Alone Time!

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Immira POV

The birth of a werewolf is always a special event, my entire family gathers around in the final moments to meet their newest brother. All the blood, sweat, and tears that is put forth in the process is the one thing that makes it beautiful, bringing forth another life, the life, my spouce and I have made in a saced process. Ben has been at my side all along, even if I did cast a spell on us all, he remembers it but yet he loves me so much.

As the final moment arises I take a final glance at the family of fifteen and welcome member sisteen. Everything is silent, being patient and respectful, its a sacred process for a husband and a wife to welcome a little human. Or person.

Laying back panting a loud raspy cry fills the air, I look up to my child and see him out streached in her hands presented above me screaming, his hair matted down with his protective mucus and blood. She places him down on my stomach and part of my chest and starts wiping him off while I cry. I sob looking down to my newest member of my family. I may have done some horrible things in my life but nothing would be able to stop me from having a family of my own, all my children and my wonderful husband. She clamps his cord before handing Ben the siccors, he cuts it instantly, he looks starving and I know what he is starving for.

"Malaki!" Little Shawn says peering over the side of the bed to look to his youngest brother, he isnt my baby any more.

"Yes welcome your brother Malaki." 

"I will be right back, let me dispose of the placenta." She stands up holding the placenta in a metal tin but Ben stops her.

"Please dont, its our custom for the father to eat their childs placenta." He takes the tin and I smile up to him, its not custom, its a male werewolf habit, it takes control, their wolf inside so they can bond with that child. She looks at him respectufully before putting a blanket over my lower torso and leaving the room for our family to awe over our newest arival.

Sloan POV

(22 Weeks)

"Sloan, we must speak, meet me at the were house 606 Hells Gate." I jolt awake hearing that horrible and terrifying voice. I look around and see the hotel room is completly empty, they must still be out. Fewf I still get some time to myself! I climb out of the bed and the words sounded like nails on a chalk board on high mode. 

Goosebumps trailed up my skin but I just shook them awake and slipped off my clothes only to my bra and underwear, thats all I wore around the hotel room, my body was agitated at my clothing. I walked around the room a bit, it was only a dream, I just was dreaming. I have a pretty powerful mind, I looked down to my stomach and realized I was starving, and all I wanted was pudding. "Baby your going to make this harder for me to lose your weight." Yes it will be her weight because she is making me crave this junk. I call down to the receptionist and order some chocolate pudding. "Yes that will be one pound." Ugh getting a bit pricey are we sure!

"Mmkay please hurry."

"Okay we will be right up ma'am."  I hang up the phone and rub circles over my stomach, its pretty big for five months but what can you expect from your third? I walk around the beautiful hotel room listening to the tv run and laugh at the funny parts, mess with the baby entaginizing her by pressing my stomach where she kicks and she just flutters angrilly at my stomach.

A knock on the door has me excited, I grab the couple pounds rush to the door not bothering to cover, I just dont care if they see me Im in a pleasant mood. I open the door wide and the person quickly eyes my body up and down in awe. "Here give me my pudding now please!" I shove the three pounds in his hands, take my pudding and slam the door in his face and skip back to my spot standing in front of the tv and eat my pudding, once the pudding touches my toung I hum happily, tasting the chocolate dance across my tonge.

I cant seem to get enough of it and they baby kicks me down near my hips and I just chuckle eating more, this moment cant get any more wonderful. Eating chocolate, practically naked, watching tv, and Im happy. Other than the creapy voice in my head when I woke up still lingers around my brain but whatever Ill figure it out later but for now Im enjoying the moment! My relaxing moment, Dean took Addie out and now I am relaxing.

Its funny that Dean and I got back together so quickly, but I know both of us are stressed out, I mean who wouldnt be? Having another baby is hard work, and I know Dean is not ready for my symptoms, later on, and the birth, he hates that every time. He wishes the baby would magically teliport out of my stomach and into our arms but I wish that too? I shake my head and scoup the empt tin and frown, that was so good though. I pout, I wish Dean was here, Dean and I need to take a babymoon before she comes cause we need it, we both need to go and relax someplace alone. I set the tin down on the night stand and lay back in the bed, putting the pillows back where they need to be and I sigh, that hit the spot, Im not satisfied but that is just what I needed.

The door opens and I frown slightly, I turn to the direction of the door to see Dean holding Addie who is passed out in his arms, his shirt is covered in vomit, I had to cover my face in the pillow so I dont heave myself. He holds so many stuffed animals as well, he looks so pooped. He sets her down in her bed and gets her pajamas on along with her night time pull up and tucks her in. He comes a tad over to me but I push him away. "Nope! Nope, nope, nope! Go shower first!" I bark into my pillow at him and he frowns before trudging to the bathroom. He peers over the side of the bathroom door to me smiling evilly.

"Come shower with me." He licks his lips suductivly making me bite my lip holding in my inner lion, Im so ready to pounce, but cool it, I have a baby in me who is probably sencing my emotions, thats a tad embarrising. I quickly get out of the bed and see he is already stripped, I smile knowing he wont smell that bad of vomit and I get into the shower, not needing much to take off and let my surroundings relax me.


We are so close to being packed! Seven days till we need to be moved, today the workers came and put in new carpet and the house smells so freaking good!!!! I love the new carpet smell so much!!! Im really hyper because Ive tried English chocolate and let me tell you it is so much better than American, I have English friends who brought us chocolate and let me tell you I get high off it. I go around screaming and what not saying how much I love stairs and chocolate and slide down the stairs. Yeah! Anyways Im doing okay I just need English chocolate in my life 24/7! Probably gonna update one chapter a day or two depends on my scedual! Haha I have always wanted to say that!

I promise I do not do drugs this is from the chocolate! So im feeling better A.T.M. but its midnight and I have seminary at 6am-6:50am every weekday....Ugh I hate it but I do it cause I respect my parents, okay Im gonna shut up now. Night! Comment please though! Tell me what you think abou it? Should they have not gotten together that quickly again? But I have an awesome twist up ahead that will drive you all bonkers!

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