Day 38

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Mum shakes me awake, and I mumble,
" I'm sleeping."
" no really," my mum says sarcastically, and then says,
" Brenda is waiting downstairs for you."
" what?" I grumble.
" come now," my mum instructs.
I groan and shuffle out of bed, and down the stairs. Sure enough, Brenda is is sitting on the edge of the same fades brown couch she sat on yesterday.
" hey," I smile, and wave my hand weakly; walking over to her.
"Hey. Sorry, I just needed to talk to you. I know we're not that close, but I needed some relationship advice, and I didn't think you would be going anywhere today, because of your head," Brenda explains quickly, and takes a large sip of her coffee.
" oh," I say, slightly offended at the comment. I still have a life, right?
" can't this wait till tomorrow?" I ask rudely, cocking my head.
" why?" She asks, with the same amount of attitude.
" well, I kind of have plans today. Paige and I are going shopping," I snap back.
" oh," Brenda whimpers, looking hurt. I feel bad, really bad.
" I have an idea. You should join paige and I. Oh, and Catalina! It will be fun. We're shopping. Do you have some money?" I offer cheerfully. Her face brightens up and she agrees,
" sure. I have like 10 bucks, but I'm allergic to shopping." Judging by her outfit, you could say shopping is the death of her. She is wearing a tattered yellow jumper, even though it's 35 degrees Celsius, yellow leggings, and worn out yellow hiking boots. Of course, she has her coffee thermos in one hand, and latest iPhone in the other.
" shit. It's 8:00. Why so early?" I complain, my eyelids slowly closing.
Brenda laughs and says,
" at my house, a usual summer day would start at 7 am."
I chuckle and my mum rushes in with 2 mugs of hot cocoa, and a packet of marshmallows. We end up plugging in Brenda's portable wii or play station or something, and play Mario kart. It's amazing how Brenda can build houses on mine craft on her phone, while beating the shit out of me on Mario kart on the TV. I hear a ding dong on the door bell and I flip over to the door to answer. Shit! Paige is standing their in a white tank top, orange corduroy shorts and jacket, and white flats, with her tied back. Guess she ran out of orange. She looks furious when she sees me standing in my Betty boo pyjamas.
" what are you wearing?" She snaps. I'm about to answer but she notices Brenda, and Frowns,
" what is she doing here?"
"Brenda came over to hang out with me but since I had plans with you, I told her she could tag along," I explain. Paige gives me a menacing look and argues,
" you should've asked me first."
" you should've asked me if Catalina could come along," I say sneakily. Paige let's out a,
" humph,"
And sits perkily on the couch opposite Brenda. Let's just say, her and Brenda don't exactly get along. Paige stares at me standing in the doorway, staring at her and Brenda.
" well. Go get changed then. Hurry up! I told Catalina to meet us here," paige says snakily, scrunching her nose at Brenda when she says 'us.'
I roll my eyes and run to my room. I quickly brush my teeth, comb my hair, and get changed. I wear my frilly lime green top, yellow capris, yellow hairband, and bright green pumps. I run down stairs and Catalina is perched on the end of the couch, playing with Brenda's hair. She is wearing a midnight blue crop top, midnight blue trousers, midnight blue sneakers, and even, a midnight blue hairband keeping her hair up In a braid.
" hey clara," Catalina laughs, pulling Brenda's hair. Paige is evilly glaring at Brenda and Catalina laughing. She catches my eyes and I roll my eyes, and she rolls hers, and I roll my eyes, and she rolls hers. We keep doing that until we start laughing like crazy. Paige swings her legs off the couch and says,
" let's go!"
We all start heading out and I wave my mum goodbye. We catch the bus to canton square, and walk a few blocks until we reach Bloomingdales. Rows of colorful clothes, and shining shoes, are all I can see! Catalina and paige dive into the store, while Brenda and I hang back. We wander slowly around the store, stopping randomly, to feel a fabric or further inspect a shoe. We notice Catalina and paige running to the changing room; actually, how could you not notice them? Loud giggling and squealing, flats squeaking, and little girls voices echoing around the large department store. No distraction there! While we're walking, Brenda suggests awkwardly,
" so, maybe we can talk about that thing, I came over to talk to you about."
" sure," I agree, clasping a Cartier pearl necklace around my neck; which is way out of my price range; but makes me look sophisticated.
" well," Brenda starts, fiddling with the Tiffany and Co gold chain bracelets,
" Luke and I have been dating for awhile," she finishes.
" and?" I ask impatiently.
" the thing is our relationship is very....uneven," Brenda mutters.
" how so?" I ask calmly, posing in the large mirror, testing out different Hermes purses; which are also out of my price range; but also make me look more sophisticated.
" right now, our relationship comprises of either hardcore making out, or sweet cheesy dinners, and movie nights," Brenda informs me.
" ok...and the problem is?" I ask, confused.
Brenda takes a deep breath and says,
" the problem is, I never know what to expect! Sometimes he comes over and he's already half naked, but other times, he's brought over a romantic movie and heart shaped biscuits. I just want a steady relationship."
" aaaah," I nod,
" and how do you feel about this?"
" I'm chill. I love getting naked and I love cuddling up with a movie, but, he never really asks me. He comes over and....I don't know! I just want to have a normal relationship, where we can kiss and watch a movie without getting too dirty or cheesy," Brenda explains, shielding her sun allergic eyes from the...sun.
" what you have to do, is....get some control over your relationship. Don't let him dominate. Tell him what you want to do, and, Luke is a nice guy, so he will understand. You just have to be open, and let your feelings out?" I advise her. She thinks about it for a second and then smiles,
" yah. Your right."
She thanks me and I thank her, and before we know it We're lugging around the mall with dozens of shopping bags filled with orange clothes. After a McDonald's lunch at the food court; Brenda and I decide to hang back while Catalina and paige attack 'careless' for the latest orange trends. We browse through a record store, playing bob Marley music in the background. My fingers collect dust, as they slide through the Michael Jackson records.
' we're jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming......' I sing along under my breath; and somebody taps me harshly on the back. I turn around, and Brenda is standing there, a large smile formed in her face, and an Elvis Presley vinyl record pressed into her palm.
" I've been looking for this everywhere," she starts, following me around the store like a lost puppy.
" you found it," I tell her.
" yep!" She says excitedly, and then her excitement drops,
" I can't afford it."
" ok. I'll pay," I offer.
" really? Thanks! That's-that's great! I only need to borrow $100 but-"
I stop her there,
" $100! Are you insane?"
" I'll pay you back," she says meekly.
I roll my eyes and think. How much could $100 hurt? Besides, I'm using leftover money from staying at Catalinas house. Technically, it's her parents money!
" fine. Pay me back tomorrow," I say sternly handing her a $100 bill.
" yay! Thank you! Thank you!" She squeals, hugging me and running to the counter to pay. I'm shuffling through a pile of no name records, when I hear a familiar voice behind me arguing with the sales clerk about discounts. I whip around and sure enough; standing there; is Berun. I stare at him arguing with the clerk and he looks so cute, I can't help but giggle. He notices me and at first he is furious, but then her realizes who I am, and he starts chuckling.
" it's alright bro," he tells the sale Clerk, and gives him a man hug before strolling over to me.
" hey. What are you doing here?" He says softly, and plants a kiss on my lips.
" now, I'm kissing you," I joke, and continue the kiss. After a minute, I pull away, and Berun says,
" I'm guessing the real reason your here is to buy ancient records with Brenda."
" how did you-" I begin, but stop when I notice Berun staring straight past me, and I whip around to see Brenda staring at us awkwardly. I laugh and fiddle with Beruns blouse buttons while asking,
" what are you doing tomorrow?"
" nothing more important than being with you," he says sweetly, and bends down to give me a kiss on the forehead. I giggle and offer,
" well, if your free, then.....all the girls are heading over to 'hat aquarium' to help mrs.Karen renovate. She's thinking of closing but we can't let that happen. Why don't you come along? Bring a friend. We'll need a strong pair of hands or two too help shift the furniture."
" ok......what is 'hat aquarium' again?" He asks wincing his eyes in confusion.
" oh my god! The 'hat aquarium!' You've never been there," I shriek in shock, slapping him playfully on the shoulder.
" I don't really go out of my way to buy hats, If that's what your inquiring," he says even more confused.
" never mind. Just......." I give him the directions and he says he'll be there!And he'll bring a friend! Great! Now we have 2 more people plus the previous 6 people plus me, equals to 9 people helping mrs.karen! She's going to love me.
I'm searching the Aisles for Brenda, and I start to get a little woozy. My head has a slight pounding; my breath is catching; and my eyes are going all criss cross. I can see Brenda, paige and Catalina, enter the record store and they're worried voices, but I don't hear what they're saying, because I fall into Brenda's weak thin arms.

