Day 26

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Vanessa runs into Paige's room at 3 am screaming some junk.
" oh my god! They're kidnapped! Where are they? Please," she screams while tears pour out of her eyes. What? Who is kidnapped? Where are who?
" what's going on?" I ask grumpily.
" Catalina and paige are missing! Where are they? What did you do to them?" Vanessa screams.
" wha-! They're missing. How?" I say getting out of bed.
" I don't know! I don't know! They were at Catalina's and oh! Why weren't you there? Your the responsible one, you would've made sure they stayed out of trouble," Vanessa says walking around the room her fingers massaging her forehead.
" what do we do? Go to the police, hospital, local council. We can't just stay here. We have to go find them, unless they're dead. Oh my god! What if they're dead," I say frantically and hurriedly while shoving on boots and a coat to cover my pajamas.
" clara, relax. They are not dead. Now, we go to the police station where Catalina's family will be meeting us," Vanessa says calmly and walking out of the room. After 10 minutes Vanessa and I speed to the local police station. We walk into the station and immediately meet Catalina's parents. Not her brother. They give me a,
'It's all your fault' look. I sit in the seat in the corner and try to hide myself from view. I fall asleep and am waken up at 8:30 by 2 police officers. One fat, puffy, red faced man with the name tag
And one muscular but skinny woman with a orange ponytail and a name tag,
" sorry to bother you fella' but my pal and I have a few questions to ask about the disappearance of Catalina and paige. We have been waiting a few hours to ask but you were asleep and the case can't go any further without some answers so may we ask you some questions?" The fat man says in a deep scary tone, and doesn't give me a chance to answer the question because they drag me to a confinement room. A small square room with gray, peeling wallpaper, a chipped wood table and 2 chipped chairs. On one side of the wall there is a tinted glass wall, where they can see in, but I can't see out. The preppy police lady waltz into the room with some files, and the chubby man stands in the corner.
" now, clara. You are aware that paige and Catalina are missing? You are aware that you are being suspected for kidnapping paige and Catalina? You are aware that paige and Catalina went missing at 12:46 am this morning and, you are the only one who knows of their whereabouts?" The lady asks me with seriousness.
" what? I didn't do anything and I didn't even know where they were going," I belch.
" clara, calm down. You have not been charged or arrested but in order for this case to move forward,we must ask you a few questions," the lady informs me calmly.
I nod silently and she starts asking me questions.
" where were paige and Catalina this morning at 12:46 am?" The lady asks me looking in my eyes.
" I don't know," I mumble.
" Clara. Take a moment to think," the lady says calmly. I take 2 minutes to think and finally remember something from a long time ago.
" well.....I...I remember that a few...few years ago they used to have sleepovers without me...and...and they used to rub in my face that they.....were both members of the Lake Erie club and they....used to go there every night....but they used to be home by 12 because of Catalina's curfew. Maybe...Maybe something happened. Have they been kidnapped," I stutter and break into tears at the thought of them being locked up in a depressing cellar or....dead!
The woman takes a deep breath, nods at the fat man, he leaves the room, she takes a deep breath and says,
" thank you very much for your cooperation clara. We will do our best to find the whereabouts of your friends but for must stay in the confinement room. Just until we discover some new material and get a stronger grip on the case." She gets up and leaves and I wipe tears back from my face. The fat man comes back in, hands me a plastic cup of water, nods at me and leaves.
I sit there for 2 hours until the lady comes back in and says seriously,
" Clara,we have a lead. The girls have been kidnapped. Come with me." I get up and fast walk to keep up with her pace. My head is spinning with unanswered questions, unanswered questions the police also have, and are also trying to answer. We walk by the waiting area where Catalina's parents, Vanessa, Bryan, Catalina's brother Justin, and Berun! They all get up to ask where I'm going evacuated ether have been told to stay here but I kiss Berun and whisper in his ear,
" I'm scared."
Bryan and Vanessa follow us but the guards push them off as Lindsey leads me into a room and closes the blinds.
