Day 7

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Cassie barges into my room at 8 am wearing her coral bikini, and holding up her speaker which is blaring, ‘Wake me up before you go go’ on full volume so that the whole street can hear.

“Go away,” I mumble ducking under the sheet’s. Just at that moment Hilary bounces in the room in her aqua blue bikini, and jumps on my bed.

“Come on Clara! We’re going to the beach,” exclaims Hilary. 

“It’s 8 am! Can’t we go later?” I complain. 

“Hmmmm, let me think about that. No! Now get up, we have a 4 hour drive to Lake Erie. Be ready in 20 minutes,” Holler’s Cassie as she and Hilary leave the room. I jump out of my bed, stretch and brush my teeth. I wear my lime green tankini and cover it up with my white, strapless towel dress. I pack my goggles, sunscreen, ‘Moby Dick’, and a towel. I zip up my Kipling beach bag, slip on my Havaiana’s, and rush down to grab some breakfast with the 5 minute’s I have left. I remember that we still don’t have Coco pop’s because of the market incident, but no worries, bread and butter will do! Cassie scream’s from the car,

“ Hurry up Clara! We’re leaving without you!” I rush out the door as they rev the engine. I jump into Hilary’s open safari jeep, and she drives away. Cassie is in the front seat and she switches on the radio which blares  ‘Here’s to never growing up’, their favorite song.

Around 1 hour through the ride, when we’re all exhausted of singing, Cassie falls asleep and I start ‘Moby Dick.’ Hilary pulls over 1 hour later, and we’re in the middle of nowhere. I start to panic,

“Are we lost? Are we out of fuel?”

Hilary get’s out of the car and replies,

“Nope! It’s Cassie’s turn!” I look confusingly at Hilary, Cassie can’t drive! I Hilary pokes Cassie and she awakes, and then Hilary gives her a look, and she moves to the driver’s seat.

“Cassie, no. What if we get caught?” I ask worriedly.

“Relax Clara! We’re on summer which means the big guy’s are sipping martini’s on some tropical island. Now, who wants to get this party started?” says Clara cooly, cranking up the stereo. We all sing along until Cassie park’s the car at Lake Erie parking lot. 

“Take that Mr. Powell,” says Cassie jokingly about her driver instructor who gave her an F on the driving test. 

Lake Erie is a lake, but right on the sand, and It’s like a smaller beach. We hop out of the car’s and settle ourselves under a small cabana on the beach. The beach is quite full, but not crowded, and not empty, just the way I like it! The beach is full of  ladies in tiny,bikini’s that show off all their cleavage, and men in speedo’s highlighting their bum figure. I lie down on my blanket and start to indulge in ‘Moby Dick.’  I fall asleep, and the wake up and feel uneven. I get up carefully and realize that I’m 15 feet out in the lake from the land. I scream and Hilary and Cassie crack up with laughter. I try to get up but completely topple over and my clothes get drenched. I swim back to the shore with the floater and completely ignore Cassie and Hilary’s laughter. Just they wait! I’m going to fight fire with fire! Thank goodness they had the decency to keep my ‘Moby Dick’ on shore, so I lie back down and start reading. I completely block out Cassie and Hilary’s stupid joke’s about the fall and get back to reading. 

After 30 minute’s of reading I notice Cassie and Hilary hanging around the bar with 2 guy’s that look way older than them. Hilary is chatting up the blonde, and Cassie the brunette. This is my perfect chance! I walk up to them and say smartly,

“Hilary! Cassie! There you are! Cassie shouldn’t you be preparing for your wedding instead of chatting up guy’s! Beside’s I thought you were into girls, that’s why your engaged to Alice. Oh,Yeah! By the way Hilary, your mum called and they got photo’s from the ultrasound back! Your having boy triplets! You lucky girl! Oh, hey guy’s! I act as if I’ve just seen the two guy’s, and their facial expressions suddenly go from, ‘Dude, check out this chick’ to ‘Get away from me pervert.’ I smile smugly and walk back to the towel while Cassie and Hilary try to convince them that I was lying! They storm back to the cabana raging with anger. Cassie spit’s,

“What the hell is wrong with you?! We were just having some fun!”

“You’re going to pay for this,” screams Hilary. 

I smile and go back to reading. 

Cassie and Hilary order us some fish and chip’s for lunch. After eating we play in the ocean for a bit then pack up, change and get ready for the road. We leave at 3 and Cassie start’s driving, but I’m not even going to bother arguing.  Around 45 minutes through the drive Hilary and I fall asleep until we hear male voices and sense that the car has come to stop. I slowly open my eyelid’s and see some flashing light’s and a man in a uniform with a deep voice booming,

“For the last time ma'am, License and registration.” Then It comes to me! We’ve been caught by the police! I yank myself upright and notice Hilary and Cassie looking worriedly at each other.

“Sir, It’s my car! I’m very sorry and my leg’s were in pain so I asked her to take over,” says Hilary worriedly, taking out her license and registration 

“Ladies your going to have to come with me, and I’ll get my friend Joe here to bring your var to my office,” Says the policeman signaling for the other policeman. We get out of the car and Hilary breaks out in tears all over Cassie’s shoulder. We squeeze in the backseat of the policeman’s car and after 30 minutes, pull into a random police station that is within the lake area. It’s around 4:30 and we’re being shoved into a crowded  police station with officer’s and people bustling everywhere. The police officer Jerry, takes us to a small cell and say’s

“Alright so Mrs. Cassie Clipton is charged with speeding, stealing a vehicle and Mrs -” Hilary interrupts,

“She didn’t steal my car, I gave it to her to drive!”

“Mrs, please calm down. As I was saying, Mrs. Hilary.... you will be charged a hefty cost for letting someone other than yourself take control of your car and speed.Clara, your just along for the ride!” We step in the cell, the officer shut’s it, and walks away, jingling his keys. I fall asleep to Cassie and Hilary’s bickering and wake up around 5 hours later in the back seat of Hilary’s car.

“What is happening?” I mumble. 

“ Well, he let us off the hook because we’re underage and stuff, but they will be calling our parent’s. Hilary is grounded for a week, and Aunt Rosie is coming to stay with us for a week. 

“Oh,” I say not knowing what to say. Aunt Rosie is our boring, mature, aunt that lives in Oklahoma, no wonder! She is not terrible, but she’s not the best person to spend summer with. I fall back asleep till we reach home at 11:45, and I fall straight asleep. 

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