- twenty seven -

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I was on my way home. I was basically speeding to get home. 

"Oh my God, Oh my God," I whispered to myself. "One time. All it took was one time." 

Cody was calling me but I didn't answer. What am I gonna tell him when I get home? He has a game tonight. I'm not sure if I want to spring this on him now. 

I thought about it the whole way home. I didn't even play music. I'm not ready to be a mother and I'm not sure Cody's ready to be a father. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. So many emotions were flooding over me. Happiness. Confusion. A little bit of anger. 

I quickly pulled into the parking garage and parked. I grabbed my purse and locked the door. I ran to the elevator, pushing the up button repeatedly. 

When the elevator came down, I got in. Again, I was pushing the floor number repeatedly. 

"Come on, can this thing go faster?" I whispered to myself. 

I was hoping Cody didn't go anywhere with Chris. I fast-walked to the house and opened the door. Both Cody and Chris were in the living room. They both turned to look at me. 

"Hey, welcome back," Cody said, sounding like he had just woken up. 

"Hey, guys." 

Chris was sitting on the couch and Cody was just making his way there. They both had plates with them, filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and some waffles. 

"You came back perfect timing. We left a plate for you on the counter," Chris said. 

"Oh, thanks, guys." 

I walked over to the counter and grabbed my plate. I took it with me to the couch and I sat down next to Cody. We were all watching TV, mainly just switching channels to see what we should watch. We all dug into our food, I started with the bacon. 

"This is great. Who made breakfast today?" I asked. 

"Chris. He basically does all the cooking around here," Cody said. 

"Babe, you should cook for us once." 

"What? No. I can't subject you two to that torture." 

We continued eating. I don't know how I was considering the news I just got. The guys finally decided on just watching the news. But then they just switched to some random sports channel. 

Cody and Chris finished eating before me but continued watching TV. When I finished, I got up and took their plates to the sink. 

"Thanks," both of them said. 

"Yeah, no problem." 

I quickly sprayed them with water. Cody and Chris both went to their bedrooms. I followed Cody to the bedroom. 

Cody was getting changed when I walked in. He started getting dressed in some of his workout clothes.

"Day game, huh?" I asked, even though I completely forgot that it was a day game. I've gotten so used to the night games, day games have just slipped my mind. 

"Yeah, you're coming, right?" 

"Of course. Let me just change real quick." 

I  quickly changed into my Bellinger shirt and jersey and kept the leggings I already had on. I tied up the jersey and put my hair in a low pony. Cody was still packing his backpack so I waited for him in the living room. 

"Okay, let's go," Cody came out of the bedroom, backpack slung over his shoulder. 

I got up and walked in front of Cody. I put my shoes on and walked out the door. 

We went downstairs to the parking garage. Cody unlocked the car and put his backpack in the back seat. I got in the passenger's seat and Cody got in the driver's seat. He looked at me. 

"So, how was the doctor's today?" he asked.

"Oh, you know. Just the usual checkup." 

"Did he find out what's been going on?" 

"Uh-" I was interrupted by a knocking on my window. It was Chris. I rolled the window down. 

"Hey, guys. Uh, mind if I ride with you to the stadium?" Chris asked. 

I looked over at Cody for an answer. "No, of course not, dude. Hop in the back." 

Chris opened the back door behind me, putting his backpack in first. He hopped in and buckled his seatbelt. 

"We'll talk about it later, yeah?" I whispered to Cody. 

"Yeah, for sure," Cody said, then kissing me on the lips. I needed that. I smiled. 

We headed to the stadium. The three of us talked about the upcoming gala and Bruno Mars. The guys arguing about which Bruno Mars song was the best was hilarious. Chris went with the good ole' "Uptown Funk" while Cody went with the classic "24K Magic." They helped me take my mind off things. 

We pulled into the player's parking lot. Cody gave the security guard standing out front a smile and a "hey." He pulled into an empty parking spot. We all got out, everyone grabbing their stuff. Cody and Chris slung their backpacks over their shoulders. 

We walked up to the player's entrance and stopped just outside of it. Cody hugged me, "I'll see you in a bit, okay?" 

"Yeah," I kissed him. 

I let go of him. Cody walked in and Chris waved me goodbye, which I returned. I walked away and to the stadium entry. I got in no problem and made my way to my seat. The stadium was pretty empty, considering that it was hours before the game. I waited for Cody to come out so I waited in my seat, watching some of the other guys practice. 

Soon after, Cody came out of the dugout. He walked over to me. 

"Hey, babe. You got a couple hours to kill, huh?" 

"Yeah, it's no biggie though. It just means I get to watch you practice," I replied. 

"Okay, okay, I gotta go. Don't stare at my ass too much!" Cody joked. 

"I can't promise you that!" I said, kissing Cody bye. 

Cody walked away to the batting turtles. I decided I'd get some food before it got too busy. I walked up the stairs and to the food vendors. 

I ordered a hot dog, fries, and water. As I was paying, someone behind me called out my name. 


I looked behind me. 

"Mariana! Oh my God, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"

She paid after I did. "I know! I've just been so busy, you know? Oh, are you sitting in your usual seat?" 


"Looks like we're gonna be sitting next to each other!"

We walked back to our seats, holding our food. We caught up on each other's lives but I left the part out where I was pregnant. Maybe because I didn't quite believe it myself yet. 

We sat down and started eating our food. Mariana drunk her beer and I drank my Coke. Mariana stared at me weirdly. 

"No beer today?" Mariana asked. 

"Yeah. Guess I wasn't in the mood today." 

"But don't you usually get a beer when you're here?" 

"Not all the time. Besides, I won't be drinking beer for a while." 

"What, why?" 

Oh crap. I totally just let that slip. 

"Oh, you know-" I was cut off. 

Mariana asked enthusiastically, "Aub, are you pregnant?" 

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