Dean I'm Home!

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"Ill just take my car and we will be a little bit longer, I dont trust my car here." Abbey says strapping Jason in and Wyatt climbs in their car and I nod.

"Just let me know when we need to stop okay?" I say rolling down my window, I am not ready for the long drive, all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry all day for no freaking reason! Groaning I buckle up and carefully back out with the large trailer hitched to my car and we pull away off to her new home and off to mine.

Dean POV

"Addie settle down, I didnt mean to color out of the line." I try to calm her down but she wont stop crying, you can hardly see where I messed it up. Getting up I quickly grab the white-out from the drawer and fix it. "Look all better! Its gone!" She sniffs and peaks at it and she looks confused.

"Where did it go?"

"I dont know you tell me?" I say kissing her nose and she smile brightly at me and goes back to coloring her picture and I sigh, I just cant wait till Sloan gets back, I am going insaine, I dont know how she does it? Addie is hard work! 

"Daddy why does mommy get sick? I could hear a small voice before she left." I stare at her confused but she doesnt look up to me at all just continues to color her picture.

"Its nothing hunny dont worry about it." I say wiping her hair out of her face and she smiles brightly finishing her coloring page. "So how was school today?" I ask her and she sighs tilting her head to the side trying to color better.

"None of the kids like me, they said im unnatural.What does that mean?" I frown not knowing what she is meaning or why kids would call her that. 

"Its nothing sweet heart your beautiful and own it okay?" Soon the door opens and I hear someone panting.

"I am pooped, I will help with the baby stuff then we can take a nap, if he permits it." I dart to my feet and look over to the door and see Sloan looking so beautiful but tired standing in the doorway and I run quickly into her arms.

"Oh I missed you so freaking much." I kiss her and she kisses me back he leg scooting up mine.

"Uh kindergarten eyes, and ears." The woman says, and I turn over to her and she is a very beautiful woman, she is holding a new born baby with a boy clinging to her legs.

"Hey Addie, your friend is here!" I call, soon Addie is running over into the boys arms and they laugh loudly.

"Wyatt why are you at my house?" She asks shoving the hair from her face.

"Its my house too!"

"Sleep over!" Addie squeals and they run off probably to play dolls with Addie. I help Abbey with her things setting them in the living room. Once I finish I hug Sloan once again so happy she is back, its been too long, its been three extra days and I have been dieing without her, she was so far away I felt like I couldnt protect her, now she is here and I can protect her. 

"Dean I am so very tired I am going to take a nap too, and its around the time Addie takes one too."

"Okay, Ill be up in a minute, I am so glad you are back though." I kiss her breifly before she turns and heads up the stairs but not before I slap her butt and she laughs. Turning away I grab Addie who is running around the house and grip her in my arms. "Mommy is back which means we have to listen to her, its nap time." She pouts, I set her down and she grumpilly stops up the stairs into her room slamming the door. I flinch and turn towards Abbey, Wyatt is clinging to her legs and she is holding her small child. "Do you need help with anything? Unpacking?" I ask her, she looks around then spots a large box.

"Could you bring that up to my room please? And where is your kitchen?" She asks, I just point to the room to my right and she nods, I grab the box with ease  and lift it up walking up the stairs easily. I just randomly choose a room and set the box on the floor and walk out of the room, I am just so happy Sloan is back, I can finally be relaxed she is home. 

"Okay Abbey if you need anything we will be in our room."

"Okay." She calls up weakly and I just walk into my room as if its okay to. When I enter our room I find her laying in the bed resting. I quietly close the door and sneak over there climbing into our bed and stare at her beautiful sleeping face. It looks like she is glowing! Her face is radiating beauty, I look down towards her stomach and slowly and carefully lift up her shirt, she slightly stirs but I just kiss her nose in return and continue pulling it up so I can see her belly, and low and behold she has a small little bump! I dont even try but a smile forms on my face anyways, she is carrying my baby, we made that, shes going to have our baby I just cant believe it, it worked! I touch it slightly and her hands shove mine away and I giggle quietly kissing her soft lips once more I grab her hand knowing she is safe and I quickly fall to sleep happy.


Peering in on Anise I watch her set up her bedroom with her remedies. Walking inside her room I sit on her bed and smile down to my child, she is so grown up and I cant wait for her to come and join me. "Anise." I say and she practically jumps through her skin bumping against the wall. 

"What the heck! Give me a heart attack why dont you! Take my powers back I dont want them nor do I use them." She says standing up and brushing off her street clothes.

"You will need them child. I want you to come with me, I miss you." Her eye brows raise and she shakes her head laughing like I have gone insane, well living in the veil for over twenty years it does stuff to you.

"No way, I dont want to die! I like it here, I have friends, my best friend is about to have a baby." She says organizing her bottles on a small shelf that lines the room.

"No, I want you to come with me now, Its too hard being here without you."

"Well when I do die one day in the distant future I will join you but for now I dont want to die! My friends need me, I am very successful." I snicker at her remark.

"Yeah and Im Chuck Noris!"

"If you are only going to make fun of me then please go, I dont want to be bullied by my own mother, If you can preform miricals then let me having my own child be a miracle, if not leave." She turns away from me, it looks like she truely is hurting about that, that she really wants a child, but they are so needy all the time I dont know why she would even want one. I stand up and leave her room, I will win next time, I just have to fool her, that stubborn girl.

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