Day 16

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I wake up to the sound of beeping and I open my eyelids slowly. Cassie is still asleep and hooked up to the machines and tubes. I glance at the heart monitor and the machine displays 53. I sigh and decide to get some water because my mouth is really dry. I whisper to Cassie,
" I'll be back soon."
I'm so tired and I realize it's 8 am when I walk out and into the bustling hospital hallway. I shuffle to the water dispenser, pull a plastic cup from the holder, and fill it up with water. I slowly sip as I shuffle back to the room. I decide to sit outside just to get some air. I close my eyes, and open them and right at that instance Darrell runs over, out of breath and says,
" how is she? Please tell me she is alive."
I'm so confused. Isn't he in Luxembourg with aunt Rosie. I thought he and Cassie Broke up. What is going on?
" what are you doing here?" I ask half confused and half angry.
Before he replies, Berun, my Berun, runs up and says,
" I heard about Cassie, I am so sorry. How is she? How are you?"
" what are you doing here?" I say now just confused.
" who is he?" Darrell and Berun ask in unison.
" listen you guys need to stay out here, ok? Cassie is not in a good condition and she just needs time," I explain going back on the room. I take a deep breath and sit down on the chair. Suddenly I hear constant beeping and I glance at the heart monitor and it flashes 124.
I run out of the room and call for help ignoring Darrell and Berun. Doctors and nurses come running in and they do some medical stuff to her and transfer her to a different room.
" where are you taking her? What is happening?" I ask furiously, but everybody ignores me and a nurse nods her head on my direction and says something but it all comes out in a blur and my head is spinning and I can't breathe and I'm falling to the ground but my head lands in Beruns shoulder and his arms are wrapped around me.
I'm choking on my tears and he coos,
" it's alright, everything's alright, it will be alright."
I stay there for a few minutes and then pull away from him.
" thanks for coming" I murmur. We kiss and then I pull away and behind me is Darrell with his head in his hands. I walk away and mouth to Berun,' watch Darrell.' He nods and I run off to find a nurse who can explain what is going on with my sister. I'm running through a hallway and suddenly I bump into Catalina.
" oh my! How is she? What's happening?" She bursts.
" I don't know they moved her and her heart and something" I yelp out of breath.
" Paige is here but she has gone the other way to find you," bursts Catalina.
"Ok, the guys are here just down the hall" I say hurriedly running to the nurse who was trying to speak to me before.
I run up to her and ask pleadingly,
" nurse please! Where is my sister? Cassie.... Clipton, Cassie clipton! She was there and now she's gone and everything is happening so fast!"
" darling, your sister had a seizure. She has been moved to ICU but she is looking good. Now, we can't predict the future but try to relax. I saw some of your friends coming through and we usually only allow family but we made an exception," explains the nurse kindly leading me to a room.
" thank you very much," I say breathing normally now.
" we can't let you in because your sister is still in critical condition but you are free to roam outside for awhile. I'll call your friends here and you ask the ladies at reception for me if you need anything. My name is Lakshmi," she says walking away. I look through the glass window and she is still hooked up to machines and tubes but now she has a tube in front her nose. I take a glance at the heart monitor and it blinks 104. I sigh and decide to take a walk. I walk over to the chocolate dispenser and put in 20 cents for a fudge bar. I bend down to pick it up and out of the corner of my eye notice paige, I think. I twist my head and realize that is paige, talking to.... A guy? I stand up, hide behind a wall and watch her and him. Paige is smiling, the smile she used with Bryan, but that guy is not Bryan. He has orange hair, freckles, and very tall. I smirk and walk back to Cassie's ICU room where Catalina is sitting there applying makeup from her limited edition sephora handbag makeup kit.
" hey sweetie. How are you?" Catalina asks caringly getting up to give me a hug.
" I'm doing good. Where are the guys?" I ask noticing the guys are gone.
