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Standing in the foggy space of nothing, a small gleam of light just enough so I can see my hand in front of my face. I walk around lost, and a giant screen of Sloan and Dean pop up seeing what they are doing and saying at all time. I am furious with Dean right now, if I was there I would be freaking kicking his ass! He never ever should have hurt her, in any way shape or form. 

"Anise." A voice calls to me, I quickly turn around and see my mother in a white dress, its so beatufiul and silky looking. "Ive been looking for you." She smiles to me and walks up her arms open but I just take a few steps back and that shocks her. "Anise why wont you hug me? I have missed you!" 

"Why should I? Im dead and I never wanted to be! Why would I hug you? You wanted this you did something!" I scowel stomping in her face pointing at her, I look down to her, I am a few inches taller than her so it works.

"Because I am your mother! And I had to do something I couldnt just watch you be without me!" 

"You made him kill me?"

"I had to! I couldnt do it myself! I needed you here with me, I needed you here, I missed you and you were in danger anyways."

"What is worse than that death? You had him kill me in the worst way possible! Why couldnt I have died of old age?"

"You had nothing to live for so what was the point?"

"I had everything I ever wanted mom! I had a home, people that loved me! I am a godmother!"

"Doesnt mean you were a real one." Her words hurt me, I take another couple steps back holding my mouth holding back the cries.

"I was going to be."

"That makes no sence you cant have children."

"Miricales happen mother, I was pregnant, and I was going to tell them the next day but you decided to have me killed! And my unborn child!" I shout tears now flowing down my face, all I want to do is rip her head off since she already had that done to me. She looks horrified at what she had just done, she gasps weakly.

"I didnt know." She whispers, soon two little girls appear, one with dark tan skin like mine and the other looks like Sloan, almost a spitting image, another girl pears from behind her looking just like Dean, they look the same age, and they come over to us and the girl with darker skin beams and jumps into my arms.

"I finally get to meet you, your my mommy!" She squeals, she hugs me tightly and I gasp, I have a daughter. This was my daughter this was going to be her before my mother killed us both. My mother comes closer wanting to touch her but I flinch away.

"Not a chance! You wont touch my daughter!" I shout to her feeling rage flow through me, the other girls latch onto my legs and I look down calming down some.

"Hi Carry, Im Ave, and thats my sister, I dont know her name yet but I have been watching out for her isnt that right?" Ave looks so much like her dad, I get to meet her and she looks about six or seven.

"Ave?" I ask her and she nods looking up into my eyes before I start to sob, I slump down to my knees and hold all three girls tightly and sob.

"Why are you crying?" Ave asks me holding onto me as well.

"Because Ive missed you." I sob, I finally get to meet her, see what she would look like other than what she was like when she was born.

"Ive been looking out for you, your my best friend you know? You tried everything you could to save me, but I was already here, watching mommy and daddy." I look up to her and she is looking at their images of them arguing again in the hospital room, I am so happy that Sloan remembers what a jerk Dean is.

"They will be okay, just dont watch when they fight, thats what all adults do."

"They didnt before I was born. My sister is scared to go and meet them, she wants to stay with me and our friend." I look to my daughter and she is so beautfiul, she looks alot like both of us, her dad and I. I turn to the nameless girl and she looks so scared but she looks exactally like a mini Sloan.

"Dont worry about it, you will be just fine along with your mom and dad okay? Just stay there with them? They cant lose another one of you, it will break their heart."

"Dont they know I am not real? I never existed and that this is all a skeme of Satan?" I watch her slightly grow older until she is a teenage girl sitting down next to me. "None of this is real, she is the real one, she is the first baby, I am just a glitch in the system to skrew with Sloans mind." How does she know this?

"You are just as real as I am, or was, we loved you so much, and it so was real, I remember my past life but I do remember clear as day watching Dean catch you in the water and see you already gone. I do remember it clear as day, it did happen, you are real."

"No Im not, I appreciate you trying but it is just making it worse, I wish I had parents but I dont."

"Then go back there? Make something happen to where you are there with them! Were ghosts but doesnt mean we cant do anything. Or at least go visit them, youve been here longer than I have so you will be able to see them longer than I did, I dont know how long it will be until she gets to see me again."

"Im scared, Ive never talked to them before." She fiddles with her fingers not looking up to me, I watch as my mother leaves us, and Im glad, shes horrid, she feels awful when she kills my daughter but shes fine doing it to me, not that Im not beyond angry that she killed my daughter as well.

"You need to, they need to see you, they need to know you are okay, please Ava."

"But can I make a request to them? I want to name my little sister, not something like Avedean, or Annesloan! That is just awful?"

"Sure, as soon as you go and visit them." I give her a small kiss on the forhead and her eyes well up with tears before she leaves and we watch her appear on the screen. "You have an awesome family little lady."


Hey guys!! Comment and vote please!! Didnt expect to see Ave down in the veil did you? Haha suprise!!!

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