Day 42

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" girls! Wake up! Wake up! The funeral is in 5 hours! I have so much to do and all you can do is sleep! Where is paige? Oh, she's probably wandering the house! Wake up," Minou shouts. I feel the sheets being unravelled and my legs growing goosebumps, but I snap up at the name of paige. Catalina is already sitting upright biting her nails in worry.
" what?" I grumble.
" get changed! Up! I'm going to send someone to find paige. Up! Now," she shouts, literally pushing us off the bed.
" ok mum," Catalina huffs, and escorts her mum outside of the room.
" I'm guessing paige didn't come back," I say weakly.
Catalina shakes her head in dismay, and trudges to the bathroom. I follow her, and we brush our teeth and do our daily routine. Catalina pulls 2 packs of chocolate masks out of a sink drawer, and smiles at me knowingly. I smile back and rip off my packet. We smear the cream on our face and watch keeping up with the kardashians, for10 minutes until the face mask is ready to be peeled off. We peel them off and wash our face and start with our hair.
I straighten mine and Catalina curls hers. It takes us one hour, so by the time we've completely finished- makeup and all, we slip on our outfits. I look very professional, and Catalina looks very....well....slutty. But doesn't she always?
" pull up your dress," I warn her, referring to the quarter exposed breast and side slits showing her bum.
" no," she says waving my hand away.
She turns around and I quickly hitch up her dress, ignoring her protesting hands.
" this is a respectable wedding with respectable people that have come to respect a respectful dead lady. So, please, do your part and show your respect by keeping your dress at an appropriate level," I say seriously.
Before she has a chance to argue, Minou comes rushing in the room, panting breathlessly,
" they can't find Paige. Where is she?"
Catalina give each other a nervous look, but I finally say shakily,
" her dress was too she went to get it altered."
" oh! It's so last minute! Make sure she's back soon," Minou says dramatically, and wobbles out of the room in her 5 inch manolo's, to deal with a caterer. I breath a sigh of relief, and turn around to find Catalina giving me a devious grin.
" what?" I spit at her.
" nothing. What's going to happen when paige does not show up?" She says cheekily.
" well, like you said yesterday, she's got a little bit of sense in her," I say casually, hiding my worry behind my voice. I walk out of the room confidently, and head down the escalators to the first floor. Big mistake! I duck through 100's of servants carrying pits and dishes, and surprisingly, a coffin. I guess this is when all the servants come to work. I crawl behind a Russian couple who are also servants, and I think are arguing about....whose goat is fatter? I accidentally, ACCIDENTALLY, shove the fat wife who pushes the husband who rolls over the couch who trips some of the men in the herd which causes dishes to collapse and the coffin to fall on the floor and open. Thank god there is no body in the coffin yet. I notice Minou rushing over and I run into the kitchen to grab some snacks for Catalina and I. I don't think we're coming downstairs anytime soon. I grab a few packs of cheez-it's which I hate, and a few bars of frosties which I also hate, but can't be bothered to find the good snacks. I grab 2 bottles of coke and run for my life with the food and coke in arm as I dodge hundreds of servants. Once I enter Catalina's room, I drop everything on her Persian rug and collapse onto the couch.
" awwww, poor clara. You had to experience my mum mum," I hear Catalina's voice from above me. I sit up and slouch back on the couch,
" yes, well, I ran away before any serious damage occurred."
" hmmmm, sure. 26 seconds after you leave, I hear a large bang coming from downstairs and the clatter of pots and pans. No damage occurred," she says funnily, and slouches next to me. We watch our, no exception, all-time favorite movie,
'Breakfast at tiffanys.'
We usually watch it with paige so it's kind of awkward this time. We always used to fight over who was holly, and we still do every time we watch. This time, Catalina and I stay silent during the whole movie, because it would be wrong to fight without paige. 3/4 through the movie Catalina points out,
" see now, the way she flirts with that sexy flair, that just proves I am holly Golightly."
Igive her a 'seriously?' Face, and reply,
" yes but do remember the sweet, cheesy holly when she is with Paul. Now that is very me."
" if only there was someone In-between sexy and cheesy," Catalina sighs.
" there is," I say hopefully.
We both know that we're talking about paige, but we just continue the movie In silence.
When the movie ends, I glance at my watch 3:00
" where is paige?" I ask irritatingly, to no one in particular.
