Day 19

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I wake up at 10 and I remember my plans for the day. Today, I'm going to make Libby pretty. Wow! That sounds harsh. I can't tell the girls about it because Libby wants it to be private so I just tell them I'm going out for the day. Paige is out with Luke, and Catalina has to make the sure the ladies of the Dar group are doing okay. I. Wear my bright green skater dress and yellow flats with my hair in 2 ponytails. I look cute! I catch the tube to Libby's house because it is very far away. It is a small cabin by the lake. I get to her house at 12 and knock on the chipped wood door. Libby opens the door wearing fishnet tights, red pleated skirt, and black turtleneck. Have you checked the weather lately?
" hey" she says not sounding dull but not happy.
" hey" I say walking into the tiny wood cabin. Why does It stinks like fish? Maybe because her dad is a fisherman and this tiny house is the only thing they could afford. It seriously is tiny! I walk in and on one side there is 2 leather peeling beige couches on a hemp rug with a small wood table in between and a small portable cable tv. On the other side there is a rusty microwave, fridge producing warm air, broken sink, 2 wood chairs with a table in between and no oven! What?! There is a portable stove but no oven! Then there are 3 doors. One to the bathroom which is the size of those bathroom stalls at school! Tiny! The 2nd door is her dads room which is a tiny bit bigger than the bathroom and finally her room. Imagine sharing a bathroom with your dad???
We walk into her room which is sooo tiny that I'm feeling claustrophobic. Basically, her room has a single bed, a desk, and her clothes are shoved in a box in the corner. Her room is that tiny! There is no space to walk! I walk in and there is an option of sitting on the bed or desk or just standing. Libby sits in her bed and it creaks so I decide to go with the desk. Hold on! I just realized the desk has no chair! How does she work? I sit on the desk and it is very rickety.
" sooooo, let's start with your wardrobe," I suggest.
" ok" she says slowly pulling out her clothing pieces one by one. She pulls out 2 identical black knit turtlenecks.
" chuck them" I say simply,
" you only need one and you are wearing one.
She gives me a 'what? But these are my favorite' look and then throws them on the bed. She pulls out 2 pairs of black jeans and a pair of denim jeans. I tell her to keep 1 pair of black jeans and 1 pair of denim, but chuck out the rest. She pulls out a black faux leather pencil skirt, red velvet skirt, and a black normal skirt. I tell her to keep the pencil skirt because it's sexy, the red one because, well, it's not black but chick out the other black one and the one she is wearing. She pulls out a pair of stockings and fishnet tights so I tell her to keep both of them because we all know what a short skirt, fishnet tights and a boy leads to....
Finally she pulls out a pair of black rubber crocs and I tell her,
" ewwww! What are those?"
She blushes and says,
" my only shoes."
We keep them.... For now and burst out laughing.
She gets up and opens the only drawer in the desk and pulls out an envelope. She says,
" these are my savings from when I was 7 til now. It's only $75 but, what can you expect in my living conditions. I want to go shopping.... And spend all of it!"
" ok, well, that's great! We should probably hit the thrift stores though," I tell her.
" ok, let's go!" She stuffs the clothes she is not keeping in the trash can, the only trash can, which is in the kitchen. We take the train to canton square where paige and I were shopping for her birthday outfits. We get there after an hour and we are pretty starving so we stop by a little cafe by the woods and order the cheapest thing on the menu. 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and we share a bottle of water. Just as we are finishing lunch we notice 2 very familiar people standing by a tree in the woods. Paige and Luke! They are Kissing frantically and touching each other....frantically. Paige pushes Luke behind a bush and we can't see anymore.
" eeeew" Libby and I say in unison. I place $10 on the bill tray and we hit the thrift store. We are there for 2 hours and I am consulting Libby on what works and what doesn't work. She tries on a bunch of different things and we finally pick out the finals and pay. Here is the list:
$4 bright red tank.
$6 light denim shorts.
$9 branded white capris.
$10 purple tank dress.
$14 strapless, leather, purple, front zip up dress with fake laces around chest Very sexy...
$7 army green long sleeve top.
$10 bundle t-shirts. 1 plain yellow, 1 plain aqua blue, 1 plain orange.
$4 orange tunic.
$7 bright green pencil skirt.
$1 worn but cute pink havainna slippers. (I had to beg her to buy pink.)
$2 white 4 inch heels
$2 orange sandals.
She buys all that with her own money and I buy her a makeup kit and a straightener which can also be used as a curler.
" thank you so much for the make up kit and the straightener and thank you for coming with me!" She thanks me in a happy tone.
" it was nothing! I had so much fun! Let's call paige and Catalina and meet them for dinner and you can come as new Libby?" I ask eagerly.
" yes" she exclaims and then stops dead in her tracks, with a grave face.
" what's wrong Libby?" I ask carefully.
" hair" she stutters grazing her hand against her bald head.
" come with me" I say grabbing her hand and dragging her with me. I take her into a salon which my mums friend owns and talk to the lady about wigs. She places a synthetic wig on Libby's head and it matches her skin tone perfectly.
