Get Out

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"Really?"He jumps to his feet darting over to my stomach placing his hand on it softly but it doesnt do it again, Carry comes over next to me sitting down on the bed next to me, she grabs my hand giving it a small squeeze. 

"Do you not remember? I dont think its for the best that you forgot." She mutters to me, I look to her confused, wha is she talking about? "Im dead Sloan! Do you not remember walking into my room?" 

"Uh no your not, your right here duh!" I ask her looking over to dean he looks so hurt as well, but I dont know why. "What is it your not telling me?" I ask them both looking from Carry then to Dean, he turns away and Carry sighs heavilly.

"I was murdered by Eli, you saw my gruesome after math and went into shock thats how you ended up here, you passed out for two days. Now you all are going to be moving, now that Eli knows where you are."

"Stop messing with me guys this isnt one bit funny." I say looking over to Dean once again and he slings his head down.

"Shes not, shes dead, I cant see or hear her, only you can. But she is dead, Abbey is packing at the house. Were leaving and heading to New York the moment you are aloud to leave."

"Then get a doctor why dont you! This isnt funny! Carry tell me this is just a sick joke right this minute, I am tired of it!" I bark to her tears threatening in my eyes, my lip quivers seeing how serious she is. Dean gets up slowly and leaves the room. "Carry, dont do this to me, do not tell me your dead!" I shout holding my quivering mouth.

"You are in denial, the shock of seeing my murder scene blocked out our conversation, thats why you didnt rememeber I was dead." She says sweetly, my hands shake and tremble while tears viciously pour down my cheeks.

"No!" I sob, she pulls me into her arms, I cherish this, I dont understand. "Carry you were like the sister I never had! You cant die, I dont belive you." I sob into her shoulder and she rubs my back up and down until I feel her crying, her body shakes and the lights in the room flicker slightly. Soon her sobs become open making my heart tighten and constrict. Both of us sobbing into one another, I cant remember when we have ever done this, shes dead and were doing this.

"I dont want to be dead." I can hardly tell what she is saying but whatever she is trying to say is breaking my heart, my best friend is gone, in a blink of an eye she was gone, just like that the person I love is never coming back. A loud cough has both of us jumping and turning to see the Doctor and Dean in the door way, both us us slide apart and wipe each others tears.

"How are you feeling Sloan?" He asks me taking his cold stethiscope and placing it to my chest, every moment or so he moves it.

"Depressed." I mutter, he has me lean forwards and sticks the scope down my back making me shiver. 

"Take a deep breath for me." I do what he says and it comes out shakey trying to hold back the tears. Dean comes over slipping his hand into mine giving me a reassuring squeeze. The doctor removes the scope and lets me lean back down.

"I understand that what you witnessed was devistating, so I will write you a prescription for this, it wont do anything to the baby, you need this." He says pulling out his pen and paper, he scribbles on it before taring the sheet of and handing it to Dean. "We will discharge you in an hour but for now, just rest, you need it." He leaves the room so the three of us can, I dont know, exchange painful glances to one another!

"I am so sorry, she wanted her body to be cremated so we did, her ashes come in later today, she wants us to keep it." 

"How do you know?" I ask him, how does he know if he cant hear her?

"She wrote me a note telling me that as the police were rolling her away." I feel very queezy, and sudenly all the images of her body parts hanging on meet hooks all over her room has me even more sick.

"Im going to puke!" I mutter, Dean quickly grabs me a bucket and I take it vomiting up everything into it. Carrys cool hands touch me making my stomach relax some but not completly. 

"Sloan, we will get through this like we do everything else. We will never forget such a wonderful woman as Carry. She will always be in our hearts." I look up into his eyes and feel like my wourld is falling apart. I look up to Carry and her body is translucent, I can see right through her.

"What is going on?" I ask her panicked trying to grab her hand but I only grab the bed sheets underneath her hand.

"I used up my energy, I promise I will be back. I dont know when but I will, I will still be able to see and hear you, but you wont be able to see me. I will be back soon, Im just too weak. I love you guys." She says weakly before she completly disapears and I cant see her body, shes gone, she left, what if she doesnt come back at all? What if she spent all her energy and she can never come back to see me? 

"Dean shes gone." I mutter, he pulls me into his arms and I sob weakly into him, God for whatever reason you are punishing us for, we have had enough, we cant take any more of this, I know I cant. Please we will do anything just stop making these bad things happen to us. Our hears cant take it any more. I pull away from him and the flutter comes back, I quickly grab Deans and and place it on my stomach and wait and see. "Keep it there, it keeps moving."

"See everything will be okay."

"I sure hope so."

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