Day 13

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I hear shuffling in the hallway and giggling. Cassie's giggling and a Male voice giggling, and I hear her close her door. I glance at my watch and the big hand has just hit 3:30 am. I go back to sleep.

It's 10:30 am and I wake up. I have 3 messages from Paige.

Come over now!
Bryan just broke up with me!
I can't breathe...,,

Oh shit! Paige must be heartbroken! I rush to Cassie's room to see if she is awake and a terrible smell fills the room. I glance at her bed and my eyes lie to me. There lying on her bed under her duvet, is Cassie and another random guy. I move closer and notice that the guy is shirtless Is Cassie. At the foot of the bed are 4 empty bottles of grey goose vodka. I can't contain my anger! I get dressed quickly and leave the house catching a bus to Paige's house. It's a long way but I can't stand to be in the same house as that....slut! How could she? How could just throw everything away????!!!!! What is wrong with her? I understand the breakup was hard but seriously, turning into a alcoholic and hooking up with random guys is not going to help! I've seen that guy before, but he is way older than Cassie. The tall figure,thick chin hair, six pack, no! It couldn't be! Is that mr. Dorking! Her science teacher! Bleurgh! I text Cassie saying

Am sleeping over at Paige's.

Then I text paige saying

Will be at yours in 10.😕

Finally, I text Catalina because she should've landed by now.

Hey! We will talk later but Bryan just dumped Paige and she needs us! Am heading over now, come asap!!!!

I sit down on the bus seat and take a deep breath and inhale everything that has happened. I close my eyes and open them and Buren is standing right in front of me! Oh god! When was the last time we met? It was that day at the museum, right? He notices me sitting behind him and his light blue eyes lock my dark brown eyes. A darkness runs through his face and then he breaks into his cute, subtle, smile and says,
I smile back, my heart racing, my palms sweating and say,
I would get into a conversation but it's Paige's stop and I really can't ditch her today.
" bye" I say flirtatiously.
" bye" he says looking into my eyes and grinning with his bleached white teeth.
I jump out of the bus and I breathe. Oh my god! Did he just talk to me???? Eeek! I'm so happy that I run to Paige's apartment but before I enter, I remember that her man if dreams just broke up with her, and my man of dreams just started talking to me after a big feud. I put on my straight face and knock on the door. Vanessa opens it with a worried look on her face and says,
" she's been crying for the past 45 minutes! I can't get her to tell me what's wrong! Oh, please help!"
I walk past Vanessa who is wearing a long green and purple tie dye nightgown made of kanga material. I rush into Paige's room and she is crying like crazy, her head under a pillow.
" oh Paige" I say rushing to give her a hug.
" it just happened," she sobs into my shoulder. So for the next hour I watch icarly repeats while Paige sobs into my shoulder about how there was Jo explanation and it just happened and I pretend to listen like the good friend I am. Then Catalina rushes in looking amazing and completely different. Her hair is much longer and it's bright red. She is still very tall and pretty with her face wearing natural Mac lip gloss and Clinique blush and eyeliner. She is wearing a large oversize pair of Gucci sunglasses,white one shoulder short drape dress and strap in white wedges. Her bangles jingle as she throws her beige coach bag on the bed and gives Paige a huge hug.
" honey, I am so sorry! " she says dramatically.
"Thanks" Paige sobs.
" hey, how was the trip?" I mouth.
Catalina gives me a thumbs up and sits on the other side of Paige. After 30 minutes of icarly and Paige crying, she falls asleep so Catalina and I move to the laundry room where we gossip. Catalina tells me crazy stories of her trip to Egypt. When her 17 year old cousin fell madly in love with her and they had a serious make out session. When she dated 2 guys at once ( not her cousin) and eventually they found out. Catalina hasn't even turned 14 but she is the youngest and baddest in our grade. She tells me that she dyed her hair red for fun and her parents got pissed so she was grounded for a week and dated her cousin. We laugh for awhile and I tell her about what's happened with me and my 2 weeks of summer so far. Catalina and Paige have never been as close as Catalina and I or Paige and I. We all hang out with each other though because we make each other laugh and love each other. We talk for 2 hours and then we realize that we are starving. We wake up Paige and she has finally stopped crying. Her mum and yina have gone out by she left a casserole for us so we dig in. Of course, Catalina only has half our portion because 32kg is overweight! Yah right! We exchange summer stories and then start to talk about Paige's birthday.
" my mum and I already discussed this. I have to call up the girls and tell them to come to dogwood park and we are going to have some sandwiches and cake and cookies and lemonade. We will hang out, chat and play some childhood games," explains Paige.
" cool. By the way, I'm sleeping over tonight," I say slowly. I explain the Cassie situation from last night and tell Catalina about aunt Rosie.
" shit! Your sister got some serious shit going on," says Catalina whistling and taking her plate to the kitchen.
" well, it's just the aftershock from Darrell and aunt Rosie. She needs a distraction," says Paige and we take our plates to the sink. I get a text from Cassie saying

K. M going out tonight. Love u!

Ugh! I switch off my phone! We just hang out and walk around town and stop by the cupcake corner. I decide not to tell Paige about Buren just incase it brings back the tears. After, Catalina's driver picks her up from the apartment and Paige and I chill together. I shower and we read fashion magazines until Vanessa, Paige's dad, and yina return.
" yay! Paigey not crying," screams yina hugging Paige.
Vanessa walks in, breaths a sigh of relief and says,
" oh, honey! Thank goodness for you two girls!"
she leaves to shower Yina and paige and the comes back to discuss Paige's party...
" so girls, I've called up all your friends mothers and they should be at dogwood park by 12. You guys can chat, we will eat, play pin the tail, and have a piñata. Then you all can hang out and we will go home and have a slumber party and how does that sound?" Explains Vanessa.
" great" we all say in unison.
" so clara what's the plan? How are you getting home?" Asks Vanessa sucking a lollipop.
" well, I was wondering if it would be alright if I slept over," I say sadly, thinking about Cassie and the dude.
" sure! We will have fajitas and a proper party! You guys can make the piñata," exclaims Vanessa walking out with her Orange Bahjaj pants trailing after her and white t-shirt. Paige and I shower, and watch Gigi the play on tv starring Audrey Hepburn while eating 2 fajitas. We prepare the items for the piñata and then start to create a lipstick shape piñata. We end up creating a havoc by slapping each other with glue and Vanessa makes us clean up the glue and shower. After the shower and cleaning up we continue the piñata. It takes us 2 hours and the result looks like a cylinder. A plain old cylinder. Cylinder.... Lipstick.....cylinder......not lipstick. We watch an episode of ' breakfast at tiffany's' and then start to paint the lipstick/cylinder. We paint a gold tube with pink lipstick and then let it dry overnight and will fill it up tomorrow. As we get into bed I see a picture of Bryan Paige and I scrunched in the floor, and I remember, I still haven't told her about Bryan and I. I roll over so I'm looking at her, and I grumble,
" I kissed Bryan." Her eyes shoot open and she looks at me and says,
" while we were dating?"
" yep" I say sadly.
" how did it feel?" She asks awkwardly.
" wrong, terrible. It meant nothing," I say rushedly.
She smiles and asks," ok. He's a good kisser right?"
" 2/10, but I bet Berun is a 10/10" I reply. I tell her that Berun and I are talking again and we go to bed.
Aaaah! It's good to get things off my chest, and get more in. If you know what I mean?

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