Day 22

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I hear voices in the hallway and footsteps but it's 8am so I go back to sleep.
2 hours later
Catalina wakes me at 10am and murmurs,
" we're heading to my house for the day."
I nod and roll out of bed and find paige already dressed and standing eagerly by the door. What is she waiting for? Oh! Right!
" Paige, they left 2 hours ago. They won't be back for a few more hours," I say starting to brush my teeth.
" your right" agrees paige slumping her shoulders and sliding down the door.
After 45 minutes we catch the train to Catalina's house and it turns out that the Dar group is back but they are in the beige living room so we hang out in the purple living room because Catalina's room is being cleaned so we will probably be in the living room for.....the whole day! We sit around and think of what to do. Today is a pretty glum day, but not glum enough for soon to be son-in-law and father-in-law fishing.
" oh my gosh! Let's play pretend like we used to do when we were kids,"suggests paige. Catalina and I agree since there is nothing else to do, so we play pretend. Playing pretend is so fun in Catalina's house because it's so royal and grand and we pretend to be queens of our own made-up countries. In this game of pretend, Paige is Madame goose, queen of horfolosholkey! Catalina is Mademoiselle goober, queen of wabbytoffle. I am mistress loomware, queen of scoperhobin. Now, the dilemma is that queen scoperhobin has sabotaged queen wabbytoffle's donut factory and accidentally shut it down while queen horfolosholkey is in there! *gasp* what will they do? After an hour and a half of playing and giggling we stop the game. We have been laughing so much and I can barely breathe. Catalina goes upstairs to grab her laptop and it takes her a long time. After 20 minutes paige and I decide to check on what is taking her so long. We get to her room and the skinny, anorexic maid is mopping the floor and we ask,
" have you seen Catalina?"
"No" she squeaks.
Catalina and i shrug shoulders and go to her parents room but it's locked. We go back down and through the window, notice movement in the guest house. I thought the Dar group is only here for a conference. We walk slowly to the gust house and carefully peek our heads through the door. Eeeew! Catalina and her brother are doing it on the bed. Properly. We shut the door before we see any of her brothers....private parts, since they are both stark naked. Paige and I can't help but giggle as we make our way back to the purple living room. Once we get there, I get a call from,
I pick up and say,
" hey. How are you?"
" what the hell were you thinking? Sorry! What the hell was paige thinking?" Brenda shouts through the phone.
I put the phone on speaker, and then say calmly,
" Brenda, calm down. What is going on?"
Brenda shouts through the phone,
" what is going on? I'll tell you what's going on. My best friend luke is heartbroken and it's all because of paige! Yah, paige if your listening, you should find another place to snog bulky Bryan rather than on a horse in public. Believe it or not, Luke works at hocking hills during summers to get some extra money for his family, and help them pay their depths. I've been trying to cheer him up all day but he can't stop thinking about you. Now he's.....he's.....he's......sucking my neck and....and....I think we're about to make out. Bye!" She hangs up and paige and I just can't stop laughing and rolling on the floor that an old bald lady from the Dar group comes and tells us to shut up.
" so,I guess Luke is over you" I giggle. We eat some fresh made ravioli that is actually fresh made from one of Catalina's many chefs, but this one is imported from Italy. After 1 hour Catalina joins us looking flushed.
" hey" she says scooping ravioli on her plate.
" what happened to only greens?" I ask already knowing the answer.
" I just did some exercise, that's what took me so long," lies Catalina.
" sure you did" paige says knowingly.
Paige and I give each other a,
' we know what you think we don't know' look. Catalina drops her plate, claps her hand and admits,
" so you guys know my brother and I had some fun. He was just picking up some stuff and we met and one thing led to another and.....old sparks flew. That's it. Innocent fun."
" okay" paige and I say in unison.
After 30 minutes paige jumps up and exclaims,
" it's 3:30! My dad always comes back from fishing at 4 and we can catch them if we leave now. Please! Let's go!"
Catalina and i agree and get ready to leave. We catch the bus to the harbor which is 15 minutes from Catalina's house and we wait 5 minutes before we see Ricky and Bryan emerging in a tiny fishing boat. Once they get to shore paige runs up to give Bryan a big kiss but pulls away when she gets closer. Ricky has a big smile on his face and Bryan has a Wow! I guess things must've gone well. When they get closer I notice why paige pulled away. Bryan is drenched in smelly water and covered in seaweed. He is also carrying a bucket of dead fish while Ricky is carrying fishing equipment. Ricky is wearing a too tight white vest and dirty grey shorts with his Cheap brown leather slippers.
" what happened?" Paige asks referring to how wet Bryan is but also to what her dad is wearing. We know he has no sense of fashion, but this is a disgrace.
" this boy has no muscle! There we were sitting on the fishing boat when young Bryan's rod starts to pull. I just knew this was a big one, I could feel it. So the boy pulls and pulls and finally the 20 pound kingfisher comes flying in and poor boy goes flying out," Ricky explains bursting into heaps of laughter when he sees Bryan's embarrassed face.
" don't worry son! My first time fishing, i got a hook through my lip," Ricky says, patting Bryan on the back and leading us to the equipment shed. Ricky goes in to put the equipment away and we stay outside. Paige asks Bryan seriously,
" so how was it?"
" it was pretty fun" Bryan admits, a sly grin appearing on his face.
"Really" Paige says in shock.
" well, the fishing sucked but the stories of when you were young and went to school one day naked when you were three because you thought you were setting a fashion statement. Those were awesome," Bryan says.
They kiss and Ricky comes back out and we drop Bryan home. Bryan's dad and Ricky have a long conversation about business and we all go to Bryan's room where Catalina and I flip through his comic books and paige and Bryan lie on the bed staring at each other and kissing. Well, mostly kissing. After a while Ricky calls us down and says we have to go. Thank god! Bryan and paige we're getting very....intimate. Once we get to Paige's house we shower and get clean and I tell Catalina about Brenda calling. She has no comment. After dinner we sit in Paige's room eating dry popcorn and watching Barney on her laptop because it is the only movie she has downloaded and the Internet is down. We are bored as hell! Catalina complains,
" is this seriously what we are going to spend the rest of summer doing?"
Paige sighs and Shute her laptop.
" there must be something we can do," I groan. It's as if God can hear us because Just at that moment Catalina gets a message,

Party at mine tomorrow night. 9 onwards. Free booze and weed. Bring anyone.

" I'm in" Paige mutters.
" me too, I guess," I murmur not really wanting to go but, what options do I have?
Hot party or night in with crazy Vanessa and yina playing babies. Hot party wins. Catalina is sitting up and grinning at us.
" what?" I ask irritated and tired.
" he said bring anyone. You knew what that means?" Catalina says.
Oh yes! We know what that means! We instantly call our guys and they agree to come with us tomorrow night. We tuck ourselves into bed and paige asks,
" so whose party is this anyways?"
" I don't know. Some guy I hooked up with and thinks we're still dating," Catalina replies matter-of-factly.
Don't judge. Just wait till tomorrow night. Summers going to get a whole lot more interesting.....

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