- twenty nine -

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"I'm gonna hop in the shower," Cody said, then looking back at me. "And maybe we can talk about that doctor's appointment you had?" 

"Oh. Yeah, okay." 

Cody kissed me on the forehead and walked away to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 

I paced around the bedroom, thinking about what I would say and how I would tell him. My palms were sweating so I wiped them on my pants. 

I decided I'd wait for him in the living room. I grabbed a little snack of hot Cheetos and strawberry yogurt and brought them with me to the couch. I was nervous-eating and crave-eating. My body is all types of wack right now. 

I heard the shower turn off so I put the food back in the kitchen. I waited for Cody to get changed so I sat back down on the couch. He came out to the living room and saw me sitting on the couch. He sat down next to me. I positioned myself so that my knees were facing inwards towards Cody. 

"So, the doctor ran some tests after I told him I wasn't feeling too well recently-" Cody cut me off. 

"Wait, why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" 

"Cody, can you just listen for a second?" 

I took a breath. 

"The doctor ran my urine test and it was positive for human chorionic gonadotropin, or something, and a nurse did an ultrasound and saw something..." I said, trying not to make my voice sound shaky. 

Cody just stared at me, waiting for me to say something else. I held his hand and I looked back into his eyes. 

"Cody. I'm pregnant." 

There was silence. Cody didn't say something right away. He was in shock. 

"What? Really? Oh my God!" 

He stood up and I followed. He hugged me but he realized that I wasn't as happy as he was. 

"This is good news, right?" 

"I don't know, Cody. I just don't think I'm ready to be a mother, especially this young. And you, your baseball career is taking off and we're always busy. How are we gonna raise a child like this?" I was frantic. 

"Aub, everything is fine. We'll figure something out, we still have time." 

Cody calmed me down and I took a breath. 

"Okay, you're right."

"So, when are we telling everyone else?" Cody asked. 

"I don't know. I was thinking we should tell them this weekend over dinner?" 

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll tell the guys at tomorrow's game." 

While we were planning dinner, Chris came home. 

"Hey, welcome home," Cody greeted Chris. 

"Hey, guys. What's up?" 

I looked at Cody and Cody looked back at me. "Should we tell him?" I whispered to Cody. 

"I mean, he's already here, so might as well, right?" 

We looked back at Chris, who was now in the kitchen. "Something wrong guys?" 

Cody and I walked over to the kitchen counter. "Chris, we have something to tell you," I said. "You should sit down." 

Chris pulled out a chair and sat down across from me. Cody sat down next to me. 

"There's no easy way of saying this, so I'm just gonna say it," I paused. "I'm pregnant." 

Chris' face lit up. "Really? Oh my God, congratulations!" 

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