Day 17

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I wake up at 8 am, but I pretend to be sleeping and actually get out of bed at 11 am. All the while, I'm thinking about Cassie and how she is doing. I don't know what I feel. Sorrow? Shame? Sadness? Anger? Regret? I get out of bed and paige runs into the room squealing and smiling.
" hey" she squeals.
I muster a smile and say,
" hey."
I just realize that i don't feel like talking, like, at all. Who better to not talk with than Libby!!
" ummm, Libby and I were going to go to the library today" I say, giving her a little white lie.
" oh" she says looking a little disappointed, and then bounced back and says,
" I hate libraries! Have fun!" She slips away and I tell her mum and then get dressed when i realize I have no clothes.whatever! I'll pick some clothes up later, but for now, I wear Paige's black tank top admit black shorts just to blend into Libby's vibe. Shit! I haven't even called her! I ring Libby and she picks up,
" hello" she says plainly.
" hey Libby, it's Clara. Do you want to meet up at the cupcake corner," I suggest trying to sound dark.
" sure" she says dully.
" ok, I'll be there in 20" I say hopefully and click off the phone.
I say bye and catch a bus to my square. Cupcake corner is right around the corner from my house so I will pick up my clothes after. I walk in and Libby is biting into a red velvet cupcake and a blood punch smoothie is standing in front of her. That's....appetizing.
" hey" I say chirping walking to the table.
" hey" she says boringly.
" I'm sorry about your sister," she adds.
" thanks" I say while ordering a fruit punch and a chocolate cupcake. I start eating and she sips her drink while staring at the wall blankly. I enjoy the silence but, it's too silent. We've been sitting for an hour and I say
" Paige really likes your present."
She nods and goes back to slurping her drink. After an hour of slurping my drink I attack her,
" ok so I initially waned to meet up with you because I just didn't want to do anything. I didn't feel like talking to anyone and so I thought of you. Now I realize, I can't just mope all day and wait for Cassie to come back. I need to get my mind off her and do something wild, so let's go somewhere, anywhere. First we need to stop by my house so I can pack some clothes."
She starts to blush and whispers something so quiet I can't hear.
" what?" I say loudly and quite obnoxiously.
" my brother died when I was 8 and when I lived in Canada. That was when I shaved my head and I completely changed. I used to be so... Pretty and spend so much time perfecting myself that I didn't realize when he was drowning in the bathtub. He was younger than me and screaming and I ignored him," she explains slowly, a tear dripping down her cheek.
" oh Libby" I say sympathetically getting up and hugging her.
" why didn't you tell us?"
" I could never forgive myself for what I did, and it was the part me I wish would just disappear," she says.
"Well, I won't tell anyone if that's what you want," I say.
She nods and says,
" that's why I've been so silent because when my brother died I didn't talk for 3 whole weeks."
" well, we all have different ways of coping with tragedies. So, how about you come over, I pack and you drink some soda pop," I offer energetically.
" ok" she says laying money on the bill tray. We walk to my house and once we get in there I know someone is inside. I hear shuffling and mumbling upstairs and I scream,
" Cassie!"
I run up the stairs and stop halfway when a disgruntled and dismantled aunt Rosie meets me there. Her prada dress is ripped, Michael kors heels broken, and her hair tangled.
" after the lengthy flight I was looking forward to picking up my bags and heading straight back to Oklahoma where my 5 story mansion awaits me. There were just a few obstacles delaying me. First class and business were booked so I had to settle for a 9 hour economy flight. I arrive at the airport and surprise surprise! No car services are available at 6 am, so I rent a bike. Finally, I come home to find all my clothes missing. Where are my clothes?" She screams the last part and I run up the stairs to my room. I stare out and the garbage truck is picking the bag with her clothes in it. Yes! Today is laundry day! I turn around and aunt Rosie has a mischievous smile on her face and says,
" you are never going to get away with this." Shit! She knows. She runs down the stairs but Libby catches on also and she jumps off the 5 meter high bannister and beats sit Rosie. Where did she learn to do that? I throw the keys down for her to lock the door but aunt Rosie gets them and they have a tug of war. I run down the stairs, shove aunt Rosie on the couch and lock the door. I turn around to find aunt Rosie tied to a chair with an apple in her mouth. Libby and I clap hands and say
" good job."
We wait for the garbage truck to leave and let aunt Rosie free. She leaves the house slamming the door behind. Libby drinks some soda pop while a pack a few essentials. Clothes, money, and 5 editions of 'Jane Austen.' We make our way to the bus station and I offer,
"Why don't you come over to Paige's house? Catalina will be there."
" I can't, I'm spending the night at Ashley's," she informs me.
"Ok" I say. Isn't it weird how the two most different people are best friends? Ashley and Libby are best friends. Have been since they were 5. As I'm boarding the bus Libby runs up to me, her cheeks bright red and asks quietly,
"I want to be pretty again. Can you help me?"
I smile and say,
" absolutely! How about I come over day after tomorrow to your house at around 12."
She nods and runs to catch her bus. Once i get to Paige's, it's completely empty, except for Catalina. complaining,
" finally, someone's home! I mean this is real hospitality," Catalina complains giving me a faulty hug pretending to be drunk.
" ok, ok, where is everyone?" I ask pushing her off.
" paige is out with Luke. Paige's dad is at work and Vanessa took yina to a play date," Catalina informs me, slamming Paige's room door shut. How many bags did she bring? There are.... I can't even count! Paige returns home telling us about her date with Luke. This girl is so detailed I can taste the tender, ripe mango pudding they had for desert. We hang out for the rest of the night and right before we go to bed Berun calls me.
" hey" I say sweetly.
" hey how are you?" He asks soothingly.
" good. You?" I ask nervously.
" I would be amazing if you would join me for dinner at la rose tomorrow night?" He says.
Oh my god! He just asked me on a date! Our first date!
" absolutely" I say giddily.
" I'll pick you up from Paige's house at 8. Ok?" He says.
" ok" I say.
I hang up and tell paige and Catalina and They insist on getting me dressed up now, but I just want to sleep. So we go to sleep....

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