Day 1

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Finally! No more Homework! No more Stressing over grades! And no more Boys! Thank goodness for that, Just 2 1/2 months of me and my besties! I don’t bother getting up till 11:00, I mean It’s......Summer! I still can’t believe it! I pour myself a bowl of frostie’s and milk, then wonder about what to spend the rest of summer doing. My parents left yesterday for a 2 month couples retreat in beautiful Shanghai, while my sister and I are stuck in boring Ohio. Oh! By the way my name is Clara Clipton, I’m 14 years old, average height, almost perfect tanned skin, hazel eyes, and curly dark brown locks till my shoulder bone. My sister Cassie also known as Cay Chick in her band ‘The bleeders’ is 17 and an exact replica of me except with longer permed hair and awkwardly tall for her age. We’re both pretty beautiful. Anyways, my sister walks into the kitchen in her blue flannel pajama’s, grabs an apple, sits down opposite me, and asks,

“ So, the band is coming over at 12. What’s your plan?”

Plan? Since when did we have plan’s in summer? Well I have to do something, right?

“Ummm, I don’t know, maybe Paige and I will catch a movie or something,” I reply. Paige is one of my 2 best friends in the whole wide world! My other one is Catarina but her family is on a trip to their hometown, in Egypt.

“Ok, well mum has left me in charge which means I have all the money, so if you want anything you run it by me first. Got it,” my sister says smartly while walking upstairs. I dump my bowl in the sink and ring up Paige on my phone. 1 ring, 2, 3, 4,

“Hello!” Blares Paige’s sweet scottish accent in the phone. 

“Ummmm, hey Paige, I was wondering if you would like to catch a movie or something...” I stutter in the phone.

“ Sure. How about ‘Death by Wine’ at 3:00?” Paige says sounding giddy and wide awake at 11 am. I mean 11 am on a summer morning! Wait! Something is going on.

“Sure. Is everything okay? Is someone there?” I ask suspiciously hearing background laughter......male background laughter.

“Bryan is here,and we’re going out for our first actual date today! Lunch at La Rose”  whispers Paige in the phone. 

Oh Paige! Paige is slightly taller than me with gray eyes and frizzy, messy, out of control chestnut hair. She is turning 15 in 2 weeks, and she’s had a crush on Bryan since the 3rd grade, and she finally had the urge to ask him out on the last day of 7th grade. Turns out they’ve been sharing the same feelings since 3rd grade, and now they’re both crazy about each other! 

“Alright. Have fun. Make good choices” I groan in the phone and then hang up. Ugh! Boys! I am just so happy to be rid of them for 2 months, well one boy in particular. Berun hiclls. The worst name in the world for the best boy in the universe. I’ve liked him since 4th grade, but It was 8th grade that I just couldn’t hold back my feelings. I finally opened up to him and things were awkward between the 2 of us. After that, I realized I can’t sit around waiting for him to realize how perfect I am for him, I have a life to live. From that day on I made a vow that I have to give up on Berun, but I couldn’t stop loving him. Towards the end of the year I sent him a letter explaining how I feel, and he told me that he has undecided feelings for me. I gave him a mouthful and a slap across his cheek, then walked away casually. Ugh! I hate Internal thoughts. Anyways, I wash up the dishes, then myself, and dive into ‘To kill a mockingbird’ until 2:30. Thank god the walls are soundproof or else I would hear ‘The Bleeders’ latest single ‘Fire in the house’ over and over again until the words are drilled into my brain. They should just give up on their dreams of ever being signed by a record company, well at least until they learn the difference between singing and screaming. Shit! It’s 2:35, I’m going to be late. I straighten my knee length, black tube skirt, and tuck in my deep red velvet swing tank top. The movie is PG-13, and while Paige may get away with jeans and a tank, I haven’t grown an inch since 3rd grade. Besides, It doesn’t hurt to dress up in a while. I let my hair loose, apply a coat of NARS light pink lip gloss, and slip on my 3 inch platforms. I run down the stairs shocked to find the house quiet, and barge into the Garage which is now Cassie’s band room. Oooops....wrong timing! Cassie and lead singer of ‘The Bleeders’ Darrell Kent are attacking each others lips with their...lips. Basically, they were making out on the faded pink beanbag I used to play with my barbies in when I was 4. As soon as Cassie saw me standing in the doorway her chin dropped all way to her knee’s and Darrell just freezed. Then Cassie’s eyes scroll down to my platforms and a sly grin appears on her face,

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