" wow, this is amazing! But how do I keep from it falling off?" Libby asks confused.
" come with me" the lady instructs Libby and she follows while is stay with the shopping bags. After 30 minutes Libby comes out looking amazing with her new sleek, black hairdo that matches her pale skin perfectly.
" you look awesome Libby" I comment.
" thanks" she says twirling around.
" how much will it be?" I ask the lady, taking out my wallet.
" nothing. It's a gift. I owe your mum one anyway," the lady replies sweetly,
" thanks.bye" I tell the lady as I slip my wallet back into my pocket and Libby and I take off with the bags. While on the train to Libby's house I call paige and tell them to meet us at 7 for dinner at the local restaurant in Libby's town called,
They agree and Libby and I reach her house at 4:30. We walk into her house and it reeks so badly because her dad is standing there with a whole tub of just caught fish. Her dad has a rough, dirty grey mustache and stubble beard and little strands of grey hair pricking off his head so he is mostly bald. He is wearing dirty grey pants till the able with rough pockets and strings. His shirt is army green and his crocs are almost completely ripped.
" hey kids" he says taken aback at Libby's new hairstyle.
" hey dad" Libby says strolling up to him and giving him a kiss. He looks very taken aback now because Libby never gives kisses or strolls or talks like a happy person.
" hey honey..., I love your new hairstyle" he stutters not knowing what to say.
" thanks! Daddy, my friends and I are going for dinner at the local restaurant. Can I please have some money?" Libby asks politely and sweetly.
" sure honey. I assume everyone is paying for themselves so take $20" her dad says trying to sound responsible and protective.
" thanks daddy" says Libby grabbing $20 from her dad grey pouch with a sewed fish on it. I wave to her dad and then go to Libby's room. Libby showers while I pick out a dinner outfit for her and I skip my shower just because I don't feel very comfortable in the shower she shares with her dad. Libby comes out and it's 5:30 and I have picked her outfit for her. The army green top with orange pencil skirt and orange sandals. I wear my own clothes. She looks amazing especially with her new hairdo. We leave the house and arrive at the restaurant earlier than paige and Catalina. Libby is constantly sipping her water and looking around nervously like a paranoid Person.
" Libby! What is wrong?" I ask her.
" it's just that these people are my town people. They know old dark ugly Libby not new colorful pretty Libby, and it's kind of weird," she explains to me.
" well, now they know new Libby and I bet they love her twice as much as old Libby," I say squeezing her hand. Libby smiles and that's when we hear that familiar,
" oh my god!" We swivel our heads to see paige and Catalina standing there and completely in shock.
" Libby! You look amazing" comments paige.
" when did this happen and why wasn't I apart of it?" Inquires Catalina.
Libby and I grin as Catalina and paige sit down. We order food and drinks as we tell Catalina and paige the story of today. Once our food arrives and the story is over we are all very silent. I glance at Catalina who is glancing at a very handsome boy on another table. She look back to her food but he keeps looking at her. I lean over to paige and whisper,
" who is the hottie who is checking you out?"
She shrugs but I can tell she likes him by the way she smiles. Catalina is used to many boys having a thing for her but only 1/3 of boys has a chance with her because she is picky but also a player. The boy keeps staring at her and it's getting kind of awkward. While we are eating dessert the boy, pays his bill, and comes to our table. He is actually kind of cute. He has floppy brown hair like Zac Efron in high school musical. He has a clear, tan, face and a dimple when he smiles. He is wearing a plan black t-shirt, black trousers, and black loafers. Judging by his large Rolex watch, I'm guessing he is a rich guy and not from this part of town.
" hey" he says to Catalina in a deep voice.
" hey back" says Catalina flirtatiously.
" so, what is a beautiful girl like you doing in a small town like this?" He asks.
" I have the same question for you" says Catalina sexily.
" well, I'm Larry, and you are?" He asks.
" Catalina" Catalina replies.
Larry picks up her hand and places a gentle kiss on it.
" I'd love to see you again Catalina, and maybe we can get a bit further than hand kissing" he says slowly handing Catalina a paper with his number. He leaves and she grins. We all start oooohing and aaaaaahing and Catalina tries to pay the bill but the waiter says,
" that boy from the other table covered the bill already."
We continue oooohing and aaaaahing until Libby goes home. Once we get to Paige's house paige comes up with a idea.
" oh my god! I have the best idea ever! Let's have a triple date! Luke and I, Berun and clara, and Catalina and larry,"paige blurts.
" that's awesome" I comment.
Catalina says,
" I haven't even talked to larry yet. One second."
Catalina calls him and locks herself in the bathroom for 30 minutes. Catalina comes out smiling and says,
" the triple date is on and the D.a.r. group members are leaving tomorrow so Larry is coming over and we are going to hang out at my house." We squeal and get ready for bed. Once we are in bed, Catalina in the little mattress, we discuss restaurant places. After 30 minutes we agree on 'joes pizzeria'at 7:30.....

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