Day 34

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I wake up at 10 am, and, no surprise Catalina is out already. I know something special is supposed to happen today,but......I just can't seem to wrap my finger round it. I grab my phone and I have 4 missed calls from Serena. 4? 4 missed calls? How pathetic! I remember! I remember what that special event is supposed to be. Berun is coming back today! Somehow, Serena, reminds me of Berun. I wonder why? Oh, yah, because since I've started hanging out with Serena, I've turned into a slut and kissed/made out with;
1. Cassie's ex boyfriend
2. Random guy at Starbucks
3. A guy called Morris at the park while I was topless.

On top of all that, I exposed my bare breasts to a french butler who, in my defense is extremely hot, but thrice my age. Today, I am going to put all those bad behaviors away, and start as a new, clean clara. Or the old clara before dirty clara. It's better to start new. I hop off the bed and slide on my denim hollister shorts, a t-shirt, and trudge down to the purple living room. My favorite one of all. It suddenly isn't my favorite because Leo, the French butler who witnessed my bare breasts, is Dusting the artifact shelf. He turns around and grins at me,
" hey there."
No clara! Don't get sucked into his amazing smile, and stiff 6 pack......wait! How do I know he has a 6 pack? There's only one way too find out! Screw new, good girl clara! Berun will be pissed when he finds out everything else I did, why not add one more to the list? I glide over to him, place my hands in his shoulders, whisper,
" hey you,"
And pull him into a kiss.
" well, I'm much better now," he says, and tightens his grip around my waist. I give him a sexy smile, and we shuffle onto the couch. We move around, him up and me down, and then, him down and me up, and vice versa. He pulls of my shirt and unhooks my bra. It's nothing he hasn't seen before! I pull off his shirt and kiss his chest repeatedly until my lips are sore. He starts pulling down my shorts but I kick him in the balls, and get off him. Honestly, his lips are boring, his kiss is boring, and he doesn't compare to Berun.
" what? What's wrong baby?" He grunts, leaning up on his elbows.
" your not going to be the one to deflower me. No way in hell," I say hooking up my bra and slipping on my red Abercrombie and Fitch logo shirt.
He looks dazed, and I exit Into the black and white living room, where i discover Vanessa and Minou gossiping over tea and Madeleine's. Vanessa looks chirpy and back to herself. Minou looks well, how she always looks, like a stuck up snob, which she is, but, she is smiling and seems to be enjoying herself....with Vanessa.
" clara. Darling! Come,come,come," Vanessa exclaims.
" yes, dear. Do come," Minou says, happily, not as excited as Vanessa, but not devastated.
" okay. Sure," I say feeling self conscious. What if they heard the kissing? What if they can tell I almost lost my virginity?
" well, the guards at the apartment say that Ricky has not left, and more men have joined him on the stake out, but, Minou has been dear enough to let us stay here for as long as we need," Vanessa chirps.
" wow. Really? Thanks. That's, thats, great," I say muddling a smile and pretending to be elated. Are you kidding? Staying in this house with Leo lurking on every corner. That sure will be fun.
" I'm going to find out where Catalina went," I say, and exit the living room.
When I get to Catalina's room, I ring her cellphone but it goes straight to voicemail. I'm so bored. I dress up in Catalina's clothes and her heels and pretend to be a stripper, but after an hour it gets boring. I kind of really want to call Serena, but I'm not supposed to be her friend anymore. Whatever. I pick up my cellphone and about to type in her name but then a lid ringing sound scares me. I throw my phone and it lands smack on the carpeting. I listen closely and realize they the ringing is from my phone. I pick it up and read the caller ID,
I'm too tired to explain to him about my bad girl behaviors, and how much he missed me and a dramatic break up where we're crying and admitting our dying love for each other. Long story short, I'm not in the mood for any drama, so I put the phone on silent and throw it on the other side of the bed. I lie down on the Egyptian cotton sheets in angel position and close my eyes. I hear a knock on the door and I flutter my eyes open. Vanessa is standing at the door,
" Minou and I are going to grab some lunch. Do you want to come?"
I think about it. Staying at home alone with Leo watching me, or go out to a fine five star restaurant.
" sure," I say non-chalantly.
" ok. We are leaving in 10 minutes. You better put some elegant clothes on because we are going to a fancy restaurant," Vanessa warns me.
" i dropped my suitcase at the apartment," I say, too lazy to change.
" well, you can borrow Catalina's clothes. Your wearing her clothes now anyways, so you shouldn't have a problem picking out something more ladylike. Hurry up," Vanessa says, and exiting the room.
" if she has anything ladylike," I scoff under my breath. I get off the bed and browse through her wardrobe. I finally decide on a needle length white cotton skirt with a yellow T-shirt designed with a bumblebee on top. I borrow her vomit yellow Gucci flats, and a fake yellow pearl necklace. I run down the stairs here Vanessa is wearing a large, maxi blue skirt which hides her bum, and a matching polo. Minou is wearing a 3/4 thigh pale, pink swing dress; pale pink fake leather jimmy Choo flats; cream stockings and a cream Furla handbag.
" all ready," Minou says, forming it in a question, but saying it in a statement. We nod obediently and file into her black, rolls Royce town car - which the driver is driving. The car ride is awkward because Minou is on the phone doing business; Vanessa is trying to look important by pretending to be evaluating serious messages; and I am slumped against the window. We arrive at a large, spacious, elegant restaurant with fabric gold and beige chairs and a paisley design for everything. The tablecloth, chairs, wallpaper, and carpet are all covered in a gold and beige paisley design. I take a glance at the long menu and decide on a.......burger! It really is hard between frog legs and caviar. Minou scoffs at my order as she expects me to order something more sophisticated like her escargot a la bourguignon, or, Vanessa's tartaflette. I bet Vanessa doesn't even know what it is but is trying to impress Minou by ordering something, 'sophisticated.' Once the food comes, I feel over sophisticated. My burger is so......sophisticated. And big. A fresh made bun, with a stuffed beef patty, followed by....squashed olives, then caramelized onions, another stuffed beef patty, multiple pieces of lettuces which take up most of the sandwich, and finally the top bun. Also, the burger is smothered in mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup AND 'Nando's peri peri sauce?' Minou smirks at my burger which I am staring quizzically at and promptly says,