A basin of hard, cold water slaps my face; jerking me upwards. My eyesight is misty, and my hearing limited, but at least my head doesn't hurt and I can breathe. I can just make out paige and Catalina's figure standing, pointing at me, and laughing. If I swivel my eyes upwards, above me, I can see Brenda holding a - now empty -litre Bottle of water.
" really?" I say rhetorically.
That makes them laugh even more, and once they finally finish their rounds of laughter, they sit on the bench with me. For the rest of the afternoon, paige shows Brenda and I what she bought, and, we are not really listening, but, we pretend too, by murmuring,
" oooohs," and " aaaahs."
At around 5pm we head back home-in separate ways, and it turns out that paige is staying with Catalina while her parents are either;
A. Kidnapping
B. Being kidnapped

Either way, she's at Catalinas house. We say bye and Brenda thanks me again and i tell her it's no problem, because really, it isn't a problem. I can't believe she came over at 8 am to my house, just to tell me that her relationship is, 'unsteady.' I mean if it was paige or Mary-Beth it would be fine since we live in the same area, but Brenda lives in the cheaper part of town with Libby. No offense to her! It must've taken her at least 1 1/2 hours just to get to my house. I think about that, as I stare out the cracked windows of the bus. I hop off at my station and make it back at 5:30, and unlock the doors to my house. My mum sees me, she says hi, she says,
" good job for being back before 6,"
Which apparently is my new curfew,
And she asks me,
" how was your day?"
If you guys aren't already thinking about your parents and how irritating it is when they ask that, then let me repeat.
And she asks me,
That dreaded question! Don't parents know how much we HATE that question?
" fine" I reply.
" just fine? Not good. Not great," she attacks me.
" just fine mom," I reply irritated, and start stomping up the stairs.
" ooh. Someone's in a bit of a huff today," she says snippily, which makes me even more irritated.
" ugh!" I shout and slam the door in my room. I'm not mad or sad; I'm just not In the mood to deal with my mum.
The rest of the day plays out like this;
Shower and change into nighties
Read until mum calls me for dinner
Eat dinner silently while parents discuss business
Listen to dad try to make a joke and isn't funny but laugh at how unfunny the joke is
Escape after 10 minutes of being stuck watching another Indian movie with parents
Brush my teeth


Hey guys! Unnecessary chapter and sorry for the long wait for update! Ooh. Nice rhyme! Keep voting and commenting!

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