" clearly not here," Catalina says just as annoyingly. I hear the splash of water and turn around to find Catalina drinking starlight from a whisky bottle.
" what? I drink when I'm nervous," she says innocently and takes another sip. I roll my eyes and grab the bottle. I twist it shut, put it away, and say with attitude,
" sadly drinking will not bring paige back. If it did you would've brought back 100's of her."
" what are we going to do?" Catalina mutters.
" I don't know, but the funeral starts in less than an hour and we need to be on our best behavior. As for paige.....she couldn't handle the pressure and went for a walk," I say pacing the floors.
" ok," Catalina says calmly, pacing the floors with me, and adds,
" it's just a little white lie."
" should we go see if your mum needs help?" I offer.
" I thought we were avoiding her," Catalina states.
" good point," I breathe, and drop back on her couch.
" so we just sit," Catalina says lamely, sitting next to me.
" we sit," I say cheerily.
" and wait," Catalina adds boringly.
" and wait" I say happily.
So we sit, and we wait, until 1 hour later we hear Beethoven being played by the live orchestra downstairs.
" ready?" I ask, straightening my skirt.
" ready as ever," Catalina answers, taking a quick sip of her whisky. We head downstairs, through the empty living rooms, and outside where almost 200 socialites, who Vanessa never knew or never wanted to be friends with, are mingling casually as if its a soirée to discuss business, and not a funeral to Honor the dead. At least they're all wearing black. Well, except the lady who is hosting the funeral. Minou is wearing a light blue, satin, strapless, High low, aqua blue dress with a crystal covered bodice. Everybody stops and stares at her screaming to one of the servants in German, and by the looks of it, I think he is fired.
Catalina and I weave through the crowd, occasionally stopping to pay our respects to the people who have no idea who she is.
" oh, thank you! It's been so hard without Hilary," one lady comments. We decide not to correct her quite large mistake, just because she might lose her record deal. Another man says queerly,
" it was such a shame, but at least she died old and healthy. 90 years old, that's a record."
Rude much? We finish paying our respects and Minou comes up to us and says in panic,
" where is paige? The ceremony is going to start soon! She's giving a speech."
" what? She's giving a speech! How did you tell her? She hasn't been home- I mean you haven't seen her," I blurt out quickly.
" I sent her a text, and She must know that as the only reliable source of family she has, she must be the one to give the speech,"
Minou says calmly.
" oh, Julia is here, I better go say hi," Minou adds, walking away to a golden haired woman with too much Botox.
" where is she?" I ask under my breath to Catalina, referring to paige.
" I have no idea, but I do know that this is going to be a hell of a wedding," Catalina replies. She picks up a flute of champagne, and chugs it down instantly.
" I'm going to get some food," I say and make a beeline for the snack table. I grab a truffle and sneak it down my throat. Mmmm, they're good. I pop another one in my mouth, and another, and another, until i feel a tap on my back, and I almost choke them out. I turn around, and a very tall, handsome, buff, boy with dark blue eyes, and sandy blonde, army cut hair, who is probably much older than me by the looks of it, is standing and staring at me.
" can I help you?" I ask through a full mouth.
" yes, actually, I couldn't help but notice that your hogging up the truffles tray, " he says rudely in a British accent. Excuse me?
" oh sorry. I was just hungry. Please do have some," I offer politely.
" yes I can see that judging by your body shape, your a regular truffle eater. I'm not sure I want any truffles after you've touched them. I can't risk coming down with cancer or another one of those middle class diseases," he says snobbishly, pulling out his hand sanitizer and squeezing a dob on his palm. How dare he? Does he even hear the words that just came out of his mouth? I'm about to protest, but he pushes me aside, and says nobly,
" now, some people would actually like to enjoy the truffles."
I stand there for a second in shock. In my entire life, I have never met someone so rude and arrogant, and, and, and,
" well, it's too bad the truffles are finished," I snap at him, and I grab the tray of truffles, and March over to Catalina.
" why so many truffles?" Catalina asks, chewing on one.
" because, these truffles deserve, kind, hungry, girls who will appreciate them, and give them a fast and painful death," I reply with dignity.
" which rich jerk was it?" Catalina asks knowingly.