" eat up clara."
Of course. Minou changed my order while I was off in dreamland. I should've made a more 'sophisticated' decision. Sometimes I wonder if that woman has better things to do than torture children. I give her a knowing smile and say in that fake sweet voice,
" of course. It's delicious." I take a bite into the burger and- ignoring the terrible blend of olives and ketchup, I make a fake, rude, mmmmmm.
Minou scoffs at me and gives me the death stare, then goes back to her politics conversation with Vanessa about whether the government tax rate is much too high. I let out a silent snort when I think about Vanessa and politics. I swear, the farthest she has gone in politics, is, debating whether Russell peters should get his own channel called Russell peters. How original? I'm almost done with my burger when I notice a familiar shaggy dirty blonde hair and cute smile dimples walking across the room. Blake. Oh no. I never called him. I never even kept his number! I duck my head but he catches my eye, smiles and walks over. I frantically tap Vanessa on the shoulder, ignoring minou's rude snare and say,
" my tummy is really hurting. Can I please go home? I promise I will be safe and go straight home. Well, too Catalina's house."
" yes, but-" I interrupt Vanessa and say quickly,
" thanks for the lunch. I loved my burger."
Blake is so close to the table, but I scoot my chair, and run out of the seat. I dash outside of the restaurant, leaving a clueless Blake standing next to my seat and smiling awkwardly at Vanessa and Minou. I turn to the side of the building, and rest my back against the cement wall, taking deep breaths. Those caramelized onions are on the verge of being un-caramelized, and falling from my mouth. After a minute I start running, and sprint to the station. I board the train and just as I'm about to relax, i see a tall guy with shaggy blonde hair and green eyes, and I'm about to get off at the next station because I think it's Blake but I realize that blames hair is dirty blond, not blonde, and he doesn't have green eyes. Nonetheless, I do recognize him-and the 4 guys he is standing with. It's Morris. He skids over to me, tucks my loose strands behind my ear, whispers,
" hey babe,"
And plants a kiss on my lips. I'm not sure if it's because:
A. He's older
B. He's hot
C. He is an Amazing kisser
But I cling onto him desperately and we continue kissing. His friends trail over and for a second I get scared that they are going to rape me, but they just whistle and go back to their spot talking about the latest hockey game. Most of the seats are empty besides a Chinese lady and her daughter, and a fat man reading the newspaper and chewing gum, so we lie down. Me on top of him. He slips his hands up my shirt, and is about to slide into my bra when I jump off him and say,
" shows over kid."
He gets up and looks pissed.
" you can't do that to me again. We're always getting so close and then you pull away. How is our relationship going to work?"
" relationship? Honey, I'm already in a relationship and it's not with you. This was just experimentation of my wild side," I correct him. Just as luck, the train pulls into my station so I hop out and walk to Catalina's house. It's already 3pm, and Catalina isn't back yet. What is she doing? And who is she with? I snoop around her room, searching for clues, but after an hour all I find is a limp rose and the bed in the little house unmade. I sigh and sit down on the little house bed, but suddenly feel uncomfortable realizing what she has probably done in this bed. I go back to her room and find Catalina standing their, and on her neck is a large, purple, love bite!
" what happened?" I ask furious that she hasn't told me about who she has been sneaking around with for the last few days.
" hmm, what? Oh. I was just out with a couple of Egypt relatives," she lies while giggling to a text message.
" no. You weren't. You hate your relatives," I say through gritted teeth.
" gosh clara, relax. Stop getting all worked up about nothing," she rolls her eyes and giggles again. That's it! I snatch the phone out of her hand and all I can see are the words;
Kiss me
And she snatches back the phone.
" whatever," I shout, and slam the door in the bathroom. I take a long hot shower-not bath- shower, and it's all very peaceful until I hear a loud bang. And another bang and another bang. In scared. Is there a bombing? Are we being robbed? I switch off the water, warily step out of the shower and cover myself with a pajama. Suddenly Vanessa rushes into the bathroom and screams giddily,
" clara! It's the 4th of July! We all forgot! Can you believe it? Come to the lawn! Quick!"
With that, she runs off and I start to change. All the while I'm thinking about how we could all forget it's only the most important day in Americas history. Let's see:
Asim - cant even remember his wife's name,
Minou- doesn't care for any holidays, especially ones where there are loud bangs and happiness,
Catalina- too busy with her mystery lover,
Me- too much drama juggling 4 boys and a boyfriend.
I rush down to where everyone is and they are all staring at the fireworks. Beautiful red blue and white fireworks exploding into wonderful shapes and creating a piece of art in the air. I place my hand around Catalinas neck and instantly forgive her for being so secretive. We're always going to be best friends. We all lay on the deck chairs watching the fireworks, and I get so lost in the perfect moment, that I drift off to sleep.......

Hey guys! I'm SO SORRY ABOUT THE LATE UPDATE!!! I have so much going on with homework and book challenges and extra tutors + I have exams for a new school this week and it's really hardcore. In trying my best to keep writing but my updates might start to slow down. IM SO SORRY!!!!! Keep voting and commenting....

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