The Call

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Getting Addie ready we are all on edge today because we just want to get there. "Mom! Stop! Your doing it all wrong!" Addie snaps taking off her shoe and fixing her sock.

"Don't you get mad at me young lady." I scold her and she just sticks her tongue out at me making steam come out of my ears.

"Hey both of you knock it off! I should to have to say that to my wife." Dean rolls his eyes, jumping to my feet I pin him to a wall so fast he didn't have time to blink.

"Listen! I am just as cranky as you but I am your wife and you need to support me! All of your routines are off! All of us feel threatened so just take a chill pill why don't you?" I snap in his face, he nods his head annoyed and I let him go. "Addie you drive in daddy's car." He hates it when she drives in his car because he has no TV in it and she makes messes in it and he hates it when his car is messy. He turns to me almost turning red, I just shrug slipping on my shoes and Addie's and we all walk out the door. Me, I brace myself but today, it doesn't burn. Shrugging, Dean, Addie, and I take the stares while Carry takes the stares, she hasn't said a word since we got to the hotel last night.

Shaking my head I return the key to the front desk with a half hearted smile. She returns it and we all walk back to our cars, just before I step into my car I get a searing pain in my leg that's out of the car. Screaming I look down to see an arrow sticking out of my leg. Looking up I see no one, Dean comes running over and when he sees my leg he panics. Carry comes over too and sighs annoyed. "Why doesn't anyone like you guys?" She comes over to my arrow, grabbing my calf I shake my head trying to get her to stop and soon she yanks the arrow out causing me to scream louder watching my blood gush out of the wound. "There, one it heals let's go." She barks, she stomps over to her car while I just lean over my middle console crying.

"We didn't do anything to anyone! Why is this happening to us?" I stutter looking down I watch as the wound heals spitting out all the funk that was left over, rust and a small little cube. Picking it up I see it looks like a little piece of something you would pull out of a phone. Handing it to Dean his eye brows furrow before throwing it away.

"That was a chip, a tracking chip, your right. People know about us." Shuddering I wipe my face sniffing and start my car. Dean reaches down and tares off the bloodied portion of my pants and shoves it in the garbage bag inside my car. "I'm sorry about this morning, be safe and if you need to relax then we can pull over and rest. Just a few more hours and we can start house hunting, and then see if we really have a little bugger growing inside you." He says motioning towards my stomach, I roll my eyes and close the door rolling down the window.

"I'm pretty sure my uterus is vacant." I chuckle, he leans in and patts my stomach, raising my eye brows to him I just shake my head.

"I am pretty sure, any ways we need to go, I really want to settle on a house so yeah. Lets go!"

"Are you sure your twenty four? I think your still fifteen?" 

"Ah nah!" He struts to his car and all of us pull away, rolling up my windows and locking my car I just follow on. This is gonna be so much fun!


Looking around for houses for rent of for sale we can find nothing, every house is taken, we just need a spot to crash until Dean builds us a house, but let me tell you this place is beautiful. Colorado is obviously better but this is still beautiful.

My phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts, I just follow Dean around in the car looking out at everything. "Hello?" I ask not checking my caller ID.

"Hello my name is Immira, we are calling back about the Moon estates. I am sorry that my son scared you and came back a bit intimidating, he beleives he is psychic, anyways, he tells us you are looking for a home is that correct?" Pulling over to the side of the road for a moment to regain happy thoughts, this Moon estates place is freaking me out.

"Yes, how do you people know this? Its kind of bad for your buisness."

"Yes we are sorry, he wanted me to call you back, we adjust to your budget, as long as you are happy our price is fair. Our estates are on Black Moon Road." She sounds genuine, her voice is soft, silky and sweet making me want to actually live there, I am becoming quite fond of that place.

"Okay, how big are the homes?"

"Well if its for a family they are two stories but if you plan to have, friends and other family living with you then we up the square feet. Up to about a three story home, a personal pool, hot tub, and a large backyard with a trail into the woods." Holy crap thats awesome, this is amazing!

"Well for now its just my husband, my daughter, me and my best friend Carry. But i think she would just want to have her own home and its just her. Do you have like appartments there?"

"Oh yes we have everything, its a highly escured neighoborhood also a town, so a hospital clinic, a super market, drug store, small shops for clothing, a community park and every month we have a community party, its like a picnic and children are invited."

"Whoa...I will talk it over with my husband but we certainly will check it out."

"Okay we will see you then, and congradulations on the baby." My jaw almost drops, what?

"What do you mean?"

"Oh...nothing, just silly me. Rodger turn off the scentsy its getting to my head!" She barks probably to no one, she chuckles lightly before the line goes dead. A small knock on my window has me jumping throwing the phone on the floor. Looking over I see Dean, sighing I open the door and climb out feeling so confused. 

"Hey whats wrong?" He asks grabbing my arms, looking up to him I feel confused, but does she really think I am?

" dont know how to say it but I think Im pregnant?"

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