" They went to the cafe around the corner to grab us some sandwiches" she informs me tapping the chair next to her.
" ok, I'm starving. I saw paige chatting up a boy," I say biting off a piece of the fudge bar.
" ooooh, are Bryan and her making up?" Asks Catalina getting interested and rubbing hand sanitizer on her hands.
" actually it's not Bryan" I say weirdly being surprised myself.
"What?" She blurts confusingly.
" Hey guys! Clara, how are you? How is Cassie?" Paige asks, walking up to us distractedly.
" I'm not allowed to go in, but that gave me time to watch you and the hot guy exchange numbers and hands and other body parts" I say mischievously.
" stop guys! His name is Luke and we only exchanged numbers..... And hands..... And......lips" she says lowering her voice on the last word.
We all squeal and we discuss Luke and we discuss Cassie's seizure. We notice Darrell and Berun coming towards with brown paper bags and cans of coke.
" hey guys! Who's starving?" Shouts Berun handing everyone a salt beef sandwich. Darrell still looks gloomy and messes up. I take a bite into my sandwich and then I look up and Lakshmi is standing there.
" Clara, the doctors have informed me that you are now able to go inside," Lakshmi informs me.
" thank you" I say seriously, putting down my sandwich and standing up.
" can I come to?" Asks Darrell with a glint of hope in his eyes.
" yes, 2 people at a time" the nurse says kindly nodding at the door for us. Darrell give each other a look of hope and we enter the room. Darrell burst into tears and he chokes,
" I always loved her. I always will."
I just stare at her. Her motionless, emotionless, face. Face so clear like the moon with small spots if you look very closely. Darrell puts his hand on hers and she moves. Well her hand flips over, and she slowly opens her eyelids.
" Darrell" she breathes very quietly and lightly.
" yes, yes it's me. Oh cas, I've missed you" he starts. He starts mumbling to Cassie as she goes back to sleep. I slowly creep out and Berun gets up and says,
" how is she?" His eyes are shining and full of love and I say,
" she moved her hands and opened her eyes. Darrell is talking to her, but she is still asleep." I smile and go to grab some hot chocolate while paige and Catalina tease Berun with me while I'm gone. I go the cafe stall in the hospital and order 5 hot chocolates. I notice like sitting all alone and I go talk to him.
" hey," I say standing over him.
" hey" he says gruffly, getting up to leave.
" wait, I'm Paige's friend," I say sweetly grabbing hold of his elbow.
" you are? Oh thank goodness. Where is she? I've been trying to get ahold of her but she hasn't been picking up," he blurts quickly as if I'm going to run away.
" come with me" I say, picking up the hot chocolate and leading him to paige. Paige looks up and goes beetroot red when he sees luke.
" hey" Paige says.
I glance at Luke who is even redder and he says awkwardly,
" hey."
" oh c'mon guys! Go have fun, and kiss or do whatever you guys want to do. Don't just stand there like a lame donkey! Go, go,go!" Says Catalina kicking paige and Luke away. They go for a walk, paige sipping her hot chocolate pretending that her cheeks are red because the hospital is cold. Yah right! It's summer! Buren Catalina and I talk for awhile and eat sandwiches. It's 2:30 when Darrell finally comes out, and paige is still out with Luke.
" hey guys" he says looking tired and weary.
" how is she?" I ask.
" she is stable, well almost, and she is calling you, Clara."
" ok" I say getting up, and going into the room. Cassie is still hooked onto tubes and machines, but her eyes are open and she waves her hand.
" hey, how are you?" I ask sitting next to her.
" good, how are you?" She asks speaking pretty normally.
" good" I say bluntly.
" I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you and I was being stupid," apologizes Cassie.
" don't worry about it, as long as your alright," I say.
We talk for awhile about what's been going on but she has been in the hospital so we don't have much to say. Lakshmi walks in and says,
" can I have a word Clara."
" sure" I say standing up and blowing Cassie an air kiss.