" okay. 2 girls, paige rocky and Catalina van de ven, have been kidnapped between the times of 8:30 pm when they left the Van de ven residence and 12:47 when Minou van de ven noticed the children were missing. We watched video cameras of the girls track and found a tall, lean figure in corduroy pant and a burgundy leather jacket knocking them with a bat and dragging them to a white SUV. There is a possibility that another person was involved in the kidnapping, and was the driver of the SUV. The SUV was then out of sight once it entered the highway to....Colombus,Ohio," Lindsey says seriously while moving papers around on a board. There is a huge board with pictures of paige and Catalina and a projector with different suspects, and a room full of police officers sitting, taking notes, and listening intently. I block out the rest of the conference when I hear the words Colombus! Columbus is like....actually I don't know how far Columbus is but still, it's not canton.
" Clara. Clara, Clara Clipton," Lindsey says in a loud, annoyed voice. I snap out of my how far is Columbus trance and stare confusingly at Lindsey.
" yes" I say awkwardly.
" do you recognize any of these men?" She asks sternly, referring to the board. I stare at all the mugshots from left to right and don't recognize any of them. One tall, fat bald guy. One tall, skinny Turkish man with a mustache. A look alike of Obama,! It can't be! It can't be him! One short, shaved beard, small and grubby face man. There's only one of those in canton...or in the world. Ricky Rocky. Paige's dad. My hand covers my mouth, my fingers and body trembling, a tear dripping down my cheek. I point shakily at the last picture and say in broken words,
" t-t-th-t-the l-la-last o-o-o-on-on-one."
" are you sure? Do you know who he is? Do you know any connections between the girls and this man?," Lindsey asks.
I clear up my voice and say with all my strength,
" yes, I am sure. His name is Ricky Rocky. He is Paige's dad." My voice breaks on the last sentence and I collapse into tears. Suddenly, there is bustling and commotion and I'm just standing there crying and shaking. A police officer leads me somewhere but my vision is wet and foggy. I see some familiar faces like Vanessa, Berun and all those people but my brain is spinning and I can't think straight. Why would he kidnap them? What does he want with them? How could he be so cruel to his own daughter? The most confusing part is, Ricky was at home in the morning with....yina. Oh no! I run to Vanessa but I can tell what is going on.
" no answer,again" Vanessa sobs. The rest of the day goes by in a blur. People ask me questions but I just nod and shake my head. I feel bad for Vanessa, though. She has been crying uncontrollably in a separate room and Minou has been trying to comfort her but Vanessa pushed her over and Minou sprained her ankle. I take a bite of my, big bongo full flavor wrap and instantly feel like puking. I sleep for most of the day and at around 7:54 pm I hear business and words like,
'Found' 'where' and 'caught.' I ignore the sounds, not feeling well enough to have any human interaction. After 1 hour Vanessa runs to me, shakes me and says frantically,
" they've found them. They're following the SUV now! Oh! Thank god! They should be back soon. 3 police cars chasing one SUV." I shoot out of my sleep and join everybody else who is worried and nervous. Bryan, Justin, and Berun are gone but the parents are still here. Everybody is too scared to eat, even Vanessa, so we all sip coffee for 2 hours while waiting for Catalina and paige. Technically, I sip hot chocolate because I hate coffee, but we don't need all the details. At around 10 pm we get news that the girls are safe and arriving at the station. Suddenly, 2 girls, very much like paige and Catalina come shuffling through the hallway each covered in a furry, cloak and a police officer leading them to separate rooms. Paige is wearing an orange cloak, her hair damp, and a scar on her nose and head. Catalina is wearing a blue cloak, her straight hair frizzy, and a scar on her left cheek and a cut on her chin. They try to keep their heads down but look up when their parents call. Vanessa is choking on her tears and I swear I see a tear falling down Minou's cheek. They are taken into separate rooms and their parents demand to see them but they must be questioned first, because Ricky and the other suspect got away. They threw the girls into a forest which is how they got their cuts and drove off. They are trying to find out if there are any hideout places Ricky might've taken them too, or any information of where they were going. I'm getting ready for the war of Catalina's parents screaming to Vanessa about Ricky but surprisingly, they hug her and comfort her. Paige and Catalina are in their for a very long time and we all fall asleep, in the waiting area of the canton police department while 2 kidnappers are on the loose. Well, not anymore, since the Cincinnati police department has just started to investigate 2 missing adolescent girls that were on their way home when a mysterious white SUV picked them up and.......


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