Mamma Bear

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"I want to know why on earth you didnt see my daughter get hit in the freaking face by a second grader boy!" I pound the desk standing to my feet startling her teacher slightly. Dean grabs my arms making me sit down trying to relax but I just cant seem to.

"Ma'am I assure you that it was a complete mistake.  I understand your upset but we cant go around pointing fingers at students." 

"I am baffled, all I am asking is to find the student and tell his mother! I dont want my child terrified to come to school every day." I continue to shout while the kids are at recess. "Boys are not aloud to hit girls, I dont care if you say he likes he he is not aloud to put a finger on my daughter again or so help me I am sueing the school." Tears fall down my face and she offers me a tissue and I slam it on the table. "Dont be comforting me when you should be protecting against bullies!" I jump from my seat storming from the room, I walk out into the empty halls and sob into my hands, all I want is for my daughter to be safe, she needs to go to school to learn to read and write not to learn self defence. Soft arms drape around me and slide to the front holding me close.

"Baby it will be okay, everything will be okay."

"I just dont want her getting hurt any more." I sob into his chest, I dont want my baby girl getting hurt, she cant get hurt, she is far too nice to. 

"There will always be mean people out there, we cant protect her from everything." 

"Dean! How dare you say that! People die from being beaten up so badly, or they commit suiside one day, I dont want that to happen, or what if she hurts someone?" I look up into his eyes, I just dont know what I am going to do, she cant get hurt, nothing bad can happen to her. Why are bad things happening to her?  She is my little angel, she doesnt hurt people, she is so nice to people. 

"She wont hurt anyone, you need some rest, you have had a long day."

"I dont want to go until I know that she is okay." I turn and walk down the hall and out to the playground and see many kids running around like a mad house and the teaches on duty are just talking to each other! Kids could fall and get hurt and the teachers not even know that it happened! This school is a mad house, I dont know how anything can get done here. I spot Addie in the corner covering a small boys with a bunch of others ganging up on her, I run over to the group fuming careful not to rip one of the kids heads off. "Hey! You kids knock it off! What is wrong with you, you dont go picking on a girl, more so my daughter." I pull Addie towards me and I see Wyatt on the floor, Addie was protecting him. The kids look very frightened, and these kids look familiar. "Your Immiras boys arent you?" They slowly nod, all three of them, the rest of them shake their heads. "If you kids touch my daughter again, or Wyatt, I will be sure your mother and father knows about this." I snarl, I take Wyatts hand and Addies and all four of us walk away, Im not giving them a warning I am going to tell them anyways. 

"Mommy I could have handled it, I was making sure they didnt hurt Wyatt." She pouts, I lift her up and Dean picks up Wyatt, we walk to the office and Im feeling naseous again.

"I need to take these two out of school for the day, I will be back after school ends to pick up their things." 

"M'kay what is your name?"


"Okay, they are free to go just sign here please." She prints out two sheets of paper and I quickly sign them and hand them back to her and thank her and we both walk out of the school.

"Sloan why on earth did you take the kids out of school?"

"I want to take them out for ice cream." I say putting them into the car, I buckle up Addie, we dont have an extra seat so Dean just buckles him in tightly. I close the door and feel myself getting a bit dizzy and sick. I grab the car for support and cover my mouth. 

"Sloan are you okay?" Dean rushes over to me and holds my waist firmly, I nod my head waiting for it to pass.

"Yeah, its around the time the sickness comes on." He turns me to him and he smiles so brightly and kisses me firmly. I pull back and smile at him even though my stomach is going nuts. "Lets go get some ice cream." He smiles giving me another kiss before he walks over to the drivers side and I get in my side. I put my seat belt over me and take my tumbs. I love tumbs they are like candy, but if you eat too much there are like side affects and stuff that is bad and what not. Dean pulls out of the parking lot and we drive down the road while the kids watch TV in the back. 

"How are you feeling? Have you felt it move yet?" He asks, I take his hand while he drives and shake my head.

"Im doing okay but I havent felt any movement yet." I put my hand over my bloated stomach and rub it, I cant wait until its a cute size and its noticable, I can see the gender, and I can feel it, thats my glory month, that is always my favorite month, when I look cute, can feel it, gender, and I feel better. 

"Soon enough, we will be able to feel it soon enough."

"I dont think so." A snarl says from behind, I whip around and to my horror I see him holding Addies mouth shut and holding a knife to her throat. Dean slams on the brake throwing him forwards onto the floor, he grips him by the throat and shoves him out of the car, Dean steps out to handle the pest, Addie is now screaming and Wyatt looks like he doesnt know what to do with himself.

He never learns does he? Eli never learns.


To everyone who reads this story please comment and let me know what you think! Thank you for reading and for all the support of you all, thank you so much! 

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