure something's there?" I asked the nurse. 

"Gotta be thorough. But, I swear I thought I just saw something." 

I sighed. I hope this wouldn't take long.

After what felt like ten hours, another nurse walked in with a file in her hands. She handed it off to the nurse that was examining my uterus. The nurse didn't even bother looking at the file. 

"There we go. You see that little sac there?" she pointed out to me. 

"Yeah, " I said, looking at whatever the heck that thing was. While I was looking at the ultrasound, the nurse took a look at the file handed to her. 

She wiped the gel off of my stomach and sat across from me on a stool. She had the file on her lap. 

"So, I just got the urine results back. Everything's looking good. We tested it for human chorionic gonadotropin..." 


"Well, after what we saw on the ultrasound and the urine sample..." 

"Just tell me," I was getting impatient.  

"Are you sure you don't want your significant other here?" the nurse asked. 

"Yes, it's fine, I blurted out, not even thinking about Cody's feelings. 

The nurse nodded and let out a breath. 

"You're pregnant." 

authors note: for the story's sake, i obviously sped some things up that would have taken longer in real life. 

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