" english guy," I mutter, but don't bother telling the whole story because the ceremony is about to begin. Catalina and I take our seats on the second row, and swerve our heads back and forth trying to see if paige might show up. I Turn my head to my left, away from Catalina, and, surprise surprise, whoelsewould I find other than mr. Snobby english I'm-too-good-for-anything. I give him an evil glare and transform it to an evil smile when his very, very, old mother who could be his grandmother, and very young father turns this way. I turn back to Catalina who is.....kissing Larry. What? When did this happen? I really don't want to encounter Catalina and Larry making out, but If I look forward then some fat rich mans bald, sweaty cracked skin head will block my view, so I turn back to the left where i i find mr. Snobby english I'm-too-good-for-anything, smirking at me. I roll my eyes and look back forward where-thank God; the old man has moved, and the ceremony has begun. The priest starts his speech,
" we are gathered here today to give our last blessings to mrs. Vanessa rocky before we part forever......"
I block out his voice and start to think; weddings and funerals are the exact same; without the few minor differences. For example;
1. Generally in weddings, everyone pretends to be happy and care about the young couple in love when they really couldn't give a shit; whole in funerals, everyone pretends to be sad and care about a dead person, when they really couldn't give a shit. So, in both cases, nobody really gives a shit.
2. Wedding speeches usually start by,
'We are gathered here today to join ..... And...... In holy matrimony,'
While in funerals is More like,
'we are gathered here today to give our last blessings to mrs. Vanessa rocky before we part forever......'
I'm so deep in my thoughts, that I don't notice when the priest calls into the microphone,
" we now have a speech from paige Rocky."
Everyone looks around waiting for paige to appear from the aisles, but nothing happens.
" mrs. Paige Rocky, please come give your speech," the priest repeats.
Catalina and I glare at each other in panic, and notice minou Rush on stage. She gives a fake smile and happy wave to the crowd, whispers something in the priests ear, the rushes off the stage.
The priest looks grim and says huffily,
" there has been a minor error in the schedule. There will be no speech from paige-"
" actually there will be," a slurred, all to familiar voice comes from the right aisle. Everyone turns their heads to see a drunken, high, paige, with tangled hair, spilling makeup, and wearing a skimpy lace sea through dress with no bra or underwear, and one of her shoes has broken heel.
She limps towards the priest and starts speaking,
" sorry I'm late. I was busy getting naked with some guy i don't even know or remember. But, we are not here to talk about Vanessa's bad parenting- wait! We are! Vanessa was a fat, whore who never gave 2 shits about her children, and was a waste of space because all she did was sit on her lazy ass and grow fatter by the minute!"
She takes a break then starts walking back down the aisle, and says,
" now, if you'll excuse me; I have a party to get to where drinks are waiting to be drunk, weed and cocaine to be smoked, and boys waiting for me to get naked."
With that, she stumbles into the house, leaving everyone in shock, staring at her last spot. I notice Catalina's eyes staring at minou's embarrassed and enraged face. I can't let her get away again; not this time. I run after her, but I can't find her. I search the whole house, but she is nowhere to be found.
" she left a few minutes ago," a butler with an Irish accent informs me.
" oh. Thank you," I say disappointingly; my heart drops to my stomach.
I make my way back to the funeral, where the ceremony is over and everyone is gossiping about what just happened.
I walk up to where Catalina and Minou are bickering, and Minou asks me with panic,
" what just happened? I thought I told you girls to keep her under control. My, my! What will the DAR ladies think of this? Paige was staying at our residence, and look what happened to her!? They will think I'm incapable of nurturing a young girl! Listen, you two will tell everyone that paige was in utter shock and her and Vanessa had a bad relationship, but Vanessa was actually a respectable women. I have to go reassure the DAR ladies that paige was...."
She runs off so we can't here the last part of her sentence, but I could make out the word,
" let's go," I sigh, and we start reassuring the guests.
Once all the guests have left, it's around 6pm, and Catalina and i trudge to her room, and in our separate bathtubs. We lie there for over an hour, just talking about how crazy the day went.
I climb out of the bathtub, wrap a towel around myself, and just as I'm about to enter Catalina's room; one of my biggest fears appears in front of my eyes. My body starts shaking, and I just don't know what to do. I can't believe my eyes, and all my senses block out. I feel a thump on the ground, as Catalina faints, and a scream from the door, as Minou encounters the horrific scene. While, Ambulances siren, paramedics rush in, police investigate, and Catalina's family bolts to the hospital; I just lay in bed, trying to shun out the image of Paige's dead limp body, hanging above the bed.


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