" as you know Cassie had been admitted due to drug overdose and we have had a long discussion with your parents and they have chosen a rehab centre for your sister. Now-" she starts explaining but I interrupt her.
" what do you mean rehab? She is fine now and she can come home. She has apologized and she won't do it again," I plead.
" listen, Clara. Your sister has inhaled a large amount of nicotine and once she is out of here she will need more nicotine. In fact right now she is craving nicotine. Anyways, your parents have chosen a rehab clinic for your sister in Shanghai so they can be close to her," explains Lakshmi.
" no, no,no" I say running back to Cassie. I stop in front of her bed and cautiously ask her,
" Cassie are you craving them right now? Cigarettes? Nicotine?"
She looks at me worriedly and whimpers,
" yes."
I take a deep breath and then say calmly,
" well then, you're going to rehab."
She nods and I walk out to Lakshmi and ask her,
" is there anything I can do?"
She smiles and says,
" well, it is highly recommended that a client brings some of her favorite items or clothing along so she remembers what she will go home too. Nothing offensive or rude but maybe you wouldn't mind collecting some of her favorite things."
" sure" I say.
I tell the guys and girls what i am doing and tell them that I don't need any help. I catch a bus home which is a 30 minute bus ride and click my keys into the front door. The house seems empty and sad. I march up the stairs, grab her Swiss travel suitcase and start to pack her bag. I notice her Mac desktop flashing her Facebook on the screen. I look at the screen and notice she is searching Darrell. There are photos of him and aunt Rosie smooching by the poolside, her in a very revealing bikini and him in swim shorts. Photos of her and him lying in bed, feeding each other, sitting on each other, kissing. I thought he was still in love with Cassie or was that all an act. I refresh the page and see that all the photos were taken down. I smirk and continue packing her things. I pack her favorite Levi's skinny jeans, knit teddy, Beatles limited edition signed poster, her travel foldable guitar, and Obama bobble head. I zip up the suitcase and as I'm wheeling the suitcase, I realize aunt Rosie's stuff is still there. I have a great idea. I grab all her clothes and shoes and makeup and stuff it in the big garbage bag. Then I take the garbage bag and place it in the bin outside for the trash company. I grab her suitcase and catch the bus back to the hospital. Once I get there I roll it to where everyone is sitting and say,
" hey."
" hey, listen I've got to be home, my mum hasn't seen me yet. I rushed straight over from the airport and don't stop home so I'm going to go," Darrell says putting in his jacket and standing up. Cassie has gone back to resting so she is not allowed visitors. Darrell leaves and then Berun gets up, stretches, yawns and says,
" I'm sorry Clara but it's getting late. I should be off now."
" ok" I reply and we give each other a quick kiss and then he leaves.
" by the way paige I'm staying with you for a few weeks," I inform her.
" that's great, let me just tell my mum" she says flipping open her phone and walking away. I sit next to Catalina and let out a big sigh. I notice a smile spreading across her face and I ask curiously,
" what?"
" well, it just so happens that ms. Minou and mr. Rudolph, a.k.a. My parents are leaving for a 1 week business trip to Malaysia tomorrow, and it just so happens that I am staying with paige also" she explains.
We squeal and giggle, and then paige joins us with the squealing and giggling and we are so loud that Lakshmi comes and tells us off. She also pulls me on the side and says,
" Cassie is all set to go. I will be accompanying her to Shanghai and we should be leaving in the next 15 minutes. Would you like to come drop her to the airport?"
I look through the window and see Cassie brushing her hair and I say,
" nah, but I will go say goodbye."
I go inside the room and hug her goodbye. We shed some tears but then Lakshmi takes her away and paige and I go home. Vanessa picks us up and Catalina takes a bus home. I explains situation to Vanessa and I feel so exhausted. I barely eat dinner and then crash into bed. Right about now Cassie should flying over the Atlantic Ocean.....

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