Heart Beat

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"What do you mean he is going to die?" I ask her, her eyes widen even more as more tears fall, I unwrap my blanket and wipe her tears quickly and unbuckle her holding her tightly as people walk up and down the isles makeing sure everything is ready for take off. She cries into my shoulder, I take a glance to Dean and he stares at me confused, I just shake my head and she sighs.

"Ma'am she is going to have to take her seat now." The annoying lady says to me, I look up to her annoyed written all over my face.

"Do you have children?" I ask her, she seems confused about my question before answering.


"Dont tell me what to do with my kids, I need to comfort my daughter who is clearly petrified to fly, but we have to because we have someone threatening us! Im a mom I can hold onto my daughter while we fly!" I bark to her, she glares at me leaving my side while I hold onto Addie.

"Sloan." Dean whispers to me, I pear over the side to see him and he looks at me. "Why is she crying?" He asks not minding the people paying attention to our conversation. 

"Shes afraid of the plane." I hear a person laugh to the side of me, I turn to see an older, older woman.

"My kids were afraid to fly too! I just got them a cookie, handed them a book and they were fine." I dont like advice from other people, but I smile kindly.

"I wish it were that simple for her, shes a tad emotional." I whisper to her trying to get her to leave us alone. 

"Here let me take her." I eye her openly as if she were mad, I dont even know her and she wants to hold my daughter. Is she mad? "Oh I wont do anything, if I tried where would I go? Jump? Im seventy years old I couldnt even if I wanted to. Plus your sitting next to me, you can watch me the whole time." She says, I look down to Addie who hasnt stopped crying. 

"Okay, but she has a tear duct abnormality so she cries iron turning her tears red." I say, prepairing her so she doesnt freak out if she saw her crying freaking blood. She looks shocked for a split second before nodding.

"Fine with me, now let me see your little doll." She holds out her arms and I move Addie and slide her off my lap, she looks to me even more scared.

"Adelaide, go over to the lady, shes nice, nothing will happen okay?" I tell her, she runs back to me kissing my nose before rubbing her nose against mine and hesitantly going over to the older woman. She climbs onto her lap and burrys her face into her neck and sighs. I can see her body trembling and soon the plane starts backing out. She yelps and grips the old woman tighter. My heart breaks watching her like this, she hasnt been like this ever. 

"Oh your hair is so cute, can I see your adorable eyes?" The woman asks Addie and she stiffens on her lap. "Adelaide is a beautiful name, I have a great granddaughter whos name is Adelaide." The plane accelerates in speed as it takes off and Addie shoots up and looks to me terrified, I quickly grab her and hold her tightly wrapping my blanket around her while she cries harder, people turn giving me dirty looks making me want to rip it off of them. Dean turns back to me looking even more concerned looking like he might jump out of his seat and run over to her.

"Shh, baby girl its okay we are just getting into the air, were going to a new home, were going to have lots of new friends and were going to be safe okay?" She doesnt stop crying, I dont know what to do, I have never been in this situation before. I try rocking her in my chair but she doesnt do anything but cry, I look at Wyatt who looks concerned for her too, the window is open. "Addie look you can see the clouds, we are flying with the clouds." I say to her, she doesnt move just grabs my shirt tighter hiding under the blanket. I am just going to have to let her cry it out, and if she doesnt stop soon then people are really going to be vocal and complain, but Im trying everything I can, tears threaten in my own eyes, I dont know why she is this hystarical. "Addie tell me whats wrong?" I ask her holding her tighter to my chest so she can hear my heart beating, I want her to get comfortable and calm to the sound of my heart.

She begins to calm down some, its working! She lets out shakey breaths and her body slowly calms so she isnt trembling any more. I hold her head and rock her back and forth calming her and she relaxes in my arms, I look at Dean once more and I can see once they turn the seat belt sign off he is going to take this empty seat next to me. I grab Addies small hand and hold it tightly, her other hand touches my stomach, the side and rubs it softly relaxing. Her head shifts looking up to me through a crack in the blanket. She stares up at me not saying anything just remaining still, her eyes glossy eyes, red coats her eyes and face before she turns her head laying it back on my chest listening to my heart while I sigh relaxing wrapping my other hand around her closing my eyes feeling the plane still accend slightly until I hear the ding. "We are eight thousand feet in the air you are free to walk and stretch your legs, if you are seated remained buckled." The lady calls, Dean charges over to me sitting in Addies old spot and rubs her back softly. 

"What was wrong?" He asks me sitting very close to me leaning over looking at Addie who does nothing but remains slumped on my lap.

"I dont know all she said was that Jason was going to die. She flipped out obvoisuly but once she listened to my heart beat she relaxed, I grabbed her hand and her other one is on my belly just chilling. Someone is excited isnt she?" I ask to her and her small head only nods up to me, I chuckle kissing the top of her head just happy that she is okay now.

"Why did she say that?" He asks me rubbing circles on her back making her shiver slightly.

"I dont know, if I knew Im sure I could have comforted her sooner." 

"Im just glad she is okay now, I was freaking out over there." He chuckles, Wyatt taps his knee and he turns to him.

"Look I can see little cars!" He points out the window and Dean pretends interested like us adults do when we are clearly not. 

"Oh isnt that so cool bud?" 

"Mommy, were going to crash."

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