You Won't Believe

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"Wait is this stuff toxic for her? Will it cause her to have some sort  of abnormality or birth defect? We cant have that!" He asks nervous he runs out of the room quickly and comes back with a wet rag and is about to wipe it off when I rip my shirt down smiling.

"No, the doctor did it, of course its not toxic or I wouldnt do it, lets leave it so we can show Addie okay?" I ask him but he still looks unreal, he nods wiping the rag all over his face.

"Wow is it just me or is hot in here?" He asks making me laugh at how adorable he is, I wrap my arms around him tightly kissing his moist lips smiling, he throws the rag somewhere and wraps his arms around my waist kissing me back. He pulls away keeping his head to mine and we both smile. "Were having another girl, I think we should get a boy dog, Im too out numbered." He pouts and I kiss his bottom lip happily and I pull apart laying on the couch with my legs propped up.

"You would be the best husband in the world if you massaged my feet?" 

"Im not the best husband?" He asks jokingly but I can tell that he is a bit serious too.

"You are, are you going through my symptoms too? Gosh!" I giggle and the baby moves even more. "Shes moving alot you know, she has been all day, come get front row seats." He jumps on the wagon darting to my feet and I lift them up so he can lay on the couch too and I rest my feet and he gets started with one hand while the other on my belly. I lift up my shirt so he can see her in action.

"Why are avoiding my question? I think we should get a dog." He says, I lift up my arm that was draped over my face and look at him.

"You were serious?" I ask him, I chuckle slightly and he nods.

"Yeah I was dead serious, I think it would be good for all of us."

"No, dogs are so much work and Im half way done with my pregnancy! The baby is going to be born in twenty weeks!  Once the baby comes none of us will have enough time or energy to take care of a spazzy dog!" I say to him and he looks a bit upset. "Hun Im sorry you asked for a baby and were about to have one we cant have a baby and  a dog right now, maybe when its a bit older, like Addies age?"

"So your saying that you dont want the baby your just doing it for me?" He stops rubbing my feet and I stare at him in shock!

"Are you kidding me right now? You twisted my words I did not say that! I do want this baby, I love her so much! You dont understand the bond I have for her! Im creating a life inside me, I dont know about you but its pretty damn hard!" I shout to him annoyed throwing my hands up in the air. "We cant have a dog right now!" I bark to him, the baby jumps inside me startling her, oh my god I just startled my baby. I grab my stomach and tears flow down my cheeks, I swing my legs off of him and I run to our room closing the door and sitting on my sleeping bag.  "Baby Im sorry I scrared you, I am so sorry baby girl."  I cry, I scared her, I felt it, I yelled too loud and I scared her, I am horrible at being a mother, I am horrible at being a wife! 

I lay down in my spot and sob loudly, I suck at this, I hate being pregnant! I wish it would just  be in our arms when we want a baby, this is hard work for me! I dont think after this one I will have another? The door opens and Dean comes in some looking down to me but I burry my face in the pillow so he doesnt have to see me cry. "Im sorry I upset you." He says weakly, I feel like I am beating him up I dont want to bully my husband make him scared to come home to me! I want this marriage to be loving and him look forwards to coming home. "I just thought it would be nice, you know with everything going on I just thought it would be nice but your the Alpha like you said, you call the shots." 

"I dont want to be the Alpha thats your job! I want you to take a stand your the male the man of the house dont let me walk all over you!" I shout to him again still depressed, its not my job to call the shots.

"Then stop walking all over me, Im scared of you sometimes, you take control and I have no say! You make the decisions yourself! Sometimes I think you married me because I am your punching bag, that when you get pissed off you take it out on me, you never ask me whats wrong, or how I am feeling, you take Addie out of school and you dont ask me if that would be right! I feel like this is a one way relationship, that I am the only one that loves you and that fights for you." He shouts, getting more angry that I have ever seen, his face is red and his fangs start coming through, his hands have now become tight fists. "Do you even love me?"

"Of course I love you Dean! I would have never married you if I didnt!" I stand to my feet pulling down my shirt.

"I think you married me just so you can say you were married, so you can have a dad for Addie so you didnt have to be a pregnant teen alone! You werent the only one that got made fun of in school, I did too because I was the one that got your pregnant and you were my girlfriend who did get pregnant, we were the pregnant couple! You didnt ask me how I was taking it I took care of you! You didnt hold me when I cried you didnt even consider the thought that I was getting bullied more!" 

"Dont you dare bring that into this! We are argueing over the fact that I cant have a dog! Its always the wife that takes care of it and I cant!"

"Everything is always about you isnt it? You this, you that! What about me?" He shouts back. "You called the shots on coming here, I didnt want to come here, I hate England, I wanted to go to New York!"

"Well I am sorry..." 

"No your not your never sorry for anything! You changed me into a vampire and didnt ask if it was okay with me, you didnt make sure I was okay after we lost Ave, not once! She was my daughter too, you are so selfish about everything!" His face is redder and I didnt know he could get louder than he was now, he is shouting on the top of his lungs. "You always run away from everything, you always leave me with Addie, she misses you!" 

"Dean, Im sorry..." Tears run down my face, today was supposed to be a happy day.

"Your such a bitch!" My head darts up staring at him in horror that he said that to me, I cant believe he would call me that. I gasp at him, I dont know what to do or say, he soon realizes what he just said and he looks horrified. "I didnt mean that." He whispers, I stand to my feet and he comes near me but I just shove him away.

"Dont you dare!" I shout to him, tears steaming faster and faster until I cant see anything, its too fuzzy. 

"Sloan I am so sorry."

"Dont, if you feel this way then I will fax over the divorce papers, were through." 


Hey guys, I started getting teary eyed just writing this, didnt expect silent Dean to snap like that did you? Comment and vote on your thoughts!

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